
About Moe.Tivation

I am Moe Sobh aka MOEtivation, an Edmonton-based Online & Social Media Marketing Consultant. I have a passion for motivating individuals /businesses and helping them with their marketing needs!

Moe.Tivation Description

The man behind @Moe. tivation is one of the nightlife industry's youngest event producer /promoter /marketer. After years of hosting countless club nights and events, and managing, building and promoting other teams by using his large social media following and business relationships, @Moe. tivation has now became an independent marketer /promoter focusing on developing his own brand and team. @Moe. tivation is very thankful for the opportunities that have allowed him to become well connected in a number of different ventures and industries due to his strong passion for networking and entrepreneurship. The sky is the limit and we're just getting started.



Here’s the bottom line - we all suffer. We all face hardships and tragedies in life. What makes the difference in our outcomes isn’t whether or not we hurt, but what we do with that pain. What action we take with it. 🙌🏻 ⁣ ⁣ Suffering is an easy place to get trapped. It is more automatic for most of us to keep our focus directed toward the people and things that are the source of our pain instead of looking outward to see what we can do, how we can grow or turn our pain into s...omething meaningful. I know that, because I’ve done it. In the past, I let myself get stuck in feelings of self-pity or wanting revenge. It is okay if we feel that way from time to time. We are human, after all. But we must not stay there as it prevents us from moving forward. ⁣⁣ ⁣ Getting trapped in a negative mindset means getting trapped in our pain. Ironically, we only suffer more when we do that. We begin to suffer not just from the pain itself, but from our inability to move on.⁣ ⁣ And, really, what is the point of letting ourselves do that? What is the point of allowing negativity — allowing things we never asked for or wanted in our lives — to end up being the things that direct us, or, more often, leave us directionless?⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I get it: this is hard. You can’t snap your fingers and say “pain go away” or “trauma go away.” But you can take it somewhere. ⁣⁣ Let the pain be your fuel. Let it be the thing that propels you further than you ever thought you could go. 💪🏻
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If you're dealing with something right now, that means you're growing. A situation is only as bad as you make it, so take your struggles as learning experiences and take some time to reflect on them. Little do you know, those tough times are building up your brick house 🏡 #alwaysimproving #latenightthoughts


We’re complex as anything and are constructed of memories, emotions, perceptions, behaviors, habits, experiences... and so on. Showing up for your personal growth means an endless discovery process. It means you’re always growing, changing, challenging — and not unlike peeling an onion, tears may be shed. But sometimes it’s kind of comforting knowing that who you will be tomorrow is slightly different than who you are in this moment. Change can be freeing and terrifying and beautiful and painful and unexpected and necessary... here’s to all of you endlessly evolving.


