Nmh Homeopathy And Wellness Clinic

About Nmh Homeopathy And Wellness Clinic

Homeopathic clinic



Tongue is a great indicator of health and disease . some major sign of tongue problems . and homeopathic medicines according to the sign and symptoms. Consult your Homeopathic physician before taking any medicine


➡️ Petulant means unreasonably angry and upset in a childish way. ➡️ Impatient or irritable, esp. over least important things. ➡️ Petulant word is used to describe a bad-tempered child, an adult behaving like an angry child or behavior of this type. Angry or annoyed mean the same thing, but if you choose the word, petulant, you are indicating that it is unreasonable or unjustified.


Homoeopathy is a holistic science . It is based upon the sound philosophy of totality ,where body , mind and spirit are interconnected.the theme is to study , not in isolation but in integration.


Sarcodiosis cases hypercalcemia which leads to Atherosclerosis hence sarcodisosis causes atherosclerosis


Homeopathic treatment for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is curable with the Homeopathic mode of treatment. Homeopathic treatment for polycystic ovarian syndrome is very safe and free from any side effect.Which Homeopathic medicine is required to extract the disease from its roots varies from case to case. Both the physical and mental spheres of the patient are thoroughly investigated while prescribing the Homeopathic medicine. The complete cure of PCOS is a time-consuming process and it cannot be expected in a few days. It requires complete observation regarding the change of symptoms in the patient and frequent clinical follow-ups.


Homeopathic Medicines for Weakness
China 30 and Arsenic Album 30 – Effective Homeopathic medicines for weakness after diarrhoea.
Kali Carb 30 and China 30 – Homeopathic medicines for weakness after delivery.
... Hamamelis 30 , China 30 and Carbo Veg 30– Homeopathic medicines for weakness after bleeding (haemorrhage)
Gelsemium 30 , China 30 and Alstonia Scholaris 30 – Homeopathic medicines for weakness after fever.
Cocculus Indicus 30 , Carbo Animalis 30 and Alumina 30 – Homeopathic medicines for weakness after periods (menses)
Ambra Grisea 3 or 6 and Conium 30 – Homeopathic medicines for weakness in elderly people .
Staphysagria 30, Selenium 30 and Acid Phos 30 – Best Homeopathic medicines for weakness from sexual excesses and loss of seminal fluids
Kali Phos 30 and Nux Vomica 30 – Homeopathic medicines for weakness of nervous origin For any questions contact us
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▶Migraine is a neurological condition that can cause multiple symptoms. It's frequently characterised by intense, debilitating headaches.
Migraine symptoms may begin one to two days before the headache itself . This is known as the prodrome stage. ▶Symptoms during this stage can include:
•food cravings •depression •fatigue or low energy •frequent vomitting •hyperactivity •irritability •neck stiffness •nausea and vomitting
Mostly people describe migraine pain as : • pulsating •throbbing •perforating •debilitating For medicine and consultation contact us •pounding
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Urticaria is a disease characterized by the development of raised welts or hives.
*Classification of urticaria *
... 1- Acute (lasting less than 6 weeks) ✔️Allergic (food, medication, insect, contact) ✔️Infectious (viral, bacterial, parasitic) ✔️Idiopathic 2-Chronic (lasting more than 6 weeks) ✔️Spontaneous : 90% : Auto-immune 40% : Idiopathic (of unknown cause) 50% ✔️Inducible : 10% : Physical urticarias : Dermographism : From cold, from heat : From the sun : From delayed pressure :Vibratory : Aquagenic ✔️Other types of urticaria : Cholinergic : Triggered by physical exertion
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More about Nmh Homeopathy And Wellness Clinic

Nmh Homeopathy And Wellness Clinic is located at Skyview Shores Crescent N.E, Calgary, Alberta 123