Pure North

Monday: 08:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 16:30
Wednesday: 07:00 - 16:30
Thursday: 08:00 - 16:30
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Pure North

Pure North is a not-for-profit organization endeavouring to help improve the health of Canadians.

Pure North Description

The Pure North S'Energy Foundation is a non-profit initiative that focuses on the delivery of innovative preventative and integrative health and wellness strategies. A comprehensive team of expert health and dental care professionals including physicians, naturopathic doctors and nurses provide first-rate personalized services to participants to help them 'feel better & live longer'. Pure North S'Energy provides access to services and support which decreases the demand for expensive medical treatment in the future.

Pure North S'Energy is dedicated to the promotion of preventative and integrative health and wellness. Allan Markin founded the program after 32 years of extensive experience with occupational health and wellness. It is funded and operated by the Pure North S'Energy Foundation which is a non-profit organization.



Vitamin D deficiency a risk factor for cognitive decline and dementia.


Recent research by Professor John McGrath and his team confirmed a link between neonatal vitamin D deficiency and an increased risk (44%) of developing schizophrenia later in life.
Read more about the research here: https://qbi.uq.edu.au/…/link-between-ne onatal-vitamin-d-def…


Holiday closure and 2019 office hours for Calgary:


When we first started was difficult taking that many vitamins. When I compared my results from then to now. My whole wellbeing has changed drastically. Realizing how important the balance of mind, body and soul is the difference of night and day. I truly thank Pure North Synergy for all your guidance and assistance in this life changing experience.


These guys are angels. They help the poor, the homeless people. I don't have words to thank them. I wish this organisation grows each day so they can help more needy people. God bless them.


Thank you for being so courteous and kind whenever I go in for treatment. Pure North has literally saved my life after discovering severe deficiencies and with their support I am just beginning my new journey of great health. Deeply grateful ��


Pure North is an excellent alternative for those who are looking to drastically improve their health and well being, without the insanely high costs of naturopathic services and supplements. Even when I am looking to cut back on extra expenses, I stick with the Pure North program. It provides so much value for what I pay, because it vastly improves my quality of life.


Pure North has generously given so much to myself and many others. The vitamins are high quality and very reasonably priced, the blood tests are thorough and help pinpoint issues and the staff and kind helpful and educated. Bless you all.


My family has been going to Pure North for the past couple of months and I can not say enough good things about the very professional and caring staff and the outstanding care. It has been an amazing experience and I encourage everyone that I know to visit. Thank you Mr. Markin for your vision and dedication to this effort it is an incredible gift and vision that you have given Canadians. Thank you to everyone that works at Pure North for your amazing attitude and all the care that you give everyone.


Literally saved my wife's life after testing her for things that everyday doctors didn't have a clue about (thyroid)

Horrendous pain and fatigue simply disappeared in just a few days of following the Pure Norths doctors orders.


It is complicated to step in and not have a vision! This program is all about you! Your understanding of how diet effects your every effort! Pure North has both aided and taught me in understanding and changing my future and my handicapped brother's. By helping me learn how the tests can inform and support how to live but also how to view and learn a vital approach to science of the body through blood tests. Thank You Pure North. My life and my brother's is getting better everyday!


I'm a participant in the Pure North program and would like to send out a bouquet to everyone at the Calgary and Vancouver clinics.

The treatments I have received have helped me to outlive the prognosis I was given.

I also feel that there is a second integral part to these treatments. It is the compassionate care I consistently receive from everyone at the clinic. From the administrative staff, to the doctors and nurses, their enthusiasm, passion and knowledge has helped me to make better chioices in bringing balance to my overall health. Thank you, all.


