Publishing For Children'S Authors

About Publishing For Children'S Authors

This is THE place to get geeky about publishing children’s books
…we LOVE talking about writing, publishing and then actually SELLING our kid’s books! !



It’s National Entrepreneur Day!
I published my first book just over two years ago and now it’s hard to remember what it was like when I WASN’T eager to start very day because I love what I do SO MUCH!
Here’s to all the entrepreneurs out there making magic where literally nothing existed before! (As well as a gentle nudge toward those of you wondering if you’re ready…You’ll never feel ready, but dive in anyway, the water’s fine!)


I recently came across the story of a person who suffered horribly at the hands of yet another fake “expert”.
An “expert” who read 2 books on the topic, got a fancy website (complete with foxy glamor shots), and started calling themself the guru of publishing.
And started throwing around phrases like "A book is your business card!"
... Needless to say, it all ended in utter & sheer disaster. (ie. NO BOOKS SOLD)
When I hear stories like these, it makes me see red.
Not just any red, blood red.
Because the truth is, if you wrote the book, why not actually SELL it?
#sellyourbook #thewrightersway #ignitehub
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Who started a fire in your life? Who lit a passion for you?
Many thanks to @Napturalnicole for igniting the dream of starting my business. I’m lucky to be a Strategist for writers who loves guiding writers to dream careers!
Perhaps we can light the world on fire with our passion...who is that special person for you?


Let’s talk crap advice, actually scratch that.
Let’s talk destructive advice. In my industry it is this one: Publish it, then forget about it.
Those giving this BS advice and those believing this advice (and sharing it forward) SATAAHPPP!
It's just not that easy, unfortunately.
Please people do your own research (or ask me), dig deep, understand the ulterior motives of people spreading this nonsense.
Don’t just believe everything you see on the internet (yes, not even this one).
#marketyourbook #sellyourbook #ignitehub
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Today I just want to shout out The Mojo Mama. I’ve been in business as a writer since I worked with her and did some life reorganizing.
When I was getting started Laurie Joy was so generous with her wealth of knowledge and experience, I learned more about creating a life that made me happy from her than I did from any other single source.
Thank you Laurie, for literally everything.


I’m spending an hour a week answering your questions! Post them below!


So…Thanksgiving for all the Americans out there... Everyone has their own set of traditions and things they like to do, but I for one, describe my perfect holiday like this I tread very lightly as I raise my three little ones to understand the dark history associated with settlers and the indigenous peoples whose lives were ended and forever altered during that time.
I hope this kind of early education, tough as it may be, will help them learn to openly question the rose colored accounts they'll be hearing when they start school. How will you spend your Thanksgiving?


I want to talk about this super popular concept that your book is your 'business card' and why it is utter & complete BS.
You have been lied to for years, heck even longer simply because so many people don't know any better.
I am here to tell you that it just isn’t true and yes I understand I am punching a hornet’s nest by saying this but I was never known for playing it safe so here goes.
... They DON'T KNOW.
They will keep you stuck.
They don’t have your best interest at heart.
If you want to finally start SELLING books then listen to me!
You wrote the book, why not actually SELL it?
#notabusinesscard #ignitehub
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Teagan Adams is a sixteen-year-old serial entrepreneur, TEDx speaker, author, and podcast host. (SIXTEEN)
He started his entrepreneurial journey at the age of nine by raising money to build a school in Kenya, Africa with his lemonade stands.
At the age of ten he was on the national television show 'Dragons Den' where he pitched his first company, Doogoods.
... He now does assemblies at elementary schools to spread this Doogoods movement and raise the next generation as UPstanders instead of bystanders.
Teagan is also the author of 'Success Principles: Unlock Your Limitless Potential' and recently launched a podcast called 'Success Academy' where he has been interviewing world class entrepreneurs.
Teagan's take on momentum is going to motivate you to do the THING, whatever your thing is!
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Another recent venture!


