Physique.Al Attraction

About Physique.Al Attraction

[Physique] al Attraction is a play on words. It's the articulation of Physical and Physique and the attraction to them. What is your attraction?

Physique.Al Attraction Description

My name is Kyle Sorensen; I'm an up and coming fitness competitor and an aspiring trainer. Over the years my attraction to fitness has grown from a physical and mental need to a physical and mental want. I am one of those men with not only really good genetics for a great physique but also the commitment and drive to maintain a great physique. Through a loss came further inspiration and motivation to win. This is my [Physique] al Attraction. This brand is more than just a play on words it was created with a self proclaimed idea that we all have our own attraction to a physical lifestyle. My needs and wants are not the same as his or hers but we share a common attraction. Within Unity comes support, strength and accountability. What is your attraction?