Living From Heart Center

About Living From Heart Center


Living From Heart Center Description

Living from HEART Center is a safe place for us to come together and share our JOY, our passions, our gifts, and our HEARTs with one another. It is about living an empowered, centered and authentic life. Through experiential workshops, enlightening retreats and powerful coaching, we assist you in embracing your truth, facing your shadows and emerging into the light and the JOYFUL adventure of LIFE. Living from HEART-center is living in the PRESENT; from that place of knowing; from the truth or the CORE of who we are. We are life expressing in every moment. We are in partnership with the Divine and with creation itself, choosing LIFE, choosing LOVE ~moment by moment.

Jeri Tourand, B Ed. is the founder of "Living From Heart Center. ” Jeri is a self-love and forgiveness coach, mother of three, published author, inspired speaker, radio host, Zen Trilotherapist and energy healer. Her mission is to assist people in awakening and opening their hearts, inspiring them to live life to the fullest, and courageously express their highest potential and truest nature.

Jeri facilitates Heart to Heart circles, workshops and retreats including Zen Trilotherapy and Unconditional Love retreats to help people awaken and lead us to the tipping point of a more united world that is healed, connected and driven by Love.

Jeri believes that the only problem in the world today is that people do not love themselves. She coaches individuals and groups to identify and heal the inner conflict between their mind and emotions, awakening their souls to lead them to a place of inner peace, happiness and true freedom. She strives to be the world's greatest lover; being and sharing unconditional LOVE with others, awakening deep truth and remembrance within, of the Divine LOVE that we are.

Jeri is a lover of the adventure of life, embracing the exploration, expansion, and expression of our authentic, empowered and joyful selves in order to experience Heaven on Earth! Her motto is that life is beautiful and meant to be fun!

More about Living From Heart Center