WARNING: massively unpopular opinion right ahead, I might lose fans & friends over this.
Here goes: I don’t really like this whole augmented reality thing.
... I just don’t see the appeal!
And I definitely don’t see the craze.
It’s so confusing to my sensibilities, like “are you seeing what I am seeing?”
Any other weirdos like me out there or the whole world has lost their damn mind and I am the last sane one standing?
#reallifeplease #ignitehub
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This guy is about to blow all your ideas about teenagers today OUT OF THE WATER!!
Please allow me to introduce Teagan Adams!
Teagan is a 16 year old entrepreneur who has been on Dragon's Den, delivered TWO TEDx talks, is a podcast host and also a published author.
... He wrote a book mostly to gain credibility, but learned quite a lot along the way.
Tune in this Wednesday to listen to Teagan on The Wrighter's Way podcast!
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If you are not with me, you are against me that’s all! So answer very carefully….verrrrryyyyy carefullllyyyyyy...
... I am the sort of person who would would rather watch something that will make me laugh, than watch anything that will make me cry!
Yes, yes, I understand that it is blasphemous for some movie connoisseurs but I don’t care!
I can not subject my brain cells to a 2 hour long torture just because it is the popular thing to do.
Can you?
#dontwanttocry #ignitehub #movietime
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In the spirit of Thankfulness, I just want to acknowledge how totally grateful I am for my iPhone. She’s just a tiny thing, sitting on my desk next to the pencil jar.
What about you? What’s the indispensable bit of technology that makes you oh-so-thankful every day?


Woohoo!! This weekend, Dave Chesson is offering a special deal for KDP Rocket: 10% off
Take advantage by clicking here:
... Coupon Code: NovDiscount
KDP Rocket is a proven book software that will help you get your book in front of more shoppers on Amazon through better keywords, categories and more effective AMS book ads.
I use it and love it!
So, take advantage of this deal now, because it ends this Sunday at midnight (EST).
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I’m pretty sure the biggest sales of the year are something we can all kinda get behind. So how do you do it?
Are you A: Already waiting outside the mall with an itemized list just itching for the doors to open on Black Friday B: Keeping it low profile and spending all of Cyber Monday on the couch cleaning up at your favorite online shops or C: Not so much into all that shopping right now?
... I’m a bit of a procrastinator so it’s definitely C for me! What about you?
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I’m seeing some new faces around here lately (welcome) and some loyal friends, too (thanks). For any of you who’d like to know me better, here goes my *All About Me—Autumn Edition*:
Fall is easily my least favorite season because it's an abrupt end to the carefree sandaled days of summer. Despite dropping temperatures I can always look forward to fall for the following 3 reasons cashmere sweaters, cozy socks, and black Friday shopping sprees.
And there you have it! Now what about fall makes you, YOU?


Laurie is such a breath of fresh air. Her suggestions and tips for self-published authors are both practical and easy to implement. I cannot wait to experience the change in how well my books do after my talk with Laurie. It doesn’t matter if you are a seasoned author or just getting started, Laurie can help you reach the levels that you dream of with your books. Schedule your consultation without her today. You will not be disappointed!


Laurie and I spoke for a 30 min consult. She gave me great advice and helped me feel confident with next steps. She also typed up our discussion which was super helpful since her had tons of information. I highly recommend her!


If you want to learn from someone that has not only written her own books, but had been very successful at it, then Laurie is the one for you! She inspired me to write my first children's book and 3 more following that! She is honest, smart, and easy to learn from! Her advice has literally changed my life as I've found a way to make an income working from home with 3 small kiddos! I definitely recommend her!


I had the pleasure of utilizing Laurie's consulting service to assist me in marketing my new children's book. I walked away with strategies to implement for boosting my books visibility on Amazon. The value of the content was more than I expected. Thank you so much RF!! :)


Laurie is such a breath of fresh air. Her suggestions and tips for self-published authors are both practical and easy to implement. I cannot wait to experience the change in how well my books do after my talk with Laurie. It doesn’t matter if you are a seasoned author or just getting started, Laurie can help you reach the levels that you dream of with your books. Schedule your consultation without her today. You will not be disappointed!


Laurie and I spoke for a 30 min consult. She gave me great advice and helped me feel confident with next steps. She also typed up our discussion which was super helpful since her had tons of information. I highly recommend her!


If you want to learn from someone that has not only written her own books, but had been very successful at it, then Laurie is the one for you! She inspired me to write my first children's book and 3 more following that! She is honest, smart, and easy to learn from! Her advice has literally changed my life as I've found a way to make an income working from home with 3 small kiddos! I definitely recommend her!


I had the pleasure of utilizing Laurie's consulting service to assist me in marketing my new children's book. I walked away with strategies to implement for boosting my books visibility on Amazon. The value of the content was more than I expected. Thank you so much RF!! :)

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