Nicole Marie - Intuitive Healer

About Nicole Marie - Intuitive Healer

Spiritual, emotional, mental and physical healing through energy healing sessions and card readings.

Nicole Marie - Intuitive Healer Description

Energy Healing and Card Readings. Please visit my website for more details.



One of the gifts I cherish so much in my life also at times causes me so much grief. . . It’s a catch 22. I can see through your shit. I spot fake in a second. I know the instant you are not truthful or honest. I know when you aren’t being real.
My circle is small because of this. I am grateful yet it is hard to see so much inauthentic energy in this world. It saddens me to see the masks and the walls and the guards. But I guess that is also why I use my gift in this world ...💕
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💕 love 💕


“Solution” energy does not vibrate at the same level as “problem” energy. You will never come to a (healthy) solution when you are stuck in your problem. You must learn to step back. Observe. Shift your energy. 💕


Holding onto grudges is very common to people.
Of course nobody wants to admit it but it happens so much. I see it in many of my readings.
People hold on because “they want the person to pay for what they did”. They want them to be accountable. They want them to hurt in the same way. They want a sorry.
... This is not in your control. Not your job. And all you are doing is creating toxic energy within yourself and making yourself pay.
Forgiveness is not about the other person. It’s not about sorry. It’s not about making up. It’s not about condoning behaviour or being ok with it. . . It’s about freeing yourself from toxic energy that grips you. 💕
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Took me 3 tries!


Ps. Please loosen up and remember this is a joke. Last time I posted something like this , people started getting weird.
If you know me and my page and my sense of humour then you will appreciate this 🤣😂


Learn to create and tap into money and abundance! Then in the afternoon, learn to read oracle cards!
Last few days to register!
... Join us for one or both workshops, Grande Prairie!
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Your judgements towards others come from your own inner stuff. It is never about the person or situation you are judging. It is always something within you.
There is massive self awareness and learning when you start to tune into this. ✨💫


Stepping outside of your comfort zone is where you learn about self. It’s where you push through fear. It’s where you grow. It’s where you let go. 💕
Step into something that makes you uncomfortable. Not fearful uncomfortable.. but pushing yourself past your limits uncomfortable ✨💫


Your beliefs will shape you - whether they are healthy or not.
So many people have a belief that you have to “work hard to stay ahead”. That is not my belief at all. My belief is I need balance and when I am happy and healthy, life flows easily and “hard work” is not part of that. Easy work. Happy. Peace. Flow.
... If you wish to book a reading with me - the allow self discovery, self awareness, connection, love and guidance. 💕
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Bacon rinds 💕


1) you are the student and the teacher and are needing to bring in balance in this area. This could mean you feel like you don’t have what it takes to be a leader, step up or share your skills and abilities. Or this could mean that’s all you do is lead and teach and direct. This could mean you think you ‘know everything’ and close yourself off to growth and being open. This could mean you don’t think you “know enough” and have Little value to spread into the world. Find the ...imbalance and correct it.
2) you may be in a state of desperation “for something”. You are to stop and breathe and recognize you have everything within you to draw in what you need but your state of desperation is acting as resistance to allowing it to flow to you. Step out of your own way. Clear your mind. Meditate. Allow peace.
3) something has, or is about to resurface from your past. This doesn’t mean “invite it in” or go back to it or go back to old ways. No! This is not appearing in order for you to “take steps back”, this is appearing for you to see your Growth and what you have learned and where you are currently in terms of self worth. This has nothing to do with the situation or Person who is “appearing” but has everything to do with reflection of you and your growth.
If you need guidance, clarity or direction or simply need answers for your journey, please feel free to book a personal reading. They are done through email 💫
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Grande Prairie - Time is ticking to get in on these amazing workshops! PM if you wish to register 🧚‍♀️


Choose an image for an intuitive message from my guides 🦄
🌈 comment below... 🌈 like or share if you choose 🌈 if you wish to book a personal reading through email, message me 🌈 reveal in 12 hours
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More about Nicole Marie - Intuitive Healer