Next-Gen Business Solutions



Why is PPC important for your business? It's one of the platforms that enable you to get immediate and consistent traffic to your website. If you haven't tried PPC advertising yet, or not running it properly, here's what you need to know about it: about-pay-per-cli…/


Just when you have managed to keep up with the most recent changes in algorithm, Google rolls out another rule. The good news is that you can tame Google's algorithm, and make it work in your favor. But first, you might want to start with knowing how SEO works! Visit our blog to know more: engine-optimizati…/


With all the SERP features to choose from, how would you know which ones work for you? Identifying what your target audience is looking for is the best starting point. Our blog about SERP features will lead you in the right direction. Follow this link: gine-results-page…/


From the family at Next-Gen Business Solutions, we wish you all a merry Christmas and hope you get everything you asked for! 🙂


Have you started implementing a search engine marketing strategy but still struggling with keeping the cycle going? If you answered a resounding YES to this question, then it’s about time you rethink your SEM strategy. Learn more by following this link: rch-engine-market…/


Can you clearly identify the KPIs that will be beneficial to measuring the success of your business? If you don’t know what KPIs are and how to use them to make sure you are achieving your business goals and objectives, our latest blog on KPI’s will help you see the bigger picture: rformance-indicat…/


Are you happy with the performance of your business? You won’t be able to properly answer that unless you calculate your Return on Investment. Without knowledge of ROI, it's going to be difficult for you to determine whether or not your marketing efforts are yielding excellent results. To understand the importance of ROI and how to calculate it, follow the link to our blog: iness-converting-i…


Are you using a CRM, but not quite sure how to use it effectively? For starters, CRM’s enable you to track your customers and clients so you always know what is going on in your relationship with them. It is not only essential in managing existing customers but also in acquiring new ones as well. If you don’t know which type of CRM to use, read our blog to find out about the features that suit your business needs: lationship-manage…/


Happy Halloween! Do you know what's spookier than goblins and ghouls? Not knowing the value of your customers!!! What is the greatest asset a company has? Without a doubt, it’s loyal customers. So, how do we know the value our customers bring to our business? By measuring Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), you can determine exactly how much a customer is worth financially so you can accurately build a business model for customer acquisition. Might as well check out our blog on CLV to learn more about it: enough-attention-…/


Do you know the importance of Cost-per-click to your business? CPC gives you an idea if you are utilizing your adwords well, if CPC analysis is not yet part of your online marketing mix, here are some more reasons to include it in your digital marketing strategy: ummary-of-cost-pe…/


What are the factors that affect your Click-Through Rate? The keywords, ad relevance, and extension structuring are just a few of the many factors that impact your CTR. Of course, you have to take the audience you're trying to target into consideration as well, otherwise you just won't get any clicks. As the song says, "It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife." If you want to know what you can do to improve your CTR, check out our blog: gh-rate-5-ways-to…/


Why do you need a well-written call-to-action? A CTA elicits responses from your potential customers, telling them what to do next. It sends a message to your target audience to MOVE. Would you allow your business to miss this great opportunity to engage with customers and convert leads into sales? Don’t blow your chance, all you need is a CTA that your audience can’t resist and you will see your online success skyrocket! Follow this link to see how it’s done: te-a-powerful-cal…/


Why turn a one-time buyer into a lifetime customer...? Repeat buyers are your most profitable customers because of their high buying power and low acquisition costs (literally zero!). With that being said, you need to reward customer loyalty by being a company worth being loyal to, and creating loyalty programs to keep them happy! One happy customer can multiply into ten, and those ten can multiply into ten more each… Come check out our latest blog on B2C for further advice on building customer loyalty: n-finding-the-rig…/


Are your B2B marketing efforts not taking you anywhere? This is a sign that you need to rethink your B2B marketing strategy, and it just so happens that WE have a solution for you! Check out our latest blog on B2B marketing strategies to learn more about making significant growth in your business: ting-strategies-t…/


Struggling to create a copy that sells? Your copywriting is the first impression a customer gets about your company! Writing compelling copy that stands out is crucial to your business success, and in this article we will be going through the AIDA model and learning how it can help YOU! Click the link to see more: r-buying-process/


Why do you need a well-written call-to-action?
A CTA elicits responses from your potential customers, telling them what to do next... It sends a message to your target audience to MOVE! Would you allow your business to miss this great opportunity to engage with customers and convert leads into sales? Of course not! So don’t blow your chance, all you need is a CTA that your audience can’t resist and you will see your online success skyrocket!
Follow this link to see how it’s done: te-a-powerful-cal…/

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