Public Interest Alberta

About Public Interest Alberta

Public Interest Alberta: Advocating for a Better Alberta for All



Notley called Canada’s residential school system an “attack on (Indigenous) language” and said the new centre will be “fundamental to preserving and enhancing culture” while “taking steps toward reconciliation.”
“I just think that, overall, we still need to grow people’s understanding of the reasons for reconciliation, the history that contributes to our obligation now to engage in reconciliation,” Notley said.


"As stewards of our climate and our community, we need to make sure that our young people have an education that’s rich with teachers, not just energy bills”
Public Interest Alberta's priorities include both strengthening our public school systems and supporting community renewable energy projects. More info on our priorities can be found at:


The continuation and expansion of the Early Learning & Child Care program should be a top priority for the government and all political parties in Alberta.
To see more coverage from our press conference: dcaresurvey2018


From the ATA News:
"If Alberta used the tax rates being used by the conservative government in Saskatchewan, we would raise $11.3 billion more. With these reasonable taxation rates, Alberta would still be tied with B.C. and Saskatchewan for the lowest taxes in Canada, but it would have a $2.5 billion surplus instead of a $9-billion deficit.
No one wants an education system for their children that is starved for operational funds. No one wants education funding cuts that stretch out over several years, particularly when there are more students".


"Canada’s unions are proud that we’ve won health insurance coverage for many of our members. But we believe anyone with a health card should have coverage for the medicines they need. That’s why we’re working to win a universal prescription drug plan that covers everyone in Canada, regardless of their income, age or where they work or live."
Learn more and sign the petition!


From our allies at Parkland Institute: "Join us for a presentation by renowned earth scientist David Hughes as he discusses our current energy mix in Canada, the deployability of renewable energy sources, and what will be required in order for us to achieve the degree and scope of transition that is required by the climate crisis."
Also taking place in Calgary on March 4th: 453702/


"This month, some important changes to the way we financially support some of the most vulnerable in our society were made by the provincial government. Payments to the disabled, elderly and children in poverty were all indexed. That means that every year, based on the rise in the cost of living, financial supports will be automatically increased."


"The atlas goes deep into history and culture, with categories like wildlife, ceremonial spaces, sport, housing, visual arts and traditional land use, but it also tackles the often dark history of Canada’s interactions with Indigenous peoples.
“While they’re talking about really important aspects of history and cultures and traditions, it doesn’t shy away from the horrors we have to address when we are at the schools as well,” Feehan said.
“So there’s issues of residential schools and Sixties Scoop and other issues that as a country we just simply have to look at squarely and take responsibility for.”


We decided to put Alberta’s emissions up to the #tenyearchallenge and the results are alarming. A 2018 report from the Government of Canada projects that from 2010 to 2020 Alberta’s greenhouse gas emissions will have increased by 38 megatons. It’s up to all Albertans to decide how seriously our government will act on climate change between now and 2030 in the interest of our communities and families.
Reducing greenhouse gas emission is one of Public Interest Alberta’s environmental priorities. For more information on this and other priorities:


"While the provincial and federal governments are looking at the short-term economic crisis, the Wet’suwet’en people at the Unist’ot’en camp are fighting for their land rights and the rights of their children to come.
They are playing a long game while Canada and the provinces are only looking a few months ahead."


Coverage of our 2018 Child Care Survey! The continuation and expansion of the ELCC program should be a cornerstone of government priorities for strong public services.
"The survey found the pilot programs were 15 per cent more likely to serve infants and 12 per cent more likely to offer services to children with disabilities, compared to other child-care operators in the province. The programs were also more likely to have highly-qualified staff and professional development opportunities."


Billie MacFarlane is a mother of four children in the government's Early Learning & Child Care Program who spoke today at our press conference at Jasper Place Child and Family Resource Centre Parent Link. She says, "I will be forever grateful for what this centre has given my family. As the saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child and this centre is my village.”


Public Interest Alberta’s Executive Director Joel French attended a Government of Alberta consultation on the 2019 provincial budget today. He presented five major points of input on the budget.

More about Public Interest Alberta

Public Interest Alberta is located at Suite 604, 12323 Stony Plain Road NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 3Y5
780.420.0471 On twitter at: