Power To Change - University Of Calgary

About Power To Change - University Of Calgary

Power to Change exists to help students discover Jesus and change the world.



Come join us after Impact for a free BBQ! We'll be meeting in the TFDL Quad, which is the space between Mac Hall and the TFDL.
Afterwards, we'll be going to 5224 32 Ave NW to hang out. We can find you a ride!


Join us at our first Impact of the semester! We'll have a time of worship, and be talking about who we are and what we do on campus. Come find your place on campus among fellow Christians trying to do the same.
Impact is located in Science A 106 this semester. You can use the interactive room finder to locate it: http://ucmapspro.ucalgary.ca/RoomFinder/< br> Come join us afterwards for a free BBQ!... https://www.facebook.com/events/457671744 725506/
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Exciting news! There's a NEW website for P2C PLUS, our annual winter conference. Check it out, learn more about P2C PLUS 2018, and register online at toronto2018.p2cplus.com


So you think you can't dance? well good thing you have the opportunity to learn!! Dress up in your best Disney attire and join us for our last social of the year with a disney dance party where we will learn how to waltz to Disney songs (led by the infamous Jesse Chaulk!). Don't worry if you don't know how to dance...because I don't either! (and there'll be room for people to just hang out and stuff)


To end off yet another school year, come join us for one last Power to Change hoorah before the summer!
Inspired by the body of water that surrounds land on this planet, the theme is "Under the Sea", so come dressed in your best attire! There will be a costume competition for individuals and teams (prizes are at stake here!)
Cost: FREE, just grab a ticket before April 13th, or it's $5 at the door.... Tickets can be bought at: - Connect MRU Thursdays @4-5pm from Ami - Impact UofC Fridays @4-5pm from Daniel ** if you cannot find them at these times feel free to contact them for tickets
** This will be a potluck, so please bring an item of food for all to share! (because we're university students who love food)
Feel free to invite your friends we would love to have them join us!
"SEA" you all there!
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Come join us after impact/supper for a fun night of shooting lasers at each other! It'll be 9.50 per person!!!


Hello friends! Midterm season is upon us so why not take out a little bit of time to relax a bit and watch a movie with the rest of the P2C fam jam. We will be watching the classic Lord of the Rings (other movies can be negotiated the day of). The social will be held at Gina's humble abode...(very very humble abode, as in it will be very cozy, and YA'LL SHOULD PARK ON TRELLE DRIVE because parking is a scarce resource). Also, bringing a small snack to share will be very much appreciated.


Yo you! yeah you! You intellectual human reading this, come join us after Impact/supper for a night of Trivia hosted by our very own majestically, eccentric Joel Merrifield. Come out and prove yourself, and the winning team shall win a prize!


Join us in Banff for a day of vision, brainstorming and celebration! Come hear stories of what God has been doing this year and dream and pray with us about what God will do next year. It's a great chance to get to know people better, worship God and have fun!
When: Saturday, March 24 from 7:45 am to 5:00 pm Where: Meet at either UofC or MRU to carpool to Banff Cost: $5 for gas and money for lunch.... Please register online at https://goo.gl/forms/pxxWXarcdfEg9NYR2 so that we can help organize rides.
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http://www.trailpeak.com/trail-Grotto-Can yon-near-Canmore-A… UofC and MRU let's get together and hike the winter lands of Alberta this Saturday! Plan to be at the base of Grotto by 10 am. Drivers see the map included and plan coordinate with your passengers to learn if they want to meet at the u of c outdoor centre to rent spikes. ALSO GROUPS MAY HEAD INTO CANMORE AFTER FOR SOME OF THE BEST POUTINES OUT THERE!
La Belle Patate... 102 boulder crescent canmore, ab T1W 1L2
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Come and hear our guest speaker, Elroy Senneker, address the question "Is the Bible Reliable?"
The event is located in Firmitas B, the Vitruvian Space (Dining Centre)! If you need help finding the room location, follow this link: http://ucmapspro.ucalgary.ca/RoomFinder/ and type in DC 14


Power to Change has been long due for a night like this! Come join us after supper/impact for a night of fellowship where we will eat, hear stories/testimonies from students and ultimately just praise God! It shall be a fun time ya'll


Come to Impact this week to worship God, enjoy community, and learn about "How to Experience God's Purpose for Your Life in University and Not Die"! It'll be worth your time. ;)


Come join us after impact/supper for a fun time roller blading at Lloyd's before its unfortunate demise....Skate rentals are $3.00 and admission is $7.00 before 6:00pm and $9.00 after 6:00pm! SEE YA'LL THERE !


This week has been a huge week at the University of Calgary. Following the debate, "Does God Exist?", this event is for those who want to know if God matters. Many people believe in God but don't know what to do with it, or if it really means anything in their lives. If this is you or you know someone feel free to come out and invite your friends. We look forward to seeing everyone out this Friday in ICT 122 at 4 pm!


Join us after impact and supper and have a hippity fun time at Seth's humble abode. Bring a board game you'd enjoy so you can share your enjoyiness with the rest of these humans! SEE YA'LL THERE HOME DAWGS

More about Power To Change - University Of Calgary

Power To Change - University Of Calgary is located at Calgary, Alberta