Numinous Creations

About Numinous Creations

Offering insightful posts, high vibration wellness gifts, transformative events, workshops & private sessions that are designed to support you in living fully & loving freely from an empowered place of pleasure and ease.

Numinous Creations Description

~~~ About Me ~~~
My name is Angela Bladon, and my friends call me Angel. : )

I am an Empowerment Practitioner: A Life & Relationship Coach, Community Builder, Tantra Facilitator and mom of 3 children from Calgary, Alberta. It is my life's purpose to offer guidance and support to people who want to live fully and love freely from a place of pleasure, power, and ease. I am known for building conscious loving communities, and for my ability to hold space for authenticity and vulnerability.

My educational background is in Psychology and Philosophy. I have over a decade of experience in Mental Health, Social Work, and Crisis Counselling. I have also had the benefit of being trained and mentored by expert /master level Relationship Coaches, Sex Educators, Energy Practitioners, and Tantra Teachers from all over the world.

I am constantly expanding the breadth and depth of my teachings, by actively practicing the things I offer, and by regularly attending new training opportunities as they come up. Over the years, I have attended over 200 classes, workshops, retreats, and trainings on tantra, radical self love, fearless relating, consent & boundaries, shadow work, pattern breaking, compassionate communication (NVC), movement meditations, conscious relationships, cacao ceremonies, chakras & energy work, shamanic practices, sacred sexuality, and so much more.

I have extensive knowledge and experience in alternative ways of living and loving, and I enjoy working with adults of all ages, genders, sexual orientations, relationship orientations, cultural backgrounds, experiences and abilities.

As a leader in the Calgary Tantra community, I have spent the last 5 years inspiring and empowering people by teaching skills, tools, and insights that make room for healing, connection, and growth. I do this by living this in my everyday life, through the transformative experiential group workshops and events I facilitate, and in the one-on-one sessions I offer to individuals and couples.

To schedule a free consultation with me:

~~~ Numinous Creations ~~~

My Services:
I work with individuals, couples, and groups - offering workshops and classes, coaching sessions, private therapeutic cuddle sessions, energy work sessions, and high vibrational handmade jewelry.

Workshops /Events /Classes:
I develop and facilitate a variety of Workshops, Classes, and Events that are offered in the Calgary area, and at conscious festivals.

Tantra, Life & Relationship Coaching:
In these sessions I offer kind and loving support combined with skills, tools, and insights that will create space for empowerment, growth, and transformation in your life. I want to support you in living fully and loving deeply from a place of pleasure, power and ease. I can help you in the following areas of life: Emotional, Psychological, Social, Family, Relationships and Friendships, Mental health and wellness, Life purpose, and Spiritual support.

Individual Therapeutic Cuddle Sessions:
I offer private non-sexual cuddle sessions for those who desire more affection, loving care, connection and physical touch in their life. In these sessions, I will provide you with focused and personalized one-on-one therapeutic touch. These sessions are wonderfully supportive for going into deep emotional processing, and releasing hurt or upset, while being safely held. These are also great for those who simply want to experience the relaxing and healing benefits that come from the comfort of being in someone’s arms, or in holding another person. These sessions can be a great first step if you are intrigued by the Cuddle Party, but aren’t quite ready to be part of that group experience. During our session(s), I can offer you personalized in-depth support around some of the concepts and practices that are explored during the Cuddle Party Workshop

Community Organizing:
I am passionate about building healthy, loving and compassionate conscious communities where people can support one another in having the relationships they want and living the life they dream of.
Meetup Pages:
* https://www.
* https://www.
* https://www.

Energy Work & Chakra Balancing:
I offer Reiki or Pranic energy sessions to activate natural healing, align and balance the energy centres, clear blockages, unplug unhealthy tethers /cords, and align energy to your intentions. I can do these sessions in person and with distance.

Hand-made Jewelry:
I create beautiful high vibration amulets (in all forms of jewelry) that you can wear with you on your journey in this life. This reiki infused jewelry amplifies your intentions and that which resonates with you most.