I want to send out a great big hearty thank you to all! Thanks to all Your early mornings and for listening to our endless complaints about this ache or that, your patience. Love. Commitment and generosity..... You are an amazing team!! With much appreciation! Thanks so much! (Ps- had issues with my phone in posting this. It may be posted in another spot or two on the site ;) )


I attended Pure North today for my 16 Point Health Assessment for $99 & Toxicity Test for $50. I would like to Compliment all the Pure North Receptions for their professional courtesy given upon my checking in. I would like to Thank Nurse Kim for sharing her extensive knowledge about the 16 Point Process. I look forward to my follow-up appointment, to discuss in depth, the results of my blood test & toxicity test. Judy Walters


Extremely friendly and wide scope of very affordable services. If you are interested in taking control of your health, if you want to remove the blinders ... then you really should contact this company. Excellent education. They offer a variety of testing so that you get real answers. Nothing fluffy about this company!


Amazing staff :) You know your in the right place as soon as you walk through the door!


I was given the gift of perfect health supported by Pure North for I year. Good things seem to always dissipate into the greatest things. Thanks for this gift when it was available an a big Thank You to Mr Markin for his heart. I'm on the silver plan to come .


I have been reading with interest a series of recent articles by CBC investigative reporters Charles Rusnell and Jennie Rusnell. The authors allege a list of improprieties in the operations of Pure North, a Calgary based private, non profit health foundation (founded by Al Markin, former chairman of Canadian Natural Resources and part owner of the Calgary Flames)

The key concerns expressed are the following:

1. Pure North obtained $10 million in Alberta Government money without due diligence being done on the efficacy of it’s wellness programs (including vitamin supplements)

2. Pure North “targets” or “focuses” on vulnerable people (including homeless, mentally ill and seniors) who are not capable of assessing the risks of the health care and supplements they are being given.

3. The efficacy of the vitamins and supplements provided in Pure North’s wellness programs are largely unproven and dosage in many cases greatly exceed Health Canada guidelines.

4. Al Markin (founder and principal of Pure North) has refused repeated attempts by CBC to be interviewed on the above allegations.

The implication of all of the recent articles suggest that a rich, retired oilman (and Calgary Flames part owner……yes The Flames are also looking for government money to help build a new arena) and the Alberta government are somehow partnering up to perform a giant science experiment (testing unproven vitamins and supplements) using marginalized homeless people as guinea pigs. Intrigued, I decided to investigate a little on my own so I had a good look at the Pure North Website.

I discovered that the foundation began in 2007 . Pure North’s mission statement is to encourage “general wellness”, good nutrition and and a healthy lifestyle. From the PN website one can easily determine they believe in preventative medicine including the use of vitamins and supplements, especially vitamin D. The foundation is non profit and Al Markin has funded it’s $250 million budget almost entirely with his own money since then. 50,000 patients have received health services from Pure North since 2007 including naturopathic doctors, nurses, dentists and dieticians. A large % of the client base are low income, marginalized people and they get all their care and supplements for free. Pure North also makes free visits to remote First Nation reservations.

So my instinct here is to ask: Where is the smoking gun? A rich guy starts and operates a non profit health foundation emphasizing “preventative medicine”. He funds the foundation with his own money. Most of his clients are poor without a family doctor and little access to decent health care. Pure North treats them for free, does rigorous testing and continuous monitoring. Why did the CBC not reference the many research articles that support the program, many of which are posted right on the website for easy access? Mr Rusnell and Ms Rusnell suggest that these vitamins and supplements are risky and threatening to the client’s health. I can’t comment on these suggestions but I haven’t heard of any of the 50,000 people treated dying of “vitamin overdose.” Why did the CBC not identify a single person who claimed any harm from their treatment? I don’t know about proper dosages of vitamin D but understand some minimum amount is generally good for people to take each day.

When I mention “lack of objectivity” in the CBC articles it’s because they only suggest skulduggery, deceit and deception by a wealthy retired oilman and government cronies. Why is there no mention of a guy spending $250 million of his own money to help poor, homeless and mentally ill people get healthier. How about some detailed coverage about how their lives have been impacted by Pure North. A little objectivity and balance would go along way in giving more credibility to the Resnell, CBC “investigative journalism”.

