Plunkett Ranch & Rescue

About Plunkett Ranch & Rescue

Place for horses and humans to heal

Plunkett Ranch & Rescue Description

We are Plunkett Ranch & Rescue located in Alix, Alberta; are dedicated to help those horses in need of second beginnings to find their forever homes and have a new take on life. We are running as a private Non-Profit currently, as most of our funding comes out of our personal pockets to help these animals. We do accept donations however which go directly into Vet, Farrier, Chiro, extra feed etc of each animal.

We started out primarily catering to the teens- older horses that at one time were broke and now need refreshers, groceries and overall TLC; however now we are now able to take on most ages of horses .

All horses have vet checks, teeth checked, feet updated, groceries in their bellys and most will be put through a ridden assessments, so we know what type of rider that the would suit, and in the case of driven assessments we may be able to test them on case by case.

In the end our priority is to do what is in the best interest of the horse, not what everyone else thinks is the best. We have alternative therapies are used on a regular basis, close vets that we gather information on anything and everything, as well as others that do rescue on a large scale. Always expanding our knowledge and putting that towards each horse that comes in

We do help the odd dog onsite as well as other animals, but we are very well networked with other groups so we can help direct you to some amazing rescues for you adopt and /or work with

If you would like to donate directly to our vet fund we work with these 3 amazing vets!

Maverick Vet Services in Erskine
Stettler Vets in Stettler
Stone Willow Vet Services in Lacombe

or you can send a EMT to



With the next few weeks looking insanely busy this will be one of our last posts for 2018.
We thank everyone for following the shenanigans of the donkeys, supporting us with kind words, and understanding why at this moment we are closed for intakes. Family and our animals needed to become priority, as well as healing time from 5 years of rescue.
Many have asked recently if we need anything going into the new year and really we do not. ... If someone wanted to donated towards Ned &Tonka , primarily Tonka needing lots of TLC at this time we would be very appreciative of that, however it’s not necessary as the direction of the rescue is to be as self sufficient as possible.
To donate towards their care you can e transfer @ Password : Tonka
Other than that we would like to challenge everyone to take a weeks worth out of their coffee funds and donate towards a charity of choice to help another program animal or people based to help those in need.
Our charity of choice that we try to help when we can is Prince Fluffy Kareem based out of Egypt. They need help more than any other program I know.
Within the next month or so, there will be a for sale album on our page as well, as a major clean out of tack needs to be made , as well as other horse related items! All monies made from the sale will be saved in the rescue fund for when a critter in need comes in.
Have a wonderful holiday I am always available for networking and help as usual, just won’t be able to answer messages right away.
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Needed a laugh today ....


Today we received a donation in memory of two horses owned by the Meston family from a their dear friend Jen.
Rest Easy Whiskey and Snip
The donation will be going towards the extra feed and farrier work Tonka needs between now and January . Thank you so much for this gift ❤


Ned Talks: He had to lay down for this one. As its been said before. Ned is as frustrated as I am this morning.
Tis the season for the dumping and threat calls. Many of our callers recently have said " if you don't take our horse/donkey/mule" will we ship them tomorrow or take them to the next auction. But we want X amount of money for it. If your wanting money from a rescue to take your animal on, for the most part you are barking up the wrong tree. Most ...
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Good morning boys.


tonka is starting to show is true colors finally. I think he’s beginning to feel better now that he’s getting some extra tlc in food. He is as demanding if not more than Ned!
Currently he’s on essential k and equine power plus minerals 2x daily ( yup he makes breakfast and supper time known now, and high tails it to the barn when I call him). But I’m in debate to play with his feed a bit more.
We would like to know your favourite senior feed as Tonka would like some extra... something to help add more calories, but limited sugars .
Have a great day
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One of my previously adopted guys is potentially looking for a new home. Suffield Mustang who is green broke, however has a front end lameness due to a bone chip that has likely fused by now.
He is 10 years old , has done some trail work, went to a team sorting and was exposed to a few things. DOES NOT like arena ridden work. On the trails he is ok with a confident buddy riding with him. And he was coming sound with regular chiro and work outs.
He will only be av...ailable to approved home. *please note he has not been worked with this summer
I have personally known this horse for most if his life
currently located outside of Red Deer Adoption price to be discussed with potential adopters
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Sunrise with Ned. Yup he’s back to escaping. Tonka was in the front field expressing his sadness that he wasn’t out with him


Anyone driving from strathmore area (dare 2dream rescue) that can bring to rd/ponoka/Stettler a small stash of goodies I’ve purchased ? TiaAnyone driving from strathmore area (dare 2dream rescue) that can bring to rd/ponoka/Stettler a small stash of goodies I’ve purchased ? Tia


If you use Silver Spur Equine Therapy for your horses this is a fantastic deal. They have supported our rescue program for years and done wonders for so many of our rescues and personal animals.
If you would considering donating one of your treatments to Ned or Tonka, Tonka being in some need of extra TLC right now, the boys would be very greatful ❤


This commercial brought tears to my eyes today.
Not sure if this Purina in the USA only but I will be looking into it and letting everyone know .


So this isn’t going to be horse related today, but it brought some tears to my eyes this evening. Due to the people involved in this kittens saving I can not say much for privacy reasons. However please consider sending a donation for this kittens care. I am so happy to see that he has survived the hell he was put through .
Much love to his angels <3


Happy weekend. I know there’s many of us using this winter to better ourselves as people and riders.
Came across this page today might be worth the follow…/10-tip s-for-the-average-r…/
... Now the question is ..... as I know we all have book cases of horse books. What book helped change your life with horses!!!!
Take a picture , and show us! Maybe there is one out there that will change someone else’s life!!!
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Just putting this out there.......


And this is why Ned and Tonka have blankets ❤
Found in Horse Canada magazine


I’ll be taking a hiatus from updating the page for a while, however pictures of the adventures will be posted on Instagram and here by one of the Admins as the days go by.
I have been given some opportunities I need to chase and get a head start on. Very excited for what the new year holds in general, it just means the rescue portion of our program will continue to be closed for a while. Networking will continue however, as I do realize there are many that still need .
Chase those dreams, and take opportunities when they come. You never know where you will end up.
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Ever see a donkey smile? I will never have a single donkey with just horses again. Donkeys need their own kind. Tonka and Ned are so extremely happy together. Horses may be good companions for donkeys but never would I have thought it to be this different with another 😀


Another fabulous article today about how rescues can help. And common misconceptions on many. (This is a US article however most points pertain to all types of rescue)
Please keep in mind to research the rescue you want to donate to, volunteer at, surrender or adopt from.
Many are out there to make a quick buck off ( aka donations) from bad cases”
...…/horse-world/myt hs-equine-rescues-de…
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More about Plunkett Ranch & Rescue

Plunkett Ranch & Rescue is located at Box 565, Alix, Alberta