Oracle /Tarot Readings:
I use my Oracle and /or Tarot cards as symbolic tools, as a way to connect to divine synchronicity, and to help reveal insight and clarity into the vibrational and energetic patterns that have manifested, or

~~~ Connect with me for more Information ~~~
If you are interested in booking a personal session with me, please message me so we can schedule a complementary 30 minute phone /skype consultation to discuss the ways in which I can support you today.

With Love, Angel.



✶You are invited to Tantric Speed Dating!✶
Back by popular demand! This event almost always sells out!
This is an amazing opportunity to meet like-minded, open-hearted people and create deep fulfilling connections.
...Continue Reading


No one is broken. ♥️


The Empath’s Survival Guide: How to Thrive as a Highly Sensitive Person
“We are in the midst of an evolution of human consciousness—and you, as an empathic person, are the path forgers. A sacred responsibility comes with being an empath that demands more of you than simply retreating into isolation. It’s vital to learn how to avoid feeling overwhelmed so you can fully shine your power in the world. You are a pioneer on the forefront of a new way of being for humankind.
You ar...e Generation S, for Sensitivity—those people who salute compassion and lovingkindness. You represent a vital opening for humanity to grow into a more heart-centered, intuitive place. You can model for others how to be sensitive and powerful as empaths...
I want the information in this article to empower you so you can be more yourself than you ever were. To begin your journey, I offer you the following affirmation.
Empath Affirmation I vow to honor my sensitivities and treat myself lovingly as I explore what it means to be an empath and embrace my gifts. I will appreciate myself each day.” ath-sensitive-per…/
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You are invited to a Cuddle Party!
Join us for a beautiful opportunity to grow and authentically connect with others. We come together to learn and practice the skills we need to ask for what we want in life, to say "no" to the things we don't want, to become empowered and build trust in our own ability to take care of ourself, to honour our own experiences and emotions as well as those of others, to develop a new way of looking at rejection, to find our voice and to learn w...
Continue Reading


“Our sexual energy, our Life Force, is innocent. It is our expression of the pure and exhilarating desire to be ALIVE – everything contains this powerful impulse. At its deepest expression it the desire to give Love. It takes an incredible amount of energy to keep it locked down, but we do – out of shame, judgment, emotional and sexual wounding and deliberate manipulation by cultural conditioning.
When we explore deeply into our bodies, and release the emotional, energetic an...d physical contractions that block the free flowing of our Life Force, something incredible happens – our aliveness awakens. We feel ourselves again fully, maybe for the first time in this lifetime. We realize we are magical, powerful creatures beyond measure, interconnected with all of Life. Anything is possible.
We are not only the agents of magic; we are the magic. We are not only the vessel of God; we are part of God. We are a beautiful alive cell in the great Cosmic body. We were not created as slaves, not to our jobs, to the system, to money, to our parents, to bad relationships, to health problems. We were created to be loved, to love, to thrive, to create, to enjoy, to inspire, to be inspired, to revel in Creation.
For eons the Holy Grail Womb Grid has been shut down, but now it has re-opened – and life is asking us to step through the magical doorway and reclaim Her.” ॐ ❤
~ Dr Azra and Seren Bertrand MD, Pilgrimage into the Womb
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Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth. 🌸Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth. 🌸


Happy Halloween! 🔮🖤🌙 ✨Oracle Reading✨ Which hat suits you best?! Cards revealed at 4pm MST
... Please share this post so others can benefit. Like/Follow this page to show support and to accept more of what I offer into your life.
Thank you. 🙏🏼
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~✨~ Oracle Reading - November ~✨~
What is the theme of this month for you? What do you need to invite into your life to thrive? What would be beneficial to release?
✨Close your eyes. ... ✨Take a breath. Exhale. ✨Open your eyes, pick a card. ✨Comment with the number you chose.
I will reveal the card and the reading within 24-48 hours. 💖
Please share this post so others can benefit. Like/Follow this page to show support and to accept more of what I offer into your life.
Thank you. 🙏🏼
#oracle #tarot #lightworker #EarthAngel #Inspiration #reading #gift
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Some of the wisdom imparted by one of my teachers ♥️


I am very contently working on the finishing touches for my Embodied Bliss: Tantric Cacao Journey happening tomorrow night. Incredible people are coming, a group of about 25 so far, and there is so much I want to offer!
I have been meditating, tuning in to those who have signed up, and carefully narrowing down the selection of exercises, in order to pick which ones to do in those short 3 hours. It’s probably one of my favourite parts of my work, and it is also among the most... challenging! So much to choose from! Ahh, what a great ‘problem’ to have. ☺️