Best regards,

Ken Rowan


Pure north seems to refuse to answer legitimate questions I have asked and seems to be blocking it from appearing on the visitors posts. I find that odd and concerning. Consumer beware. Watch a report done by the Fifth Estate about these big vitamin manufacturers. You can find the episode on YouTube. Very interesting and unbiased report done by a trusted Canadian news source. Very eye opening.


Jack Davis ripped off tax payers with crazy salary. Now he jumps to fringe medicine. People should be going to their family MD to get this care not private for profit under what medical cometency. Really whrn you have to do on facebook


We signed up on the program and was told we would be in it for a year. A couple months later they implement all these fees and won't honour the deal already made. Funny how they don't respond either.


The program was great and then out of the blue they wanted us to start paying even though they told us right from the start it was all free. I was very disappointed in how they changed the whole program


When we first started was difficult taking that many vitamins. When I compared my results from then to now. My whole wellbeing has changed drastically. Realizing how important the balance of mind, body and soul is the difference of night and day. I truly thank Pure North Synergy for all your guidance and assistance in this life changing experience.


These guys are angels. They help the poor, the homeless people. I don't have words to thank them. I wish this organisation grows each day so they can help more needy people. God bless them.


Thank you for being so courteous and kind whenever I go in for treatment. Pure North has literally saved my life after discovering severe deficiencies and with their support I am just beginning my new journey of great health. Deeply grateful ��


Pure North is an excellent alternative for those who are looking to drastically improve their health and well being, without the insanely high costs of naturopathic services and supplements. Even when I am looking to cut back on extra expenses, I stick with the Pure North program. It provides so much value for what I pay, because it vastly improves my quality of life.


Pure North has generously given so much to myself and many others. The vitamins are high quality and very reasonably priced, the blood tests are thorough and help pinpoint issues and the staff and kind helpful and educated. Bless you all.


My family has been going to Pure North for the past couple of months and I can not say enough good things about the very professional and caring staff and the outstanding care. It has been an amazing experience and I encourage everyone that I know to visit. Thank you Mr. Markin for your vision and dedication to this effort it is an incredible gift and vision that you have given Canadians. Thank you to everyone that works at Pure North for your amazing attitude and all the care that you give everyone.


Literally saved my wife's life after testing her for things that everyday doctors didn't have a clue about (thyroid)

Horrendous pain and fatigue simply disappeared in just a few days of following the Pure Norths doctors orders.


It is complicated to step in and not have a vision! This program is all about you! Your understanding of how diet effects your every effort! Pure North has both aided and taught me in understanding and changing my future and my handicapped brother's. By helping me learn how the tests can inform and support how to live but also how to view and learn a vital approach to science of the body through blood tests. Thank You Pure North. My life and my brother's is getting better everyday!


I'm a participant in the Pure North program and would like to send out a bouquet to everyone at the Calgary and Vancouver clinics.

The treatments I have received have helped me to outlive the prognosis I was given.

I also feel that there is a second integral part to these treatments. It is the compassionate care I consistently receive from everyone at the clinic. From the administrative staff, to the doctors and nurses, their enthusiasm, passion and knowledge has helped me to make better chioices in bringing balance to my overall health. Thank you, all.


I want to send out a great big hearty thank you to all! Thanks to all Your early mornings and for listening to our endless complaints about this ache or that, your patience. Love. Commitment and generosity..... You are an amazing team!! With much appreciation! Thanks so much! (Ps- had issues with my phone in posting this. It may be posted in another spot or two on the site ;) )


I attended Pure North today for my 16 Point Health Assessment for $99 & Toxicity Test for $50. I would like to Compliment all the Pure North Receptions for their professional courtesy given upon my checking in. I would like to Thank Nurse Kim for sharing her extensive knowledge about the 16 Point Process. I look forward to my follow-up appointment, to discuss in depth, the results of my blood test & toxicity test. Judy Walters


Extremely friendly and wide scope of very affordable services. If you are interested in taking control of your health, if you want to remove the blinders ... then you really should contact this company. Excellent education. They offer a variety of testing so that you get real answers. Nothing fluffy about this company!


