Mandorla Yoga Institute

About Mandorla Yoga Institute

Registered Massage Therapy
Registered Yoga Therapy
Thai Yoga Massage
Women Centred Programs and Retreats
Yoga Teacher and Thai Yoga Massage Training

Mandorla Yoga Institute Description

Injury in yoga practice occurs when we try to achieve or force a posture. Healing in yoga practice occurs when we take the time to select the needed postures and adapt them to our needs and abilities. In therapeutic yoga we merge the feminine arts of listening, creativity and intuition with the much needed masculine energy of functional anatomy and orthopedic exercise principles. Our courses are developed with this intention so that our graduates are both confident and compassionate. We believe that a therapeutic yoga session should feel safe and trans-formative; like you have spent time with an inspiring friend who is cheering you on.

Mandorla Yoga Institute Courses incorporate the following modalities into our teachings:

Ayurvedic Elements for assessment and healing
Thai Yoga Massage and Restorative Adaptations
Yin and Dynamic Yin approaches to asana
Adaptive Yoga and how to modify postures relating to mis-alignment or injury
Functional Anatomy and Orthopedic exercise strategies
Empowering hands on assisting techniques and Therapeutic Sequencing
Therapeutic yoga for emotional health including pranayama, meditation, mudra and mantra
Energetic Anatomy and Chakra Therapy, Meridian work and Marma Therapy



Please feel free to share your favorite class plans with a description of your intentions for the class


What do I want to say to you this morning? Lean into your fears. Really explore them to their conclusion. Don't limit yourself. You might fail. It might not turn out the way that you want it to. But do what is on your heart anyway. What is the worst thing that will happen? But also, know that it is possible, that that crazy vision of yours could work. No one else will ever see the world the same as you do. No one else will have the same insights. And most importantly, let you...r own voice come through. It doesn't matter who you have studied with or what advanced poses you can do. What matters is how deeply you know and LOVE yourself. That inner light that only comes from dropping into yourself fully, is what will draw others to whatever it is you choose to share. #Advicefornewyogateachers #yogateachertraining #yycliving #yycyoga #womenempoweringwomen #loveyourself #shinewomanshine #youcandoit #yogayyc #yogaeverydamnday #yogamom
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Our Thai Yoga Therapy training deepens your ability to hold space for your students with the integration of mindful assists in your classes. This is an advanced 300 hour yoga teacher training with the opportunity to take the full training for your RYT500 as a Certified Thai Yoga Therapist or just complete a module or two to deepen your practice. We have spaces still available for the retreat and weekend options this Fall and would love to have you join us.


This retreat intensive is being offered in Calgary again this Fall! Merging the arts of Thai Yoga Massage, Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy, this is a beautiful program for yoga teachers interested in developing powerful hands on assisting skills while opening doorways into offering private yoga and Thai Yoga Massage sessions. With very flexible schedule options, hours can easily be made up during one of other offerings. (This training will be offered again over three weekends this ...Fall, October 27&28, Nov 10&11, Nov 24&25.)
There is a distinct difference between leading a group yoga class and offering a private yoga session. In a private session, a certain degree of presence and relationship is necessary for the creation of a meaningful dialogue wherein the client is able to speak openly about their needs. It requires a deep observation and the ability to see, ask questions and respond to your client. Our Thai Yoga Therapy training merges the arts of Thai Yoga Massage, Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy for the purpose of creating practitioners who are able to offer heightened sensitivity through the element of touch and a deep responsive listening that allows you to tailor each session to your individual clients. This modality allows you to support your clients physically, emotionally and mentally through yoga asana, stretching, massage, breath work and energy work in a meaningful and trans-formative way.
Mandorla Yoga Institute is an accredited educational school in the province of Alberta. The Art of Assisting is one of the modules in our Thai Yoga Therapy training program. You do not need to be enrolled in our entire training to attend! For those interested, this is an advanced yoga teacher training that allows you to earn your RYT500. We offer 150 hour and 300 hour certifications in Thai Yoga Therapy allowing you to attain licensure as a holistic practitioner. As an accredited school, your tuition for certification training is 100% tax deductible. ​As an accredited program with the NHPC, massage therapists may receive continuing education credit hours for completion of any module within this program. ​
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Have you been considering our upcoming retreat in Costa Rica with Drew Hume Navina? I met Drew several years ago and was touched by his down to earth manner when he shares his knowledge. This is a retreat for anyone wanting to change their relationship with their body and their experience of pain. I am honoured to be a co-facilitator and looking forward to the experience for my own body! - Stef


A very short and practcial video for changing your breath and relieving stress and anxiety felt in the body.


Don't fake it until you make it! You may be a new yoga teacher, but as a human being the struggles that you have come through are what makes you a gifted yoga teacher. You are a beautiful person with something that only you can contribute to the world. Lean into those things that scare you, whether they are physical or emotional and that is the journey that will give you the skills to know what to say and how to help your students. #Advicefornewyogateachers #yycyoga #yogateachertraining #mandorlayogatribe #womenempoweringwomen


Its time that I speak up about something. At some point in my childhood, I began to believe that I was SUPPOSED to look a certain way. And I did a lot of things in my youth in an attempt to attain an appearance that felt forever out of my grasp. Stigma is a funny thing. When there are titles for disordered behavior, it can become something that only applies to people who are really sick. I never felt that I was 'one of those women' . . . but I would like to speak LOUDLY to an...yone who is listening, that it is not normal to hate your body. It is not normal to spend hours on a treadmill while verbally abusing yourself. It is not normal to obsess about what you weigh, what size you wear or what you are eating. IT JUST ISN'T. At some point in your life, you moved your body because you wanted to, for the fun of it, because you enjoyed it . . . you ate what you wanted because you were hungry and it made you feel good. I really don't care if I ever end up on the front cover of a magazine for doing what I do . . .what I care about is that more women, who like me, have been battling with their bodies and crying in silence, are supported in finding freedom from their inner war. YOGA IS NOT A PRACTICE FOR CHANGING HOW YOUR BUTT LOOKS. It is a practice that changes how you view your butt and so much more. . . It is stepping into self love and joy and confidence.
I am bringing this program to Calgary in Partnership with Serenity Now Wellness this Winter and I would love for you to come, if this is something that has spoken to you in any way. If you can't afford it, please just talk with me. There are scholarships and I would even pay your way for you, if that is what it takes.
Namaste Beautiful Woman . . . .
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We are looking for an ambassador for this flagship training! Are you a yoga teacher who has personally benefited from your yoga practice in the arena of body image or disordered eating? Eat Breathe Thrive is an inclusive, body positive approach to mental, physical and emotional well being.


Beautiful. . .c


We still have a few seats left for the summer intensive, please message me at if you are interested!


I will teaching the The Art of Assisting in Boise, Idaho this August 17th to 19th. Registration is now open at Zen Riot Studio! cial-events


The beautiful @acupunctureyyc joined me yesterday in the #womensrun for mental health awareness. The rain was coming down hard the entire 10k and all I could think of was how beautiful a metaphor it was. I always look at mental health through an Ayurvedic lens and the heaviness of a wet and cloudy day embodies #kapha dosha. For so many of us who experience depression, we have felt the heaviness of kapha, like an actual weight that is felt over your entire body, not just on yo...ur shoulders. It can weigh down your eyelids and make it feel almost impossible to get out of bed. It is so easy to understand physical limitations that slow us down. Emotional and mental limitations are no less powerful. For me, physical movement has been the best medicine for moving past my own limitations and struggles and this was an empowering opportunity to put all of my practices together as I felt the physical weight of water drenching my clothes. And to run with other women and for other women was a gift in and of itself. Ellie joined me for the last km and it made me cry to cross the finish line with her on my shoulders.
If you are experiencing depression, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. YOU ARE VALUABLE and there are people out there who want to help you. I work with a beautiful team of psychologists @serenitynowwellness and we would be honoured to help you with counseling, massage, yoga and so much more.
Thank you to all the @mandorlayoga Women and the team @serenitynowwellness for your support. #womenempoweringwomen #yyc #yycliving #yycyoga #calgary #embodiment #yogateachertraining #massagefordepression #yogafordepression
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This . . .


Looking forward to offering this beautiful intro series to our Thai Yoga Therapy program in Boise, Idaho this August at Zen Riot Yoga Studio.


The ability to support another person with comforting hands on Thai yoga bodywork is a practice that benefits not only the person receiving the therapy but the person who is giving it. The dance like movements and the beautiful techniques are powerfully transformative, and deeply healing on so many levels. For yoga teachers, Thai Yoga is the ultimate training for offering advanced hands on assists for your students and is an offering that you can incorporate into group yoga c...lasses in inspiring ways. It provides for you a doorway into offering Private Yoga Sessions that your clients will love and appreciate. For massage therapists, this offering will support you in protecting your hands and will give you new avenues for incorporating mindfulness into your practice. Even if you do not wish to offer this modality professionally, the skills we will share with you are of immense benefit to your family and friends.
This Workshop will explore: -Thai Yoga Bodywork - exploring empowering hands on assists, stretches and bodywork techniques (thumbing, palming, rolling, tractioning etc.) within supported yoga postures and how to use these techniques within the context of a private yoga session and/or Thai Yoga bodywork session -Thai Yoga Physiology - a thorough exploration of the physical body's myofascial meridians and musculature along with powerful techniques for improving range of motion, releasing tension, re-patterning mis-alignments and improving freedom of movement and range of motion -Adaptations and modifications to work with your body's alignment needs as the bodyworker/teacher -Adaptations, use of props and modifications for working with all body types and those with health concerns or injuries -Ayurveda - looking at the emotional body through the lens of Vata (anxiety) and comparing this with the current Western perspectives on mental health and its relationship to the nervous system -Exploring the Energetic Body - Energy work for supporting emotional health through the lens of Marma (the Ayurvedic expression of acupressure and Reiki) -Pranayama, Mantra and Mudra - breath-work assessment and yoga techniques for supporting anxiety, depression and stress
$369 before July 15 $399 after 7/15
Weekend Schedule: Friday: 6-9pm Intro to Thai and Ayurveda, Vata Dosha and Anxiety Saturday: 8:30am-12:30pm An Exploration of Pranayama, Marma, Mudra, Mantra and Craniosacral Supports for the Vata Constitution through demo and partner work 12:30-2:30pm Free time for Lunch (optional 1-2pm Stretch out Stress Yoga class with Jenn) 2-7pm Thai Yoga Experiencing Sunday: 8am-3pm Thai Yoga Experiencing Practice Time (Please bring snacks and a bag lunch, have a fridge) 3-4pm Closing Chat and Time for Questions
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A beautiful evening with the ladies of @serenitynowwellness . Thank you so much to @shadesofsleep for hosting us for this event! #ladiesnightoutingle #ininglewood #inglewood #yyc #yycliving #yycyoga @ Shades of Sleep


Offering demo massages with the @serenitynowwellness team @shadesofsleep for the #girlsnightoutinglewood #inglewood #ininglewood

More about Mandorla Yoga Institute