There is still space available for a couple more people if you would like to come! ♥️
You can get your ticket here:
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“If you can see the high ground, take it. The other person may not be able to see it yet. Higher ground is sanctuary.““If you can see the high ground, take it. The other person may not be able to see it yet. Higher ground is sanctuary.“


In relationships we get triggered, stuff surfaces, and it can be a painful yet beautiful thing.
When triggered, we can ask ourselves - what is the treasure in this trigger?
What is it offering you? Where does it give space for growth? What shadow does it reveal?
... Get really clear on these questions - how is it beneficial to address those issues, or grow in those ways? what obstacles does addressing that trigger remove, or in what way does addressing that trigger bring you closer to the life you want to live?
Finding the treasure in the trigger is what can help us to be willing to feel all that it brings up. It can motivate you to stay, instead of running away.
If you see no benefit to being triggered, if being triggered is actually causing harm, that might suggest that the relationship isn’t healthy or in alignment with who you are right now. And this realization is where the treasure lies in that trigger.
It is helpful to remember that taking action to end suffering is an act of love. Ending an unhealthy relationship that results in suffering, is one of the most loving things you can do for yourself and for the person you love.
How does this land for you? ♥️
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Things happen. But what actually happened isn’t nearly as important as the story we tell ourselves about what happened. We are sneaky. Be curious.Things happen. But what actually happened isn’t nearly as important as the story we tell ourselves about what happened. We are sneaky. Be curious.


Life is a mirror of our own internal state.
We often unconsciously create situations outside of ourselves that will reflect back to us what we need to embrace, work on, or acknowledge within.
Sometimes that looks like being hurt or harmed by others. Sometimes it is us who is doing the hurting or causing harm. Both are ways that we shine light on shadows. Our own, and others’. Which is essentially all the same anyway.
... Learning through pain and suffering is one way that we heal and grow.
Can we compassionately love those who have harmed us, others who have agreed to act as a reflection of our shadow self, as our teacher? Seeing the treasure in the trigger.
Can we compassionately love ourselves through the pain that comes when our shadows emerge - recognizing that we have caused harm, as a way for us to learn and grow, and in sacred contract to another in their learning and growth? Seeing the treasure in the trigger.
May we move through it all with ease and grace, remaining loose and natural, recognizing that it is all good. ♥️🙏🏼
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When , I found this page , I wasn't sure what I'd find. I am now so very very happy , I did. It's been such a beautiful & insightful and when I choose a number the card revealed is so in tune with me it at times is "spooky" .. My intution brought me to her & I trust & need not to go anywhere else...If you want a honest , fun , revealing insightful reading etc here's where you need to be !! Blessed Be & Thank you !! ���


The reading I got was fantastic!

Exactly what is going on in my life.

As well as comforting.

I would recommend Angela's readings to anybody.


The card I was drawn too, was not only insightful, but it is exactly what I'm in the process of doing. Very good draw, very good read and overall fantastic. Beautiful soul Angela is. Thank you for that. Love and light.


Thanks so much for your beautiful message, Angela💞 it really resonated with me as I just quit my very stressful job and needed some guidance 💖


Thank you so much for yr reading it was spot on for what is happening in my life at the say keeping my mind on track for my dreams to come true .I loose concentration easily so your saying to keep focus is very true ..trying to manifiest my future at the moment..


Thank you so much for the card reading. It hit home in so many ways. It is a reminder of so many great things. Thank you so much


Thank you so much for the card Angela. It definitely is all about what I've been trying to do for a long time. I will definitely work on my inner knowing. Much love and light. Namaste


Thank you so much Angela, :) You really took your time & explained so much about the beautiful card you choose for me as well gave me guidance & insight on things. :) Thank you doesn't say enough. Please know you really did touch me & I enjoyed and appricicate everything you shared with me. I'm looking so forward to all this month has for me. :) Yes, I'm so defenitly willing to except it all & excited to receive all the good things it will show, teach and bring to me. Thank you Angela for your time & you are truley amazingly gifted.. I look forward to connecting with you again. You really touched my �.

You are truly special!! Xo

�� :)

� � � to you.. Co


Thank you for that very insightful card pull. You are so generous with your time and engery. Please continue to spread your love and light

Thank you Nachelle


Thank you Angela for your time and energy that you provide all that you do.

