
About Philosophymagazine.Com

Philosophymagazine serves to inform and support those who have taken the road less traveled.

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Chris Bek, philosophical writer and founder of Philosophymagazine based in Calgary, Alberta, supports those who have taken a less traveled road than founding father of philosophy, Plato. Originally studying corporate finance, Chris took a sudden turn into philosophical matters due to the correlation between philosophy and finance. Slowly changing from finance to finance and focus, he has since written more than 40 essays and theories on the subject matter



Emerson, Ralph Waldo The less a man thinks or knows about his virtues, the better we like him.


I thought I would talk this week about mathematics. When I was seventeen my grandparents gave me the book Mathematics. From there I went on to study mathematics at university. Sir James Jeans said that God is a mathematician. Albert Einstein said God is the sum total of the laws of nature. My Theory of One unites the laws of nature. So the question is: Qu’est-ce Que C’est Moon? Does the moon really exist? My argument is that reality is an illusion created by a mathematical model and that the moon does not really exist. The shift here is from commonsense thinking to mathematical thinking. I offer the following essay up to the goddesses. Chris


Dirac, Paul It is more important to have beautiful theories and equations than to have them fit the data.
The Theory of One: Realizing the Dream of a Final Theory


The universe begins when God creates a primordial particle out of nothing. From it matter irradiates spherically in all directions in an inexpressibly great yet limited number of unimaginably yet not infinitely minute atoms. --Edgar Allan Poe


Shakespeare, William This above all—to thine own self betrue. And it must follow, as night follows day, thou canst not then be false to any man.


Shakespeare, William All doubts are traitors—and make us lose the good we oft win by fearing to attempt.


Camus, Albert Integrity has no need of rules.


I thought I would talk this week about my brand new book Existentialism Now: Realizing the Dream of a Whole Self. Existentialism Now brings the reader face to face with the stunning realization that each of us has total freedom and total responsibility for the entire world. Setting this realization of salvation in motion is easily arrived at by simply challenging students to take responsibility for planet Earth. This singular existential flap of a butterfly's wings ultimately saves the world. The book identifies behaviorism as the cancer of modern society and existentialism as the cure. Buy your copy now. Chris…/tit le/119734000066944515


Camus, Albert I sometimes wonder what future historians will say of us. It seems to me a single sentence should suffice for modern man—He fornicated and read the papers. After that vigorous definition, the subject will be, if I may say so, exhausted.


Emerson, Ralph Waldo Beware when the great God lets loose a thinker on this planet. Then all things are at risk. It will be as if a conflagration has broken out in a great city—and no man knows what is safe or where it will end.


Camus, Albert I sometimes wonder what future historians will say of us. It seems to me a single sentence should suffice for modern man—He fornicated and read the papers. After that vigorous definition, the subject will be, if I may say so, exhausted.


Pascal, Blaise The last act is bloody, no matter how charming the rest of the play.


I thought I would talk this week about The Bernoulli Model. I wrote it in 2001 after having consulted to Canadian Pacific Limited. It is Excel/vba based and sees risk reward efficiency up close and from thirty thousand feet. It is based on the four moment Camus distribution and the complementary principle. I spent a year developing it in an attempt to save my house in Crescent Heights. I built it fine, I just did not have enough time to sell it. It is for sale now. Interested parties should contact me at Chris


Miller, Joaquin If you want immortality then go out and make yourself immortal.


Lindley, David The idea that physical quantities do not take on any practical reality until someone measures them offended Einstein to the point where he asked the physicist Abraham Pais whether he believed the Moon really exists when no one is looking at it.


Durant, Will Too long have we been fragments, shattered pieces of what might be a whole. How can a great culture grow in an air of patriotic prejudice and narrowing provincialism? The time for petty politics is over—the compulsion to great politics has come. When will the new race of leaders appear?


Hawkins, Stephen Every time someone mentions Schrödinger’s cat, I go for my gun.


Hello Caroline, I had a success sortie into enemy territory at on 6th Street and 11th Avenue SW. I asked Dr FRANCIS ADEAGBO whether he would read the opening paragraph to my Theory of One in which I celebrated marijuana. He declined. I told him I was seeking enlightenment and he said they weren't selling that there. My initial diagnosis of Schizophrenia was the result of a thirty minute meeting with Dr David Gibbs fifteen years ago just after I lost my house. I was denied medical marijuana because of this diagnosis. The system is decidedly against higher truth. Dr Izu on Friday. Chris
The Theory of One: Realizing the Dream of a Final Theory

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