In life, there will always be situations that we either can or can’t control. 👌
So many people are stressed, frustrated and angry because they are constantly trying to deal with the situations that are beyond their control. They are wasting their time and energy! 👎
I always ask myself this: which situations that are IN MY control, can I change? Then I figure out a solution! If you live with a grateful heart, the solution will come easier. The more grateful we are, the more po...sitivity that comes our way. 😇
At the end of the day, it is not about what happens in our life, it is about how we deal with those experiences that will make all the difference and ultimately make us stronger. 💪
It is about being #grateful for the life we live and having faith in ourselves to turn the bad into the good. 🙌
#gratitude #positivity #motivation #acceptance
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BE YOUR OWN HERO. ⁣💪🏻⁣ ⁣ The simplest definition of a hero is this: A person we admire because they do something or possess some skill that we aspire to, that is somehow greater than or beyond our own.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ But what if we could take that skill on for ourselves? What if whatever characteristic we looked up to in that other person was something we were able to adopt for ourselves, even in the smallest of ways? We would, quite literally, start to become our own heroes.⁣⁣... ⁣⁣ We may not become that person overnight— and that shouldn’t be our goal anyway. But when we learn from our heroes, we bring ourselves that little extra something that adds to our greatness.⁣⁣ ⁣ Being our own hero means we’re not content to just admire our heros. It means we are actively seeking to understand what it is we admire about them and looking to apply at least some sliver of that to our own life. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ When I say understanding what we admire about that person, I don’t mean the flashy, superficial things like money, power, influence. I’m talking about the deeper qualities, the underlying character traits that made their success possible. For athletes, that might mean commitment to training. For an artist, it could mean their willingness to take risks. Figure out what it is, and start putting it into practice. 🙌🏻
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1: Helps with self-discipline!
... By re-enforcing the act of discipline at the start of each day, you will find more discipline in all other areas of your life such as health, fitness, business and mindset.
2: Promotes positivity!
You may have heard the saying ‘like attracts like’. What that means is, the more positive energy you put out, the more you will get back. But the same goes for the opposite - If you put negativity out into the world, the world will throw more negativity back at you. So, starting your day on such a highly positive note will bring more into your life for you to feel positive about.
3: Kicks starts your mindset!
When we learn to harness the power of mindset we can create anything. Mindset is everything when it comes to a successful joyful life. I can’t stress this enough…. When you work on your mindset, learn to control it in a beneficial way, you will see a massive change in your life. You will attract the right people to you, attract the right opportunities to you, attract abundance and prosperity to you… You will become a magnet for greatness when your mindset is on the right path.
4: Excited and motivated!
When you start your day with excitement and motivation, then the rest of the day will follow suit. And the same goes for the opposite - If you wake up feeling crappy, unmotivated, dreading the day ahead, the rest of your day will follow suit. A morning routine will get you excited about the day, help you get (and stay) motivated about the day ahead… and this is when great things happen.
5: Reduces being overwhelmed!
When we are overwhelmed it often leads to procrastination. Procrastination usually leads to dreams staying just that - dreams. By reducing overwhelm (and procrastination) you will set and achieve goals like no one’s business! You will be an unstoppable force, which is the only way for anyone to reach success (in life and biz).
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When you decide to live in your truth, the world before you transforms. You see more, love more, experience more. It took me until very recent to be able to own my truth, speak in it, and act by it. It’s not too late - today can be the day that you change your life. One shift in mindset can be all the difference. 🙏🏻 #truth #power #moetivation


MOEtivation Tip: Write down daily positive affirmations and daily goals! No matter how small they are (cleaning your vehicle, hitting the gym etc.), once you check them off our list at the end of the day, the sense of accomplishment will add to your hustle and your motivation. Think of these affirmations and daily goals as the fuel you need on the road of your journey toward a better life, a happy life, a successful life! Stay motivated and have great day my friends 😀 IG: @Moe.tivation


Surround yourself with positive people who are good for your mental health 😇Surround yourself with positive people who are good for your mental health 😇


YOU are 100% in charge of YOUR life, so stop complaining. Accept responsibility, make changes, be smarter, cut negative people out of your life and stay focused on your priorities.


Swede Dreams is hosting a wild, high energy party to celebrate the END OF EXAMS at Union Hall on April 27th! PROJECT PARTY features a superstar local artist line-up, extra sound and a few surprises to add to the PARTY VIBES! Tickets on sale NOW at 🔥 #YEG


⚠️ ATTENTION ⚠️ The Zealeum bounty campaign is now LIVE! Visit for details! 🔥


You can be grinding for a couple years with no results, then the third year comes and you could knock it out of the park. Stay committed to your vision. The power of never giving up is real! 🔥


Dream Big.
Plan Ahead.
... Get up early.
Stay Focused.
Watch Less TV.
Invest in yourself.
Read More Books.
Avoid Time Wasters.
Take calculated risks.
Write down your Goals.
Live on less than you make.
Make Your Health A Priority.
Do work that Matters to you.
Learn from people you Admire.
Foster meaningful Relationships.
Cultivate an attitude of Gratitude.
Take Action, Even When its Scary.
Have a Powerful and Inspiring "Why"
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V-DAY IN #YEGAS! February 14 @ Match Grand Villa Casino | ICE District
This Valentines Day we aren’t celebrating being single or being in love, we are celebrating the LOVE 4 MUSIC at Match Public House located in Grand Villa Edmonton. This party is for the the singles, the couples and our friends! $4 Ciroc, chocolate fondue + champagne station and NO COVER! Come celebrate V-day with us!
Free entry! Kitchen is open all night!
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More about Moe.Tivation