I'm thankful for the card reading that I just came acrossed in a group... It resonated with me with not just my twinflame journey but as well as my business...also Thank you for the reminder that gratitude is definitely a daily ritual we all need to bring more into our life...thanks again!!���


Numinous Creations

Hi Angela, Yes totally and completely this resonates with me.

Earlier this year a new, better and less stressful job came my way. Although the position is better and more fulfilling and taking much less toll on my health, it is necessary to make further changes for me to feel totally and completely fulfilled. I have yet to discover my true potential and will have to do some 'digging' to uncover things that give me great joy and happiness. Thank you so very much. �������


Just happened upon the page while looking around I decided to do one of the card readings on the page. The one I chose resonates with me very much. I have been working on this, it has been a tough journey. I have more to work through and am excited to see what happens. A lot of what Angela said makes since. Thank you so much. �


I saw a post from this page doing a random card reading. I chose a card and her reading of it was 100% relevant to what I am going through currently. It gave me a sense of relief and encouragement to further my steps in the direction I'm going. It's scary and way out of my comfort zone, but now I have trust that the Universe and all my guides have my back. Thank you so much for your guidance!


I received a Beautiful Card Reading & it was so spot on for me. It was a Wonderful Reminder to be aware of my thoughts, words & actions......keeping lack, negative feelings, thoughts...etc in check. I absolutely Appreciate Miss Angela.


I have participated in cuddle parties facilitated by Angela and am I’m VERY grateful for saying YES to this new community and YES to myself 8 months ago!! I feel a sense of belonging, I feel ‘seen and heard’, gotten, loved and accepted exactly as I am!

My participation in cuddle parties and similar events has expanded my ability to express myself, ask for what I want, say yes or no, while connecting with others at a deep level. Last but not least, I’m stepping into my light and shining the beauty and wonder that is ME!!

Thank you Angela for creating a safe, nurturing and loving space for so many people who are seeking a community where they feel a sense of belonging and acceptance. Blessings & love to you <3 In gratitude, Giselle G.


I have been in coaching with Angela for a few months now. I’ve also been to two cuddle parties facilitated by her. Angela, is such an amazing, generous, caring person. She has inspired me to be a better me, and given me light to find my way in some dark areas of my life. Angela is very easy to connect to and open up to and is very accepting and validating! I would recommend her for coaching and as a facilitator. I can’t wait to see more of the work she does. I feel honored to get to work with her and look forward to doing more in the future �


I choose a card and it was spot on reminding me to follow my dreams and not get side tracked ...because that is my drag my feet mode � thanks again for the perfect reminder ���


Angela gave me an awesome reading! I have been confused and lost about taking a leap of faith for my new business. Her reading provided me with the answer from above to take a a shot. Angela is very gifted and very generous with her readings. I truly am appreciative of her sharing her amazing gifts. Thank you Angela. Love and Light, Michelle J.


Just had a random reading from Angela. It was spot on and gave me more clarity as which healing modality to follow. Thank you so much. I looked more closely to the card she pulled. TREES!! I love trees and love painting them. This is so much me. Thank you so much for your time and energy. Sending you many Blessings!!


When , I found this page , I wasn't sure what I'd find. I am now so very very happy , I did. It's been such a beautiful & insightful and when I choose a number the card revealed is so in tune with me it at times is "spooky" .. My intution brought me to her & I trust & need not to go anywhere else...If you want a honest , fun , revealing insightful reading etc here's where you need to be !! Blessed Be & Thank you !! ���


The reading I got was fantastic!

Exactly what is going on in my life.

As well as comforting.

I would recommend Angela's readings to anybody.


The card I was drawn too, was not only insightful, but it is exactly what I'm in the process of doing. Very good draw, very good read and overall fantastic. Beautiful soul Angela is. Thank you for that. Love and light.


Thanks so much for your beautiful message, Angela💞 it really resonated with me as I just quit my very stressful job and needed some guidance 💖


Thank you so much for yr reading it was spot on for what is happening in my life at the say keeping my mind on track for my dreams to come true .I loose concentration easily so your saying to keep focus is very true ..trying to manifiest my future at the moment..


Thank you so much for the card reading. It hit home in so many ways. It is a reminder of so many great things. Thank you so much


Thank you so much for the card Angela. It definitely is all about what I've been trying to do for a long time. I will definitely work on my inner knowing. Much love and light. Namaste


Thank you so much Angela, :) You really took your time & explained so much about the beautiful card you choose for me as well gave me guidance & insight on things. :) Thank you doesn't say enough. Please know you really did touch me & I enjoyed and appricicate everything you shared with me. I'm looking so forward to all this month has for me. :) Yes, I'm so defenitly willing to except it all & excited to receive all the good things it will show, teach and bring to me. Thank you Angela for your time & you are truley amazingly gifted.. I look forward to connecting with you again. You really touched my �.

You are truly special!! Xo

�� :)

� � � to you.. Co


Thank you for that very insightful card pull. You are so generous with your time and engery. Please continue to spread your love and light

Thank you Nachelle


Thank you Angela for your time and energy that you provide all that you do.

I'm thankful for the card reading that I just came acrossed in a group... It resonated with me with not just my twinflame journey but as well as my business...also Thank you for the reminder that gratitude is definitely a daily ritual we all need to bring more into our life...thanks again!!���


Numinous Creations

Hi Angela, Yes totally and completely this resonates with me.

Earlier this year a new, better and less stressful job came my way. Although the position is better and more fulfilling and taking much less toll on my health, it is necessary to make further changes for me to feel totally and completely fulfilled. I have yet to discover my true potential and will have to do some 'digging' to uncover things that give me great joy and happiness. Thank you so very much. �������


Just happened upon the page while looking around I decided to do one of the card readings on the page. The one I chose resonates with me very much. I have been working on this, it has been a tough journey. I have more to work through and am excited to see what happens. A lot of what Angela said makes since. Thank you so much. �


I saw a post from this page doing a random card reading. I chose a card and her reading of it was 100% relevant to what I am going through currently. It gave me a sense of relief and encouragement to further my steps in the direction I'm going. It's scary and way out of my comfort zone, but now I have trust that the Universe and all my guides have my back. Thank you so much for your guidance!


I received a Beautiful Card Reading & it was so spot on for me. It was a Wonderful Reminder to be aware of my thoughts, words & actions......keeping lack, negative feelings, thoughts...etc in check. I absolutely Appreciate Miss Angela.


I have participated in cuddle parties facilitated by Angela and am I’m VERY grateful for saying YES to this new community and YES to myself 8 months ago!! I feel a sense of belonging, I feel ‘seen and heard’, gotten, loved and accepted exactly as I am!

My participation in cuddle parties and similar events has expanded my ability to express myself, ask for what I want, say yes or no, while connecting with others at a deep level. Last but not least, I’m stepping into my light and shining the beauty and wonder that is ME!!

Thank you Angela for creating a safe, nurturing and loving space for so many people who are seeking a community where they feel a sense of belonging and acceptance. Blessings & love to you <3 In gratitude, Giselle G.


I have been in coaching with Angela for a few months now. I’ve also been to two cuddle parties facilitated by her. Angela, is such an amazing, generous, caring person. She has inspired me to be a better me, and given me light to find my way in some dark areas of my life. Angela is very easy to connect to and open up to and is very accepting and validating! I would recommend her for coaching and as a facilitator. I can’t wait to see more of the work she does. I feel honored to get to work with her and look forward to doing more in the future �


I choose a card and it was spot on reminding me to follow my dreams and not get side tracked ...because that is my drag my feet mode � thanks again for the perfect reminder ���


Angela gave me an awesome reading! I have been confused and lost about taking a leap of faith for my new business. Her reading provided me with the answer from above to take a a shot. Angela is very gifted and very generous with her readings. I truly am appreciative of her sharing her amazing gifts. Thank you Angela. Love and Light, Michelle J.


Just had a random reading from Angela. It was spot on and gave me more clarity as which healing modality to follow. Thank you so much. I looked more closely to the card she pulled. TREES!! I love trees and love painting them. This is so much me. Thank you so much for your time and energy. Sending you many Blessings!!


When , I found this page , I wasn't sure what I'd find. I am now so very very happy , I did. It's been such a beautiful & insightful and when I choose a number the card revealed is so in tune with me it at times is "spooky" .. My intution brought me to her & I trust & need not to go anywhere else...If you want a honest , fun , revealing insightful reading etc here's where you need to be !! Blessed Be & Thank you !! ���


The reading I got was fantastic!

Exactly what is going on in my life.

As well as comforting.

I would recommend Angela's readings to anybody.


The card I was drawn too, was not only insightful, but it is exactly what I'm in the process of doing. Very good draw, very good read and overall fantastic. Beautiful soul Angela is. Thank you for that. Love and light.


Thanks so much for your beautiful message, Angela💞 it really resonated with me as I just quit my very stressful job and needed some guidance 💖


