N2 Cryotherapy Calgary

About N2 Cryotherapy Calgary

What to expect:

The cryosauna looks like a stand-up tanning booth. You undress, put on a towel /robe, gloves, and socks before stepping inside. The cryo-operator will have you close the door and remove the robe while placing your hands at the top. A liquid nitrogen tank attached to the machine pumps the cold air in. Treatments last for 1. 5 to 3 minutes.

How it works:

When we subject our bodies to ice cold temperatures, our bodies go into a fight-or-flight response that is meant to keep us from freezing . As the cryosauna exposes the skin to super-cold temperatures, our bodies go into “I am freezing, must survive” mode and the blood rushes to our core to keep our organs going. There, it is enriched with oxygen and nutrients as our body works in super-survival mode. As soon as we step out into the warm air, the oxygenated blood rushes back out, flooding the peripheral tissues and flushing out toxins.

How this helps the body, skin, and muscles:

The brief “freeze” activates collagen in the skin similar to laser treatments, improving skin elasticity and tone and reducing cellulite. The constriction of blood vessels followed by the post-cryosauna flushing also flushes out toxins and helps with conditions like psoriasis and rosacea. The procedure also boosts endorphins and speeds up metabolism, pushing the body to burn 500 to 800 calories in the few hours after the procedure (and more over time with regular sessions). The anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect also helps with joint disorders and muscle soreness. Overall, immunity is boosted.

Why it’s better than an ice bath:

Ice baths can be painful, and even after 30 minutes or so submerged the skin temperature doesn’t go below about 41 degrees or so. And by that time, the muscles are literally frozen and pretty immobile. For athletes, this means downtime they can’t afford. With cryosauna treatments, the skin is exposed to dry cold of minus 220 degrees Fahrenheit. As soon as you step out of the cryosauna, blood rushes back out from your core and you feel a rush of endorphins and energy – making for a quick and high-octane return to physical activity.

N2 Cryotherapy Calgary Description

What to expect:

The cryosauna looks like a stand-up tanning booth. You undress, put on a towel /robe, gloves, and socks before stepping inside. The cryo-operator will have you close the door and remove the robe while placing your hands at the top. A liquid nitrogen tank attached to the machine pumps the cold air in. Treatments last for 1. 5 to 3 minutes.

How it works:

When we subject our bodies to ice cold temperatures, our bodies go into a fight-or-flight response that is meant to keep us from freezing . As the cryosauna exposes the skin to super-cold temperatures, our bodies go into “I am freezing, must survive” mode and the blood rushes to our core to keep our organs going. There, it is enriched with oxygen and nutrients as our body works in super-survival mode. As soon as we step out into the warm air, the oxygenated blood rushes back out, flooding the peripheral tissues and flushing out toxins.

How this helps the body, skin, and muscles:

The brief “freeze” activates collagen in the skin similar to laser treatments, improving skin elasticity and tone and reducing cellulite. The constriction of blood vessels followed by the post-cryosauna flushing also flushes out toxins and helps with conditions like psoriasis and rosacea. The procedure also boosts endorphins and speeds up metabolism, pushing the body to burn 500 to 800 calories in the few hours after the procedure (and more over time with regular sessions). The anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect also helps with joint disorders and muscle soreness. Overall, immunity is boosted.

Why it’s better than an ice bath:

Ice baths can be painful, and even after 30 minutes or so submerged the skin temperature doesn’t go below about 41 degrees or so. And by that time, the muscles are literally frozen and pretty immobile. For athletes, this means downtime they can’t afford. With cryosauna treatments, the skin is exposed to dry cold of minus 220 degrees Fahrenheit. As soon as you step out of the cryosauna, blood rushes back out from your core and you feel a rush of endorphins and energy – making for a quick and high-octane return to physical activity.