Rachael Rodgers Photo Works

About Rachael Rodgers Photo Works

Rachael Rodgers uses a mixture of photography and digital painting to create art that remains very true to nature.



This is Regeana. She’s just about almost two years old (ish). She was found in a bad way a while back (and she didn’t have her birth certificate on her). After she was found, life got a lot better, but it wasn’t all unicorns and rainbows for this girl; she had quite a bit more stuff and things to endure. The only remnants of Regeana’s past is her reactivity to other dogs, and that’s something she’s working on. You would never know about the character-building times that Reggi...e has experienced, and it’s not important that you do. She has no intention of accepting any pity, so please don’t offer any. Reggie is strong, young, and she exudes the kind of happy that people search for with all their time and money for their entire lives (and most never find). It’s contagious, is the thing. There, I found myself on the Icefields Parkway (one of the most scenic roads in the entire world) in feet of fresh pow, with hot coffee in a flask, with a good podcast on the flickering stereo system, with snacks, and with a pup riding shotgun who’s been through it... and with all of this beauty and comfort, it was Reggie who was bringing me all the joy. There’s an idea that was written in a movie a while back “happiness is only real when shared”. I live everyday in the mountains, but it’s the company that makes each place special. My little road trip with Reggie up the Icefields Parkway was a drive full of happiness -because of her-. She’s a day enhancer, a mood booster by way of proximity. If you know someone who would would love and appreciate the precious gem that is Reggie, please alert them of her existence. She’s available for adoption through Pawsitive Match Rescue Foundation in Calgary. #adoptable. Regeana’s drive up the Parkway was fueled by a Canadian coffee company: Animated Coffee Animated coffee gives away 25% of their proceeds to causes across Canada that benefit animals; they recently added “strange car rides for adoptable dogs” to their growing list. If you love helping animals while you drink your coffee, head over to their site and get yourself some.
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This is Max. He’s an easy going kinda guy. He’s 9 and he’s pretty easy to do anything with. You wanna go for a long drive? Easy. Wanna go for a walk? Easy. Wanna cross a suspect suspension bridge? Easy. Max really wanted to come out when I met him at the shelter in the early morning. He was served breakfast, but declined to indulge as he perceived an opportunity cost. I carefully packaged his breakfast in a bag that would later serve to package that meal again. Max and I go...t into my car in the dark, still a couple hours before sunrise, and headed west. We took our time waiting for some light to guide our way on the trails. Max was content to get out for walks at lakes and streams. He was also content to hold down shotgun position at some stops. Max could stay or go and it would all be good with him as long as he had someone to do it with. I presented his breakfast to him a couple more times at different trail locations with scenic mountain views, but he was too busy to eat. After the excitement of the mountains was in the past, he finally ate his entire meal lying down in the front seat of the car at a gas station on the drive back to the shelter. He was relaxed and content. It had been a big day for us both and nap time was scheduled to start pretty soon. Back at his temporary home Max laid down in front of his kennel and put his feet in the air. It was really cute, but made me feel at the same time. Do you know someone would would make the best best friend for Max? He’s ready to ride shotgun and cruise to good tunes with the occasional head scratch. Tag a friend who would love living this life with Max. He’s waiting as patiently as an old fella can wait at Cochrane & Area Humane Society. #adoptable Thank you so much Dawna Bornais for fuelling Max’s outing. I met Dawna over the holidays and was touched by her kindness. Not only did she package a very thoughtful adoption adventure care package, she also recently signed on as a volunteer at Cochrane Humane and started spending time with pups. She is surely brightening the day of every dog (and human) she meets.
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This is Ellie. She’s a young pup of less than two years. I met up with her for a Sunday drive and hike (on Sunday). Ellie was pretty excited to get in my car but more excited to get out when we arrived at the lake. I wanted to show Ellie one of my favorite trails ever. It’s a wormhole that whisks you far beyond the Banff crowds in any season. I’ve seen people hike it, but I’ve never done this trail without my trusty mountain bike (it eliminates the pesky business of hiking). ...Ellie definitely would have preferred me on bike rather than foot. She had the energy to travel many kms farther, much faster than me in my tip top hibernation shape. Ellie met a few oncoming hikers, many commenting on how amazing and gorgeous she is. Because I think it’s important to advocate for the voiceless, I’d reply that “she’s actually a lunatic”. To be fair, that’s a bit of an exaggeration; Ellie is probably a little nuts, but she’s not certified. She’s very sweet and wants to do exactly what you want her to do. Ellie often looks to her person for approval (or instigation... she loves some rough-housing instigation). If you know someone who would love Ellie and could keep up with her on the trails, please let them know she’s ready to go. To get more info or to apply to adopt Ellie, visit Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society - AARCS. #adoptable
I would not be able to meet all the pups I do without this incredible community’s support (both online and offline); thank you Jen Reid in Calgary for your integral part in Ellie’s odd day on the trail.