Thank you so much for yr reading it was spot on for what is happening in my life at the say keeping my mind on track for my dreams to come true .I loose concentration easily so your saying to keep focus is very true ..trying to manifiest my future at the moment..


Thank you so much for the card reading. It hit home in so many ways. It is a reminder of so many great things. Thank you so much


Thank you so much for the card Angela. It definitely is all about what I've been trying to do for a long time. I will definitely work on my inner knowing. Much love and light. Namaste


Thank you so much Angela, :) You really took your time & explained so much about the beautiful card you choose for me as well gave me guidance & insight on things. :) Thank you doesn't say enough. Please know you really did touch me & I enjoyed and appricicate everything you shared with me. I'm looking so forward to all this month has for me. :) Yes, I'm so defenitly willing to except it all & excited to receive all the good things it will show, teach and bring to me. Thank you Angela for your time & you are truley amazingly gifted.. I look forward to connecting with you again. You really touched my �.

You are truly special!! Xo

�� :)

� � � to you.. Co


Thank you for that very insightful card pull. You are so generous with your time and engery. Please continue to spread your love and light

Thank you Nachelle


Thank you Angela for your time and energy that you provide all that you do.

I'm thankful for the card reading that I just came acrossed in a group... It resonated with me with not just my twinflame journey but as well as my business...also Thank you for the reminder that gratitude is definitely a daily ritual we all need to bring more into our life...thanks again!!���


Numinous Creations

Hi Angela, Yes totally and completely this resonates with me.

Earlier this year a new, better and less stressful job came my way. Although the position is better and more fulfilling and taking much less toll on my health, it is necessary to make further changes for me to feel totally and completely fulfilled. I have yet to discover my true potential and will have to do some 'digging' to uncover things that give me great joy and happiness. Thank you so very much. �������


Just happened upon the page while looking around I decided to do one of the card readings on the page. The one I chose resonates with me very much. I have been working on this, it has been a tough journey. I have more to work through and am excited to see what happens. A lot of what Angela said makes since. Thank you so much. �


I saw a post from this page doing a random card reading. I chose a card and her reading of it was 100% relevant to what I am going through currently. It gave me a sense of relief and encouragement to further my steps in the direction I'm going. It's scary and way out of my comfort zone, but now I have trust that the Universe and all my guides have my back. Thank you so much for your guidance!


I received a Beautiful Card Reading & it was so spot on for me. It was a Wonderful Reminder to be aware of my thoughts, words & actions......keeping lack, negative feelings, thoughts...etc in check. I absolutely Appreciate Miss Angela.


I have participated in cuddle parties facilitated by Angela and am I’m VERY grateful for saying YES to this new community and YES to myself 8 months ago!! I feel a sense of belonging, I feel ‘seen and heard’, gotten, loved and accepted exactly as I am!

My participation in cuddle parties and similar events has expanded my ability to express myself, ask for what I want, say yes or no, while connecting with others at a deep level. Last but not least, I’m stepping into my light and shining the beauty and wonder that is ME!!

Thank you Angela for creating a safe, nurturing and loving space for so many people who are seeking a community where they feel a sense of belonging and acceptance. Blessings & love to you <3 In gratitude, Giselle G.


I have been in coaching with Angela for a few months now. I’ve also been to two cuddle parties facilitated by her. Angela, is such an amazing, generous, caring person. She has inspired me to be a better me, and given me light to find my way in some dark areas of my life. Angela is very easy to connect to and open up to and is very accepting and validating! I would recommend her for coaching and as a facilitator. I can’t wait to see more of the work she does. I feel honored to get to work with her and look forward to doing more in the future �


I choose a card and it was spot on reminding me to follow my dreams and not get side tracked ...because that is my drag my feet mode � thanks again for the perfect reminder ���


Angela gave me an awesome reading! I have been confused and lost about taking a leap of faith for my new business. Her reading provided me with the answer from above to take a a shot. Angela is very gifted and very generous with her readings. I truly am appreciative of her sharing her amazing gifts. Thank you Angela. Love and Light, Michelle J.


Just had a random reading from Angela. It was spot on and gave me more clarity as which healing modality to follow. Thank you so much. I looked more closely to the card she pulled. TREES!! I love trees and love painting them. This is so much me. Thank you so much for your time and energy. Sending you many Blessings!!

More about Numinous Creations

Numinous Creations is located at 1727 14 Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta T3C 0W7