No Limits Hypnotherapy

About No Limits Hypnotherapy

Remove blocks and barriers and live a more empowered life with the use of hypnotherapy .

No Limits Hypnotherapy Description

Your subconscious mind accounts for the remaining 90 percent of your mind and can be compared to the long-term storage on a computer where it stores all the experiences you’ve ever had. It automatically controls your body functions including breathing, heart beat, eyes blinking, immune system and organs, and it affects your tissues such as muscles and bones from the cellular level to the level of whole body functioning.

Your subconscious mind is also intuitive, creative, emotional and irrational, and the last can work for you or against you. Because it is illogical, it can make you into anything you want to be, including slim, fit, happy, successful – or it can keep you stuck in negative behaviour. It is where your core beliefs reside. If your internal dialogue says that you are fat, a smoker, a failure, shy or unconfident; then that is what you become. Or you can change that programming to become a slim, fit non-smoker who is successful, confident and emotionally secure. You are what you believe.

The conscious mind is like a guard at the gate protecting the subconscious mind. It has the power to accept or reject suggestions from entering the subconscious mind, and its purpose is to protect us from change. Any suggestion that does not match existing programming may be viewed as a threat and be automatically rejected. That existing programming is created from experiences, habits and emotions, and if those are largely negative, then it can take a large number of positive memories, habits and emotions, and a lot of time, to alter the programming. Fortunately, there is an easier way to reprogram the subconscious, and that is through hypnosis. Although the conscious mind stays awake, its critical abilities go to sleep for a while, making your subconscious receptive to any suggestion your conscious mind wants to let in.

More about No Limits Hypnotherapy

No Limits Hypnotherapy is located at Calgary, ab, Calgary, Alberta T0L0X0