Amazing staff :) You know your in the right place as soon as you walk through the door!


I was given the gift of perfect health supported by Pure North for I year. Good things seem to always dissipate into the greatest things. Thanks for this gift when it was available an a big Thank You to Mr Markin for his heart. I'm on the silver plan to come .


I have been reading with interest a series of recent articles by CBC investigative reporters Charles Rusnell and Jennie Rusnell. The authors allege a list of improprieties in the operations of Pure North, a Calgary based private, non profit health foundation (founded by Al Markin, former chairman of Canadian Natural Resources and part owner of the Calgary Flames)

The key concerns expressed are the following:

1. Pure North obtained $10 million in Alberta Government money without due diligence being done on the efficacy of it’s wellness programs (including vitamin supplements)

2. Pure North “targets” or “focuses” on vulnerable people (including homeless, mentally ill and seniors) who are not capable of assessing the risks of the health care and supplements they are being given.

3. The efficacy of the vitamins and supplements provided in Pure North’s wellness programs are largely unproven and dosage in many cases greatly exceed Health Canada guidelines.

4. Al Markin (founder and principal of Pure North) has refused repeated attempts by CBC to be interviewed on the above allegations.

The implication of all of the recent articles suggest that a rich, retired oilman (and Calgary Flames part owner……yes The Flames are also looking for government money to help build a new arena) and the Alberta government are somehow partnering up to perform a giant science experiment (testing unproven vitamins and supplements) using marginalized homeless people as guinea pigs. Intrigued, I decided to investigate a little on my own so I had a good look at the Pure North Website.

I discovered that the foundation began in 2007 . Pure North’s mission statement is to encourage “general wellness”, good nutrition and and a healthy lifestyle. From the PN website one can easily determine they believe in preventative medicine including the use of vitamins and supplements, especially vitamin D. The foundation is non profit and Al Markin has funded it’s $250 million budget almost entirely with his own money since then. 50,000 patients have received health services from Pure North since 2007 including naturopathic doctors, nurses, dentists and dieticians. A large % of the client base are low income, marginalized people and they get all their care and supplements for free. Pure North also makes free visits to remote First Nation reservations.

So my instinct here is to ask: Where is the smoking gun? A rich guy starts and operates a non profit health foundation emphasizing “preventative medicine”. He funds the foundation with his own money. Most of his clients are poor without a family doctor and little access to decent health care. Pure North treats them for free, does rigorous testing and continuous monitoring. Why did the CBC not reference the many research articles that support the program, many of which are posted right on the website for easy access? Mr Rusnell and Ms Rusnell suggest that these vitamins and supplements are risky and threatening to the client’s health. I can’t comment on these suggestions but I haven’t heard of any of the 50,000 people treated dying of “vitamin overdose.” Why did the CBC not identify a single person who claimed any harm from their treatment? I don’t know about proper dosages of vitamin D but understand some minimum amount is generally good for people to take each day.

When I mention “lack of objectivity” in the CBC articles it’s because they only suggest skulduggery, deceit and deception by a wealthy retired oilman and government cronies. Why is there no mention of a guy spending $250 million of his own money to help poor, homeless and mentally ill people get healthier. How about some detailed coverage about how their lives have been impacted by Pure North. A little objectivity and balance would go along way in giving more credibility to the Resnell, CBC “investigative journalism”.

Best regards,

Ken Rowan


Pure north seems to refuse to answer legitimate questions I have asked and seems to be blocking it from appearing on the visitors posts. I find that odd and concerning. Consumer beware. Watch a report done by the Fifth Estate about these big vitamin manufacturers. You can find the episode on YouTube. Very interesting and unbiased report done by a trusted Canadian news source. Very eye opening.


