Lodestone Leadership

About Lodestone Leadership

The Lodestone Leadership team brings over 60 years of combined leadership and training experience to our programs. Equine Facilitated Learning

Lodestone Leadership Description

Leadership Is Learned

Anyone can develop their leadership capacity; it is simply a process of developing good behaviours and habits. It is not about memorizing theory, but is developed through application.

Success is defined as Enabling Others to Act, creating win-win situations. The focus of the activities is not on good or bad horsemanship skills, nor on getting the activity right, but having the participant recognize how personal change impacts the horse’s behaviour.

Why Horses?

Horses are excellent facilitators in the work of leadership development. They don’t lie. They don’t judge. With their intuitive nature and innate sensitivity, horses provide honest, instant feedback about our actions.

In a horse’s world, the rules are consistent and easy to understand. The consequences of their actions are immediate. Herd survival is dependent on factors similar to those required for successful human interaction:

Mutual respect leads to mutual trust
Effective leaders bring out the best in everyone
Engaged team members contribute to group success (survival).
Encouraging people to work together and move in the same direction requires skill, knowledge and flexibility. Our exercises are designed to encourage participants to find a variety of creative solutions to achieve the defined goal.

Leadership is a relationship between those who aspire to lead and those who choose to follow.

Leadership Is About Risk

Leaders often find themselves in uncharted territory, learning to adapt to what shows up in the moment. Working with horses facilitates learning in a way that few classroom experiences can match.

Who Are We?

The Lodestone Leadership team brings over 60 years of combined leadership and training experience to our programs. Our facilitators are certified in Equine-Assisted Learning.

Leadership Beyond The Boardroom is Canada’s only nationally recognized, certified Equine-Assisted Learning program. Sessions are run year round in our heated arena at Heart’s Haven Ranch near Raymond, Alberta.

More about Lodestone Leadership
