Pregnancy, Miscarriage, And Infant Loss Healing & Coaching Service

About Pregnancy, Miscarriage, And Infant Loss Healing & Coaching Service

Specialized Holistic Life coaching and support for Mothers and Pregnant Women who have had loss or are struggling in subsequent pregnancy after loss.

Pregnancy, Miscarriage, And Infant Loss Healing & Coaching Service Description

About me. . .

I have always been extremely passionate about women’s issues. I have worked as a social worker in various sexual health and feminist organizations. My work in these organizations has provided me with an in depth understanding of how a woman’s past and present experiences shape who she is, the choices she is presented with, and the decisions she makes. As a social worker I have had the honour of connecting women with their inner strength and enabling them to make the best possible choices for themselves, their families and their communities.

The journey of my pregnancy and the birth of my daughter in 2013 furthered my passion for empowering women through this momentous time in their lives. It is one of the many reasons that I have chosen to support women and their families through the divine journey of parenthood. Becoming a mother is a significant life event and every woman should be allowed to cherish her experience as her own.

After the initial postpartum period had ended with my daughter, I found myself contemplating everything: my career, my deep rooted beliefs, how to find balance, why I make certain choices, what values I wanted to pass to my daughter, and who I really was now that I was a mother. Everything you think you know to be true about yourself before having children changes once they arrive. Becoming a mother opened me up in more ways than I was ever prepared for. Motherhood is a sacred journey that delves into the deepest parts of our souls. It cracks open the darkest places of yourself, allowing a new light and wisdom to seep through, if you allow it. Once a new understanding begins to seep in, there are no limits to the life that you can create for yourself, your children, and your family. Becoming a mother is a significant life event and every woman should be allowed to create her experience as her own.

As your life coach, I will walk along side of you and support you in discovering your inner strength. I will create a safe and sacred space for you to let your guard down, allow the cracks to open, and let in the light. I will SEE you, without judgement, and honour exactly who you are in the moment. Together we will realize your strength, and unveil the LIFE you have always envisioned

More about Pregnancy, Miscarriage, And Infant Loss Healing & Coaching Service

Pregnancy, Miscarriage, And Infant Loss Healing & Coaching Service is located at Suite 227 - #370 - 5222 130 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta T2Z 0G4