Quakers Calgary

About Quakers Calgary

This is the Facebook page of the Calgary Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), part of Canadian Yearly Meeting.

Quakers Calgary Description

Calgary Meeting for Worship
10: 30 - 11: 30 a. m. Sundays
We usually meeting in the Common Room of the Old Y Centre (223 12th Ave. SW), sometimes in the office of Arusha (Old Y Centre).
This meeting place is on Treaty 7 land.

Quakerism has always been an experimental religion; a quest for truth, and for a faith that is valid for living in the world. Religion, Quakers believe, starts with a response to the Divine - including the divine within all persons - as a result of which each person finds his or her own understanding of Christianity without needing to make a formal statement.

Because truth is a constantly unfolding revelation Quakers have always attached great importance to the human search for knowledge, and to education in its widest sense.

Every Quaker Meeting is an experiment. Its worship is based on silence - not a passive silence, but a "waiting" on God, an endeavour to reach some small measure of unity with the Divine. In the silence anyone may speak, man or woman, young or old, member or non-member. Each of those present takes an active part in the Meeting, whether s /he speaks or remains silent.

From the belief in something of the Divine within everyone, and from this sense of personal responsibility in worship, springs the better known Quaker emphasis on relief work, international reconciliation, commercial integrity and social justice.

If you feel in sympathy with this approach to religion you may like to know more. There is a Meeting for Worship taking place in Calgary every Sunday. Everyone is welcome



Meeting for Worship Sunday October 7 at the Old Y in Calgary is canceled because Calgary Quakers are out of town at the Half yearly Meeting in Water Valley AB


Meeting for Worship with potluck to follow will be at Jennys on June 24. Details will be posted on the Calgary Quaker website. There WILL also be a Meeting in Arusha at the Community Wise building (Old Y) on June 24.


Our Meeting for Worship will be at Kamp Kawanis on Sunday Feb. 25. We will NOT be meeting at the usual place at the Community Wise building (Old Y) For contact information see the post below about the retreat.


the annual retreat for Calgary Quakers is on Sat and Sunday Feb. 24 & 25 at Kamp Kawanis. Phone Kitty to register. 403-284-2550


A point of clarification (in response to a question): Calgary Quakers meet every Sunday at 10:30 at Community Wise (popularly known as "the Old Y"), usually in the Arusha office, except as announced.
Our website says we meet on "First Day": what is meant here is "First Day of the Week" - this is a traditional Quaker way of referring to Sunday. In other words, we meet every Sunday.


Our annual Advent worship sharing will be on Dec. 17 (not the 10th as originally announced). There will be a potluck at Greg's following.


There will be a special Advent Meeting for Worship December 10 in the Common Room. We will have a potluck after at Greg's house.


Meeting for Worship on November 19 will be at Ann Morse's farm near Vulcan. Phone Kitty if you need information 403-284-2550


There will be no Meeting for Worship at the Old Y (Community Wise) this Sunday, October 1. Instead, Meeting for Worship will be at The Land, the property of Dennis and Janet just south of Olds; meeting for worship starts at 10:30 as usual. If you need a ride or directions let us know.


Yesterday afternoon I clerked Meeting for Worship with attention to Business of Calgary Monthly Meeting for the last time. Serving as Clerk of CMM over the past year and a half, I've learned much and would be willing to continue to serve if I were staying in Calgary, but I'm not. Maria and I are leaving Calgary within two weeks and CMM needs a Clerk resident in Calgary. I hold your search for a new Clerk in the Light, dear Calgary Friends! I hope to see you at WHYM (Spring or Fall) - please come visit us in Victoria! Paul Hopkins


The next Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business of Calgary Monthly Meeting will be held at the home of Margaret McGruther on Wednesday, October 25, starting at 7 pm. For more information, contact Heidi Dick, who will clerk this meeting.


The next Meeting (for Worship) for Business of Calgary Monthly Meeting will be held at the home of Margaret McGruther on Wednesday, June 28, starting at 7 pm. For more information, contact the Clerk, Paul Hopkins (403-923-9650)


On Sunday, June 11 (2017), eleven Calgary Friends held Meeting for Worship and potluck at the home of Jenny Heath in the Kananaskis and then went for a walk along the shores of Lower Kananaskis Lake.


Meeting in the Mountains
On Sunday, June 11 (2017), Calgary Friends will be meeting for worship in the Kananaskis. We will gather shortly before 11 a.m. at Jenny Heath's home on the lake (for directions, contact Jenny in Calgary at 403-246-5845) and then have meeting for worship either at the lake (weather permitting) or indoors. A potluck will follow the meeting for worship.
Please note: there will be no meeting in Calgary on June 11.


The next Meeting (for Worship) for Business of Calgary Monthly Meeting will be held at the home of Margaret McGruther on Thursday, May 25, starting at 7 pm. For more information, contact the Clerk, Paul Hopkins (403-923-9650)


The next Meeting (for Worship) for Business of Calgary Monthly Meeting will be held at the home of Margaret McGruther on Wednesday, April 19, starting at 7 pm. For more information, contact the Clerk, Paul Hopkins (403-923-9650)


Calgary Monthly Meeting's winter retreat at Kamp Kiwanis (February 25/26) is fast approaching. If you plan to come, please contact Greg Meaker, who is the retreat registrar and food coordinator: (email: gmeaker AT shaw.ca; phone: 403-802-3991).

More about Quakers Calgary

Quakers Calgary is located at 223 12th Ave. SW, Calgary, Alberta T2R 0G9.