Jack Davis ripped off tax payers with crazy salary. Now he jumps to fringe medicine. People should be going to their family MD to get this care not private for profit under what medical cometency. Really whrn you have to do on facebook


We signed up on the program and was told we would be in it for a year. A couple months later they implement all these fees and won't honour the deal already made. Funny how they don't respond either.


The program was great and then out of the blue they wanted us to start paying even though they told us right from the start it was all free. I was very disappointed in how they changed the whole program


When we first started was difficult taking that many vitamins. When I compared my results from then to now. My whole wellbeing has changed drastically. Realizing how important the balance of mind, body and soul is the difference of night and day. I truly thank Pure North Synergy for all your guidance and assistance in this life changing experience.


These guys are angels. They help the poor, the homeless people. I don't have words to thank them. I wish this organisation grows each day so they can help more needy people. God bless them.


Thank you for being so courteous and kind whenever I go in for treatment. Pure North has literally saved my life after discovering severe deficiencies and with their support I am just beginning my new journey of great health. Deeply grateful ��


Pure North is an excellent alternative for those who are looking to drastically improve their health and well being, without the insanely high costs of naturopathic services and supplements. Even when I am looking to cut back on extra expenses, I stick with the Pure North program. It provides so much value for what I pay, because it vastly improves my quality of life.


Pure North has generously given so much to myself and many others. The vitamins are high quality and very reasonably priced, the blood tests are thorough and help pinpoint issues and the staff and kind helpful and educated. Bless you all.


My family has been going to Pure North for the past couple of months and I can not say enough good things about the very professional and caring staff and the outstanding care. It has been an amazing experience and I encourage everyone that I know to visit. Thank you Mr. Markin for your vision and dedication to this effort it is an incredible gift and vision that you have given Canadians. Thank you to everyone that works at Pure North for your amazing attitude and all the care that you give everyone.


Literally saved my wife's life after testing her for things that everyday doctors didn't have a clue about (thyroid)

Horrendous pain and fatigue simply disappeared in just a few days of following the Pure Norths doctors orders.


It is complicated to step in and not have a vision! This program is all about you! Your understanding of how diet effects your every effort! Pure North has both aided and taught me in understanding and changing my future and my handicapped brother's. By helping me learn how the tests can inform and support how to live but also how to view and learn a vital approach to science of the body through blood tests. Thank You Pure North. My life and my brother's is getting better everyday!


I'm a participant in the Pure North program and would like to send out a bouquet to everyone at the Calgary and Vancouver clinics.

The treatments I have received have helped me to outlive the prognosis I was given.

I also feel that there is a second integral part to these treatments. It is the compassionate care I consistently receive from everyone at the clinic. From the administrative staff, to the doctors and nurses, their enthusiasm, passion and knowledge has helped me to make better chioices in bringing balance to my overall health. Thank you, all.


I want to send out a great big hearty thank you to all! Thanks to all Your early mornings and for listening to our endless complaints about this ache or that, your patience. Love. Commitment and generosity..... You are an amazing team!! With much appreciation! Thanks so much! (Ps- had issues with my phone in posting this. It may be posted in another spot or two on the site ;) )


I attended Pure North today for my 16 Point Health Assessment for $99 & Toxicity Test for $50. I would like to Compliment all the Pure North Receptions for their professional courtesy given upon my checking in. I would like to Thank Nurse Kim for sharing her extensive knowledge about the 16 Point Process. I look forward to my follow-up appointment, to discuss in depth, the results of my blood test & toxicity test. Judy Walters


Extremely friendly and wide scope of very affordable services. If you are interested in taking control of your health, if you want to remove the blinders ... then you really should contact this company. Excellent education. They offer a variety of testing so that you get real answers. Nothing fluffy about this company!


Amazing staff :) You know your in the right place as soon as you walk through the door!