See @trailsandbears for videos of Ellie and more adoptable pups.
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Made the local (Canmore) and national news in one week for volunteering. That’s a big week; it’s a hyperbole of support and I appreciate it so much. It’s weird that I have found myself in a public role as an advocate for dogs (as I’d rather not say much publicly). Thank you for all the truly heart-thawing comments. I want to point out that what I do is a tiny thing in a huge system that can definitely use more hands and brains. Every day there are volunteers working at shelters and fosters who take animals in without their good deeds being caught on camera. I’ve been lucky to meet lots of them. I think this wonderful recognition is for everyone giving their time to help in their community in whatever way they do ❤️🐕


This is Kroeger. I didn’t get this little stinker’s age when I met him, but after spending a few days together I’d gauge him as somewhere between silly puppy and immature juvenile. The good folks at AARCS likely have a more scientific estimate involving a numerical descriptor. After enduring a touch of the mange, Kroeger just officially acquired a clean bill of health. He loves having lots of friends, but those mites were just parasitic. He’s in the market for some fun sweat...ers to get him through the next couple months and some new friends who preferably don’t burrow into his skin. I’m not sure what Kroeger found to roll in, but he must have found a lot of it. He was emitting stink waves that were detectable with three (maybe four) of the human senses. @mr_nice_guy79 and I took him to our local car wash to hose him down. (One of the perks of living in a dog loving town: there’s a dog wash room at this car wash). After bathing, a Kroeger cuddle became a highly sought after event. Also, Beans stopped leaving the room when Kroeger walked in. The pup was happy to visit with Beans and Denali, but he really wants someone less geriatric to paw and tooth at. Do you know someone who’s been searching for a fluffy, playful, adventure pup like Kroeger? Please let them know that Kroeger is waiting for them Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society - AARCS. #adoptable Thank you so much Stephanie Kers in Calgary for helping me help lots of sweet pups, including Kroeger.
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I'm really glad I wasn't aware how many people would see this across the country when Stephanie, the nice news lady recorded it "oh don't worry, it's conversational. Like a chat. And it's just me..". If I had realized, I would have made sure to give an even more awkward interview.
Thank you Stephanie Wiebe and CTV Calgary for helping illuminate these awesome pups!


This is Gunther. His soul is old geezer, but his body is only two. He takes each step with thoughtful hesitation (much unlike any other two year old I know). He’s been recently porcupined and then neutered. It’s been a rough December for Gunther, and it shows. But things are looking up: he’s all fixed up and he met a nice lady Stephanie Wiebe who put him on tv (even with a face made for radio #porcupined). Gunther came with me to help with an interview explaining my crazy dog... lady thoughts. I do have a lot to say on why I do what I do, but the thoughts alway refuse to come out of my mouth in order. I figured if I just show a cool pup like Gunther, my thoughts would just be obvious (eliminating the need for verbal articulation). Well, Gunther wasn’t really interested in being on TV, even if it was for “the greater good”. He kindly let me do all the talking. The interview was played on CTV news all over Canada (I’m really glad I didn’t know that when I was standing alone in front of a camera). It was very exciting for Gunther and I; we went to relax in the mountains for a couple days. For morning walk, Beans and Denali eagerly hauled Gunther to one of their favorite spots. Then we set off to explore Banff. Gunther took three steps out into the ridiculous wind storm yesterday and told me in no uncertain terms he’d be happy to wait in the car. So we explored Banff in the least efficient way; by car. Do you know someone who likes to go on walks (but not in uncomfortable weather), relax by a fire, give belly scratches, and makes a good breakfast? Please let them know Gunther is trying to find them from his temporary home: Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society - AARCS. He’s at a huge disadvantage in his search without a way to communicate, so please let your fair weather explorer friend know about him. #adoptable
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This is Winter. He’s a happy 3.5 year old puppy who’s looking for love (and inadvertently, a home). I went into the AARCS shelter that day knowing I had a very special experience to share. I was headed to one of the most beautiful mountain lodges and wanted to bring a pup who would enjoy the trip and was in need of some odd adoption photos. Winter, with his gentle happy eyes and a coat with one of the coldest temperature ratings of all the available dog coats, looked made fo...r the lodge. We packed food and headed for the mountains. After some sightseeing and skijoring (he was a perfect puller), Winter and I checked into Mount Engadine Lodge in Kananaskis. He explored our glamping tent, and once he realized it was a home base for the night, he truly relaxed. He met the staff and many guests as they passed by the cozy fireplace where we rested up before dinner. Winter loves playing outside. If there’s an opportunity to hang out with someone outside, Winter will jump at the chance. After getting 20-30cm of snow overnight, we went for a walk down the road (which was being used as a ski track before the plow came). We went into the main lodge to say good morning to everyone and get some coffee and breakfast. Winter and I felt right at home and wished we could have stayed longer. Alas, the outside world was expecting us to return, so this happy story had to pause. Winter is back at Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society - AARCS waiting for the perfect person to continue his adventures with. Do you know someone who spends a lot of time outside who may be looking for a companion like Winter? Please let them know about him. #adoptable
Winter and I never could have been prepared for how hospitable, cozy, and perfect our stay was at the lodge. Thank you so much Mount Engadine Lodge for having us and being especially welcoming of Winter while he searches for his forever home.
