Purely Oils

About Purely Oils

Goods or services online. Essential oils and Essential oil skin care products are CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade® Quality Testing. Essential oil & Products are approved by Canadian Health Authorites as safe for use as described /

Purely Oils Description

I am available during day and have an answering machine. Please phone to ask for appointment and leave a name & number for return call . I am a firm believer in natural healing whenever appropriate altho I greatly respect our Canadian Medical System.

I work from my home and I provide information by invitation to groups or individuals to help develop a better understanding of the value of Essential Oils and how to use them.



Feeling blessed in my new home


Have you wondered how essential oils can help your health Then watch for the next article about this


If you have a bed wetting child , You may have noticed that everyone is an expert filled with good meaning advice . I like fact and fiction stories and so I found this little ditty . http://www.bedwettingandaccidents.com/… /27-Untruths-About-B… . Fact is that by the time you get thro trying all these so called #solutions for bedwetting; your child will be totally traumatized and you may be too. I was doing some research on cypress essential oils for another reason and I came... across this information below .
Aromatherapy uses the essential oil of CYPRESS (Cupressus sempervirens) to treat chronic bedwetting. Several drops of cypress oil should be put in a carrier oil for massage. The oil should be rubbed onto the child's stomach right before bedtime. Now as I said I like fact and fiction stories so I am on a hunt to find out some more about this claim for #cypress essential oils . stay tuned, I will keep you updated . In the meantime if you want to give it a try #contact purelynaturaloils@gmail.com .... and I will help you locate the purest and the most cost effective essential oil.
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As a social worker one never expects to deal with the same life events that everyone else does . well this month social worker or not I am experiencing one of those life events . the loss of my husband late last month has knocked the socks off me.
Death is one of those things in life I am familiar with , but each time it hits hard . I know what I need to do,for myself, I find it hard to follow the professional advise I normally give to others . Does any one else experience t...his?
One of my pieces of advise for others who grieve is to work on your environment . While you struggle with the heavy burden of loss of a spouse . It is important to have a serene enviroment while you greive your loss and try to put the future into place a you find yourself in this new situation . People will try to help, and it does help to have people around you who cared about you and your loved one .
In the end you are the only one who can get through this to find a new normal for yourself . This takes time , time alone , time in a serene and quite place .
I am finding that place in my home as I sort through all of the things that need to be done now . not only the legal paper work stuff , but figuring out how I can possible manage all the tasks that my husband took care of .
I have always used essential oils in my home to set a mood and take me through my day . This is different now though and I want to share with you an article that touched me .
I hope you will follow the link and enjoy it if you are experiencing loss or know someone who is .
https://theuntamedalchemist.com/…/aroma therapy-for-grief-l…/
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When using essential oils be sure to patch test .
Every oil has different natural properties and you may be allergic to any particular oil based on that .
Because I use many different essential oils on my skin on a regular basis and I have very sensitive skin, my dermatologist ... DR. ISAIAH DAY, INNOVATION DERMATOLOGY -recently asked me to test the oils I use on my skin.
He said I should patch test by putting 2 drops of a particular oil on both of my inner arms and watch over the next 2 days for any signs of a rash or itching. ( be sure to record results )
This is very good advise for anyone planning to use essential oils. It will do 2 things; it may tell you if the oil is pure enough to use, but may also tell you if you are allergic to that particular oil .
Remember, Essential oil have many benefits and when used properly, better results will be achieved. Always practice safety first .
Because you have a reaction to one oil does not mean you are allergic to all essential oils. Think of it this way; oils come from live plants and just like plants, they are not all the same.
Something like people isn't it? :)
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Essential Oils Are Unique. They are able to they pass through the epidermal barrier because essential oils have a small molecular structure and weight .Once they are able to penetrate the skin they enter the blood stream and cause no inflammation or other injury. Essential oils are safe and nontoxic; certified aromatherapists will carefully select the oils based on a clients need for wellness, using only those essential oils that are GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) by the FDA. Aromatherapists use a carrier oil to dilute essential oils and lubricate the skin. Then they assist the oils to penetrate the epidermis with a set of specific strokes and massage techniques.


I studied aromatherapy under Sharon Falsetto UK-certified aromatherapist Author of Authentic Aromatherapy Approved Provider for NAHA & NCBTMB Check out her article on feet at http://www.sedonaaromatherapie.com/aromat herapyfeet.html


:Aromatherapy works with meridians of the body to increase energy flow throughout the body. They are not a visible structure but rather a process for energizing the body systems.


Shelley Beaudet, a senior environmental health officer with Vancouver Coastal Health, says two of the biggest pool-related ailments are infection by cryptosporidium and pseudomonas. Cryptosporidium is spread when those with gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea use a pool. Pseudomonas, meanwhile, is a germ commonly found in water or soil, and can cause a rash for those who swim in infected water.
Both cryptosporidium and pseudomonas are resistant to chlorine.


Have you attended a public swimming pool and entered the pool with bare feet ? If you have you need to know that there are some steps to keeping your feet health after exposure to commonly found bacteria on public swiming pool floors. Risks Rough pool walls (or bulkhead) and walking barefoot on the deck. Can cause the skin on bottoms of your feet and/or toes to be like walking on sandpaper. And can cause yoru feet to become sore and open for bacterial infections ... Walking barefoot in a locker room or public shower is one way to get athlete's foot, but it's not the only way. You can also become infected if you share a towel, socks, or shoes with someone who has athlete's foot.
Here's a short to do list before donning your shoes. :)
1. Use a clean towel to make sure your feet are very dry after swim showering try not to walk on the pool floor after your feet are clean and dry . if you carry a small bath mat, it can get you to your shoes .
2. For rough or broken skin on your feet a good moisturiing cream can be rubbed into your dry feet .A great essential oil treatment that works wonders on sewimmers feet includes 3 drops Oregano 3 drops Frankincense 5 drops Lemon 5 drops Peppermint added to a small amount of coocnut oil . You can mix it at home in a roller bottle available from most essential oils companies and carry it with you to apply and rub over your feet payign special attention to the heels and rough spots on sole of feet . For more information about how this works contact me for a free info sheet
3. Athlete's foot is caused by a fungus that grows on or in the top layer of skin. Fungi (plural of fungus) grow best in warm, wet places, such as the area between the toes.
Most often, people get it by walking barefoot on contaminated surfaces near swimming pools or in locker rooms. The fungi then grow in your shoes, especially if your shoes are so tight that air cannot move around your feet.
With proper care early on you can avoid atheletes foot with the regular application of essential oils. Lavender Oil , Tea Tree Oil , & Geranium Oil - have extremely powerful anti-fungal and antiseptic properties. nice natural treatment and much more cost effective than over the counter medications . contact me to learn how to obtain these best natural oils .
You may want to get your doctor to prescribe medication for you that are strong, topical antifungal agents, steroids to reduce inflammation and/or antibiotics, if the rawness and blistering has caused your feet to become infected.
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We have already suggested you Should Never Wear Shoes in the House. Let's just say they're a lot grimier than you probably realize.
Besides, do you really need an excuse to kick up your feet at the end of a long day? Well, here you go: When you remove your shoes, you're subconsciously telling your brain that you're done for the day and it's relaxation time. Go ahead, you deserve it.


Dust and toxins that you inevitably track into your home can effect air quality in your home.
Nasty Toxins exist in all the public places you visit from the cleaning products used on floors and carpets in most public locations and from the park grass you walk on that may include pesticides -
... The next time you go into a public place and see the sign Please remove dirty shoes on entering " remember to reach into your handy - dandy little shoe bag and pull out your flip flops or slippers.
As soon as you get home drop them in the washer or other vessel that contains a disinfectant like 6% hydrogen peroxide or wipe clean with a disposable wipe such as a few drops of an antibacterial Melaleuca or Lemon Oil
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DID YOU KNOW? A study by the University of Arizona found about 60% of household dust comes from outside and is primarily brought into the home from the bottom of shoes. These contaminants include arsenic, lead and DDT! In the next few days I'll post about why you should leave your shoes at the entrance to homes .and How you can make this more comfortable for friends and family .


If you like what you see on these pages you could let me know by liking the page and the post . I appreciate knowing what you want to see more of , and if you dont like what I post could you discuss it with me in comments . I love to interact with my readers . thanks for reading .


Turmeric is one spice that is pleasantly inexpensive, mild in taste, and benefits the entire body. One of the best things you can do for long term health! Links to some great articles covering more details of it’s enormous benefits. http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname= foodspice&dbid=78 http://authoritynutrition.com/top-10-evid ence-based-health…/


Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another. Napoleon Hill Read more at: http://www.brainyquote.com/…/quotes/n/n apoleonhi393807.html…


Men are like plants – they never grow happily unless they are well cultivated. Charles-Louis de Secondat Montesquieu Les Lettres Persanes France, 1721

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