I was given the gift of perfect health supported by Pure North for I year. Good things seem to always dissipate into the greatest things. Thanks for this gift when it was available an a big Thank You to Mr Markin for his heart. I'm on the silver plan to come .


I have been reading with interest a series of recent articles by CBC investigative reporters Charles Rusnell and Jennie Rusnell. The authors allege a list of improprieties in the operations of Pure North, a Calgary based private, non profit health foundation (founded by Al Markin, former chairman of Canadian Natural Resources and part owner of the Calgary Flames)

The key concerns expressed are the following:

1. Pure North obtained $10 million in Alberta Government money without due diligence being done on the efficacy of it’s wellness programs (including vitamin supplements)

2. Pure North “targets” or “focuses” on vulnerable people (including homeless, mentally ill and seniors) who are not capable of assessing the risks of the health care and supplements they are being given.

3. The efficacy of the vitamins and supplements provided in Pure North’s wellness programs are largely unproven and dosage in many cases greatly exceed Health Canada guidelines.

4. Al Markin (founder and principal of Pure North) has refused repeated attempts by CBC to be interviewed on the above allegations.

The implication of all of the recent articles suggest that a rich, retired oilman (and Calgary Flames part owner……yes The Flames are also looking for government money to help build a new arena) and the Alberta government are somehow partnering up to perform a giant science experiment (testing unproven vitamins and supplements) using marginalized homeless people as guinea pigs. Intrigued, I decided to investigate a little on my own so I had a good look at the Pure North Website.

I discovered that the foundation began in 2007 . Pure North’s mission statement is to encourage “general wellness”, good nutrition and and a healthy lifestyle. From the PN website one can easily determine they believe in preventative medicine including the use of vitamins and supplements, especially vitamin D. The foundation is non profit and Al Markin has funded it’s $250 million budget almost entirely with his own money since then. 50,000 patients have received health services from Pure North since 2007 including naturopathic doctors, nurses, dentists and dieticians. A large % of the client base are low income, marginalized people and they get all their care and supplements for free. Pure North also makes free visits to remote First Nation reservations.

So my instinct here is to ask: Where is the smoking gun? A rich guy starts and operates a non profit health foundation emphasizing “preventative medicine”. He funds the foundation with his own money. Most of his clients are poor without a family doctor and little access to decent health care. Pure North treats them for free, does rigorous testing and continuous monitoring. Why did the CBC not reference the many research articles that support the program, many of which are posted right on the website for easy access? Mr Rusnell and Ms Rusnell suggest that these vitamins and supplements are risky and threatening to the client’s health. I can’t comment on these suggestions but I haven’t heard of any of the 50,000 people treated dying of “vitamin overdose.” Why did the CBC not identify a single person who claimed any harm from their treatment? I don’t know about proper dosages of vitamin D but understand some minimum amount is generally good for people to take each day.

When I mention “lack of objectivity” in the CBC articles it’s because they only suggest skulduggery, deceit and deception by a wealthy retired oilman and government cronies. Why is there no mention of a guy spending $250 million of his own money to help poor, homeless and mentally ill people get healthier. How about some detailed coverage about how their lives have been impacted by Pure North. A little objectivity and balance would go along way in giving more credibility to the Resnell, CBC “investigative journalism”.

Best regards,

Ken Rowan


Pure north seems to refuse to answer legitimate questions I have asked and seems to be blocking it from appearing on the visitors posts. I find that odd and concerning. Consumer beware. Watch a report done by the Fifth Estate about these big vitamin manufacturers. You can find the episode on YouTube. Very interesting and unbiased report done by a trusted Canadian news source. Very eye opening.


Jack Davis ripped off tax payers with crazy salary. Now he jumps to fringe medicine. People should be going to their family MD to get this care not private for profit under what medical cometency. Really whrn you have to do on facebook


We signed up on the program and was told we would be in it for a year. A couple months later they implement all these fees and won't honour the deal already made. Funny how they don't respond either.


