Noire Beauty

About Noire Beauty

Noire Beauty is a cosmetic brand based in Canada. We aim to empower individuals through our products, give back to our community and donate to causes you care about.

Noire Beauty Description

We have all heard this old saying before, “eyes are the window to the soul. ” They are the doorway to your heart, reflecting your emotions and inner being.

The eyes of a person give others an insight into their inner world and because each person has a different experience, their eyes have a unique story.

What story do your eyes tell?

Are they sanguine, radiant, moon-eyed dreamers? Perhaps, they are expressive, mysterious, dark-eyed beauties. What about those mischievous, flirtatious and sultry gazes?

Eye contact is exchanged with countless people, every day. Your eyes tell a story and it is up to you on how you want to tell it.

Let us, help you express that…

More about Noire Beauty