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This is Preeta. I met her early in the morning this week at Pawsitive Match. Like most independent shelters, this one is kept going by volunteers and fosters. When I arrived at their home base in Calgary at 7:30am, it was already buzzing with volunteers. All the dogs’ tails wagged vigorously, including Preeta’s. She stood up in her kennel and mentioned that she’d like to be included in whatever is going on. [Roger, Wilco] was my insinuated response as I reached for the latch ...to open her door. When she realized her communication was successful, the frequency of her foot tapping and tail wagging increased. She was excited and playful when we went outside [best morning ever!], but then I ruined the moment by getting in a car.... Preeta may not have partaken in many car rides before and I can imagine the commute to Canada (Preeta just came to Canada) was full of new scary experiences for a young little pup. We stopped a few times on the way to Bragg Creek, then continued to the end of Hwy 66 (this road is barred by a gate for the winter season starting at the first of December). We parked the car at the gate and continued on foot (our hike started just a little ways down the road). Preeta was delighted to really start her morning walk that had been rudely interrupted by a car ride. She indicated subtlety that she was getting hungry, so I opened her packed breakfast and she picnicked on the trail. We followed up the breakfast hike with a drink at Elbow Falls. Preeta is an amazing little girl who is quickly becoming more comfortable with Canadian customs. If you know someone who would love this little foreigner, let them know about young Preeta. She is available for adoption at Pawsitive Match Rescue Foundation in Calgary. #adoptable Videos of Preeta: @trailsandbears
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This is Matilda. She’s 1.5 years old and her favorite toy is a magic pink platypus. Matilda is still young enough to know some things for sure: 1. dogs are supposed to ride shotgun 2. if a platypus is pink, it is a magic platypus, and 3. all good girls get adopted to families who love love and fun. Matilda’s dedication to shotgun never wavered for longer than enough time to retrieve her magic pick platypus from the back. She probably outgrew shotgun more than a few weeks ...ago, but that’s where dogs are supposed to ride (with their human) regardless of comfort. She gazed at me while we traversed field after field. This was quite a different thing than a mountain drive. The dirt roads had not a curve (the confederation bridge has a curve in it just to keep ya awake, but I suppose veering off has lesser consequences out in these fields). This is where they say, “it’s so flat you can watch yer dog run away for days”. I didn’t test that. Outside of the car, Matilda stretched her legs and hauled me along excitedly as an eager child does a lackluster parent. I held on tight for an early holiday ride as we bolted around the Badlands of Drumheller (and adjacent to some beautiful fields along the way). Matilda is full of awe and wonder for the world around her (it shows in her eyes as she moves through whatever makes up her day). If you know someone amazing who could use a reminder of the world’s daily wonders, tell them about the wonderful Matilda and her magic pink platypus. Check her out at Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society - AARCS in Calgary. #adoptable More of Matilda on Instagram @trailsandbears
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This is Aspen. She’s six years old. Aspen accompanied me for a car ride yesterday after breakfast. She jumped in my car as if she’s done it a million times, but when I started driving she was a bit more inquisitive as to what she’d consented to. After a couple mental health stop-and-checks, we arrived at a trail in the mountains. Aspen has a notion that she wants to exist at least 6 inches beyond what her leash will reach at any time. She’s pretty strong so this desire made t...he hike more difficult than it needed to be. We discussed the need for some therapy sessions to deal with her leash issues. When we returned to the car, Aspen was excited for snack time. We both had a quick bite then continued on to the Kananaskis River to see if there was ice on it yet. One of the most turbulent sections was nearly covered. Aspen behaved irrationally (but comically) at the touch of it. The car ride back to Cochrane was a relaxing one with a calm and content napping dog. Aspen looked keen to do it again another day. Aspen’s relaxin’ at Cochrane & Area Humane Society if you or someone you know would like to meet her. #adoptable
More on Aspen and other available pups on Instagram @trailsandbears