The program was great and then out of the blue they wanted us to start paying even though they told us right from the start it was all free. I was very disappointed in how they changed the whole program


When we first started was difficult taking that many vitamins. When I compared my results from then to now. My whole wellbeing has changed drastically. Realizing how important the balance of mind, body and soul is the difference of night and day. I truly thank Pure North Synergy for all your guidance and assistance in this life changing experience.


These guys are angels. They help the poor, the homeless people. I don't have words to thank them. I wish this organisation grows each day so they can help more needy people. God bless them.


Thank you for being so courteous and kind whenever I go in for treatment. Pure North has literally saved my life after discovering severe deficiencies and with their support I am just beginning my new journey of great health. Deeply grateful ��


Pure North is an excellent alternative for those who are looking to drastically improve their health and well being, without the insanely high costs of naturopathic services and supplements. Even when I am looking to cut back on extra expenses, I stick with the Pure North program. It provides so much value for what I pay, because it vastly improves my quality of life.


Pure North has generously given so much to myself and many others. The vitamins are high quality and very reasonably priced, the blood tests are thorough and help pinpoint issues and the staff and kind helpful and educated. Bless you all.


My family has been going to Pure North for the past couple of months and I can not say enough good things about the very professional and caring staff and the outstanding care. It has been an amazing experience and I encourage everyone that I know to visit. Thank you Mr. Markin for your vision and dedication to this effort it is an incredible gift and vision that you have given Canadians. Thank you to everyone that works at Pure North for your amazing attitude and all the care that you give everyone.


Literally saved my wife's life after testing her for things that everyday doctors didn't have a clue about (thyroid)

Horrendous pain and fatigue simply disappeared in just a few days of following the Pure Norths doctors orders.


It is complicated to step in and not have a vision! This program is all about you! Your understanding of how diet effects your every effort! Pure North has both aided and taught me in understanding and changing my future and my handicapped brother's. By helping me learn how the tests can inform and support how to live but also how to view and learn a vital approach to science of the body through blood tests. Thank You Pure North. My life and my brother's is getting better everyday!


I'm a participant in the Pure North program and would like to send out a bouquet to everyone at the Calgary and Vancouver clinics.

The treatments I have received have helped me to outlive the prognosis I was given.

I also feel that there is a second integral part to these treatments. It is the compassionate care I consistently receive from everyone at the clinic. From the administrative staff, to the doctors and nurses, their enthusiasm, passion and knowledge has helped me to make better chioices in bringing balance to my overall health. Thank you, all.


I want to send out a great big hearty thank you to all! Thanks to all Your early mornings and for listening to our endless complaints about this ache or that, your patience. Love. Commitment and generosity..... You are an amazing team!! With much appreciation! Thanks so much! (Ps- had issues with my phone in posting this. It may be posted in another spot or two on the site ;) )


I attended Pure North today for my 16 Point Health Assessment for $99 & Toxicity Test for $50. I would like to Compliment all the Pure North Receptions for their professional courtesy given upon my checking in. I would like to Thank Nurse Kim for sharing her extensive knowledge about the 16 Point Process. I look forward to my follow-up appointment, to discuss in depth, the results of my blood test & toxicity test. Judy Walters


Extremely friendly and wide scope of very affordable services. If you are interested in taking control of your health, if you want to remove the blinders ... then you really should contact this company. Excellent education. They offer a variety of testing so that you get real answers. Nothing fluffy about this company!


Amazing staff :) You know your in the right place as soon as you walk through the door!


I was given the gift of perfect health supported by Pure North for I year. Good things seem to always dissipate into the greatest things. Thanks for this gift when it was available an a big Thank You to Mr Markin for his heart. I'm on the silver plan to come .


