Mru Best Buddies

About Mru Best Buddies

MRU's Best Buddies is part of an organization that pairs students attending University with adults from the community with intellectual disabilities

Mru Best Buddies Description

Welcome to MRU Best Buddies!

Best Buddies is a nationwide club that is just starting up at MRU, and yes YOU are invited! The U of C Best Buddies club has been around since 2011; so, we are excited to finally bring the opportunity to MRU students. This club allows for an amazing volunteer opportunity and we do this by setting up one-to-one interactions with an intellectually disabled buddy. Don't worry! -- We will get you paired with an adult buddy, you will NOT need to find one on your own.

Remember, this club will be a commitment, however; the amount of time you put into your buddy is totally up to you. We do recommend meeting up with your buddy at least twice a month and staying in contact with them once a week (this can mean a simple text or phone call). Some activities may include: a movie, coffee, dinner, playing a sport or even going to the zoo! These activities are funded and you will not have to pay on the behalf of your buddy.

Please visit our website if you are still uncertain of what this club is all about. Also, for any further information please feel free to send us a message, and one of our amazing execs will reach out to you with as much information and clarification as possible!

We are so excited to start our chapter look forward to meeting you all!

More about Mru Best Buddies

Mru Best Buddies is located at Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta