My Declutter Diva

About My Declutter Diva

Minimize things and re-create Health. Freedom, is being here, Now! Private message for more info.

My Declutter Diva Description

Free your mind from the excess. Set your life free. The Mind when affected by the Accumulation of stuff can have an unhealthy effect on the Body. Support for the overwhelmed. Geared to women with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. You actively participate in the de-cluttering of your home. One cupboard or one room at a time as deem by you. Supportive, fun, non-judging, 'get 'er done'.
SORT- Save, Organize, Re-purpose, Toss



Anything not needed for taxes, shred. Anything with your name and address on it, shred. Paper recycle for the rest. You don't need to keep beyond 6 years for taxes (that doesn't take up much room) Get rid of the rest, because it clogs things energetically and is also a fire hazard. If it confuses you as to what to keep for taxes, keep only the receipts that have a category in the tax forms business section for deductions. Set up files for those items and empty yearly, this time of year is the best time to start fresh files (accordian can work but they are not usually tax specific they are monthly which is inefficient at year end) Also, if you have a home based small business (highly suggested) keep mostly every receipt.


When decluttering your home, either toss (trash) the item (or recycle), give it (within a week) to someone you know who can use it, donate it to charity (one of the quicker routes) or Put It Where It Belongs (organize). Simple. Ask Self, If my home burned down (heaven forbid) would I run out to immediately replace this?? If the answer is "No" let it "Go". <3


Separate Organize Recycle TossSeparate Organize Recycle Toss


Trauma often causes a lot of "to-do's" to go undone. Physical or mental trauma can consume your time and energy. This is where My Declutter Diva supports you. The understanding of the day to day organizing getting away on you is fully understood by the Diva and that is why if you need help to get back on track, you need to connect. If money is tight, trades are possible, because Decluttering you is the important thing. It's for your overall health in the end.


MyDeclutter Diva has been and will be quiet due to a mobility issue that requires surgery. After all is said and done a move is planned to Vancouver Island. Stay tuned for updates!


Great points.


You know it is spring! 😊


If you are a visual person like I am leaving projects on the go out is part of how I work. Having shelves to store items neatly while things are in progress may be useful. Just remember not to leave things too long. Set a due date and get it finished!


Make decluttering fun! A clean sweep through your kitchen ought to be rewarded with take-out and your favorite beverage, for example! Always reward yourself for a job well done!😄


This season declutter your wardrobe first. What never got worn this season? As to other things ask; If I am gone who would want this? Will anyone I know be happier if I save this? Let it go.


Its an option...(just kidding)...maybe.

More about My Declutter Diva

My Declutter Diva is located at Central SW, Calgary, Alberta T3E 5Y7