I have been reading with interest a series of recent articles by CBC investigative reporters Charles Rusnell and Jennie Rusnell. The authors allege a list of improprieties in the operations of Pure North, a Calgary based private, non profit health foundation (founded by Al Markin, former chairman of Canadian Natural Resources and part owner of the Calgary Flames)

The key concerns expressed are the following:

1. Pure North obtained $10 million in Alberta Government money without due diligence being done on the efficacy of it’s wellness programs (including vitamin supplements)

2. Pure North “targets” or “focuses” on vulnerable people (including homeless, mentally ill and seniors) who are not capable of assessing the risks of the health care and supplements they are being given.

3. The efficacy of the vitamins and supplements provided in Pure North’s wellness programs are largely unproven and dosage in many cases greatly exceed Health Canada guidelines.

4. Al Markin (founder and principal of Pure North) has refused repeated attempts by CBC to be interviewed on the above allegations.

The implication of all of the recent articles suggest that a rich, retired oilman (and Calgary Flames part owner……yes The Flames are also looking for government money to help build a new arena) and the Alberta government are somehow partnering up to perform a giant science experiment (testing unproven vitamins and supplements) using marginalized homeless people as guinea pigs. Intrigued, I decided to investigate a little on my own so I had a good look at the Pure North Website.

I discovered that the foundation began in 2007 . Pure North’s mission statement is to encourage “general wellness”, good nutrition and and a healthy lifestyle. From the PN website one can easily determine they believe in preventative medicine including the use of vitamins and supplements, especially vitamin D. The foundation is non profit and Al Markin has funded it’s $250 million budget almost entirely with his own money since then. 50,000 patients have received health services from Pure North since 2007 including naturopathic doctors, nurses, dentists and dieticians. A large % of the client base are low income, marginalized people and they get all their care and supplements for free. Pure North also makes free visits to remote First Nation reservations.

So my instinct here is to ask: Where is the smoking gun? A rich guy starts and operates a non profit health foundation emphasizing “preventative medicine”. He funds the foundation with his own money. Most of his clients are poor without a family doctor and little access to decent health care. Pure North treats them for free, does rigorous testing and continuous monitoring. Why did the CBC not reference the many research articles that support the program, many of which are posted right on the website for easy access? Mr Rusnell and Ms Rusnell suggest that these vitamins and supplements are risky and threatening to the client’s health. I can’t comment on these suggestions but I haven’t heard of any of the 50,000 people treated dying of “vitamin overdose.” Why did the CBC not identify a single person who claimed any harm from their treatment? I don’t know about proper dosages of vitamin D but understand some minimum amount is generally good for people to take each day.

When I mention “lack of objectivity” in the CBC articles it’s because they only suggest skulduggery, deceit and deception by a wealthy retired oilman and government cronies. Why is there no mention of a guy spending $250 million of his own money to help poor, homeless and mentally ill people get healthier. How about some detailed coverage about how their lives have been impacted by Pure North. A little objectivity and balance would go along way in giving more credibility to the Resnell, CBC “investigative journalism”.

Best regards,

Ken Rowan


Pure north seems to refuse to answer legitimate questions I have asked and seems to be blocking it from appearing on the visitors posts. I find that odd and concerning. Consumer beware. Watch a report done by the Fifth Estate about these big vitamin manufacturers. You can find the episode on YouTube. Very interesting and unbiased report done by a trusted Canadian news source. Very eye opening.


Jack Davis ripped off tax payers with crazy salary. Now he jumps to fringe medicine. People should be going to their family MD to get this care not private for profit under what medical cometency. Really whrn you have to do on facebook


We signed up on the program and was told we would be in it for a year. A couple months later they implement all these fees and won't honour the deal already made. Funny how they don't respond either.


The program was great and then out of the blue they wanted us to start paying even though they told us right from the start it was all free. I was very disappointed in how they changed the whole program

More about Pure North

Pure North is located at 326 11 Ave SW # 800, Calgary, Alberta T2R 0C5
Monday: 08:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 16:30
Wednesday: 07:00 - 16:30
Thursday: 08:00 - 16:30
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -