Mckenna Kirby Fertility Awareness

About Mckenna Kirby Fertility Awareness

McKenna Kirby is a self-taught fertility awareness enthusiast. She first discovered fertility awareness & charting in December 2015. McKenna is currently enrolled in Bebomia's Fertility Specialist Training and is very excited to be sharing her knowledge.



Please remember to RSVP by 3pm today if you plan to attend tonight's fertility support group at Full Circle Birth Collective. Group will be cancelled if no RSVPs are received.


Today is International Bevreaved Mother's Day. Miscarriage is extremely common with approximately 1 in every 4 pregnancies ending in loss. It's always important to remember this fact in day to day life and the way you interact with other people.


Register today for our summer program!
In collaboration with Full Circle Birth Collective, join us for a comprehensive 6-week program into the use of fertility awareness for achieving pregnancy. Learn more about your health, hormones and cycles and maximize your chances of becoming pregnant!
Register by visiting fertility-awarenes…


Lazy charting at its best.


Don't forget to register for our summer program.


Nothing like the start of a new chart.


Being able to accurately determine your cervical mucus type is important for both achieving and preventing pregnancy.…/ewcm-egg- white-cervical-mucou…
#yeg #fertilityawarenessmethod #fertility #fam #fertilityfacts #tfab #tryingforababy #ttc #tryingtoconceive


Today is day four of my Lh surge (though my OPKs are becoming less positive by the day). Just waiting for that temp rise to confirm ovulation!
#yeg #fertilityawarenessmethod #fertility #fam #womenshealth


Did you know?
While the female egg only lives for approximately 12~ hours, sperm can live in the female reproductive tract for up to ~5 days.
#yeg #fertilityawarenessmethod #fertility #fertilityawareness #fam #ttc #ttcjourney #wtt #tryingtoconceive #tryingforababy #education


The iFertracker! Placed under your arm by an adhesive patch, the iFertracker automatically records your internal body temperature throughout the night, using its algorithms to remove outlying temperatures from wake-ups or bathroom breaks.


Cycle #3 ROF has come and gone, this time without ovulation. Be sure to keep updated as I will be posting my full review on the iFertracker today!


Did you know couples that use their period app predictions to determine when they ovulate may be missing the fertile window all together?
Not everyone ovulates on CD14.
#fertilityawareness #yeg #fertility #fertilityfacts #endmisinformation #truth #periods #women #womenshealth #funfacts #ovulation #tryingtoconceive #ttc #tryingforababy


Next on my blog:
I will be reviewing the smart basal body thermometer, iFertracker! Placed under your arm by an adhesive patch, the iFertracker automatically records your internal body temperature throughout the night, using its algorithms to remove outlying temperatures from wake-ups or bathroom breaks.
Stay tuned...
See More


Be sure to follow my blog to learn more about charting for fertility awareness.

More about Mckenna Kirby Fertility Awareness

Mckenna Kirby Fertility Awareness is located at Edmonton, Alberta T6X1H3