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This ball of snuggle on my lap is Poppy (Poppy now goes by Max**). He’s been in foster care for a very long time. He’s about five. I’ve spent a lot of time with this guy, but by no means enough. It’s hard to visit him these days as his foster lives hours away. I’ve been volunteering for 1.02 years now. During that time I’ve gotten to know 80 awesome dogs. Out of that number, there have been three who have made me truly fall in love with them. (Side note: that translates to a... 3.75% probability that I’ll fall truly in love with the next dog I get to know.. the sample size is large enough to draw some conclusions. This is very important to keep in mind when adopting or buying a pet based on looks (or worse: breed)...). But Poppy takes first place. He was my #1 out of 30 or so back when I met him and he’s still my #1 out of 80. If I ever meet a few adoptable pups I love as much as Poppy I could get closer to calculating the odds of ever meeting a dog as great (subjective). But for now I don’t know those odds. As far as I know, I won the lottery, never get asked a dog’s breed again, got struck by lightning (these are metaphorical improbable occurrences). I know probabilities aren’t interesting to many, but I don’t have words super duper enough to describe how good Poppy is. I have written about him more than once (if you’re interested he’s in several of my posts). It never seems to do justice. Poppy does have something holding him back from getting a first date with adopters: he has a neurological issue that causes seizures when stressed. This also makes coordination a bit tough for Poppy. Though we did lots of mellow hikes together, he can’t get down our dark stairs to our basement suite where we live. He can do five stairs, but more that that is a stretch. None of this stops Poppy from being my absolute fave, and I know it won’t be an issue for his human. Please ask me anything about Poppy. If you know anyone who would love the most loving boy in the world, please share Poppy. Poppy (now “Max”) is available from Rocky Mountain Animal Rescue. #adoptable
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These ridiculous sub 3 month old puppies are Bonnie (black girl) & Clyde (blonde boy). They are living in downtown Calgary temporarily with their foster humans Emilie and Craig (@fosterpupdates). Though they are extremely silly puppies now, they aspire to be more. I warned them not to grow up (“it’s a trap”), but they seem determined. They already know how to kayak (this made kayaking with two silly puppies much easier than it sounded when I pitched the idea to myself). They ...sit and [sort of] stay. They can also lick faces of children when specifically asked to do so. These silly puppies have the explosive energy and finite stamina of a [n American] football player. After each burst of excited acrobatics, they take a nap to recuperate. Do you know someone who would love a silly puppy (who will inevitably turn into a dog one day)? Bonnie and/or Clyde can be applied for through ARF Alberta - Animal Rescue Foundation. #adoptable
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Hanging some new art Murrieta's Canmore yesterday and it looks a lot like the holidays! DM me soon if you want a piece of the Rockies for a Christmas gift 🎁🤗


This is Patricia. She is a silly puppy of just under 5 months. Patricia’s foster family put her in a winter kayaking day-camp for eager young silly foster dogs (she met all the criteria) on Sunday. She was very curious and exploratory in the car and the kayak. She moved like a hot molecule having a seemingly ubiquitous presence in her contained space. When paddling, Patty didn’t sink us so she was considered quite helpful. She sits for snacks (I think she would learn to do a...nything for a snack). #vacuuming #makethebed #taxes ?
If you know someone looking for a puppy with all the potential of a blank sketchbook in the hands of an eccentric artist, tell them about silly Patricia. She’s learning new things everyday and she’s going to be someone’s very good girl. Patty’s adoption will be through ARF Alberta - Animal Rescue Foundation. #adoptable
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This is Seeka. She’s two years old and she’s as funny as she looks. She’s really into food (food is an interest of mine as well). When I met her at the shelter yesterday, she was just being served breakfast. She saw the leash I brought and knew my mere presence meant a walk in her near future. At a time like this, most dogs decide that breakfast is not important (so I pack it and bring it with us). Seeka was excited to get onto the end of a leash, but she made time to eat fir...st. (I do the same before I excitedly get onto the end of a leash for morning walkies). We had a quick stroll outside the shelter then she jumped into the car and made herself comfortable. We drove a while on snow covered roads before arriving at a ski trail in Kananaskis that allows Seeka’s kind (dogs). We each got on an end of a tether and I stood there while the little dog did all the work. I don’t think she realized that she was doing all the work. She was preoccupied with tracking. Overall, I got pretty lucky: a deer had just previously walked the ski trail and hadn’t done much veering off. Seeka put her nose down and followed the scent hauling a medium sized adult human behind her. I did have to hold on when we came to animal tracks that were tangental to my desired course of navigation (we tended to take a different heading at these times). After a bout of ski joring, Seeka helped me prepare charcuterie in the car. She searched through the food bag and retrieved only the best snacks for sharing. The sun came up and we took a walk in a scented field. Seeka’s nose was in detection mode the entire time, switching between air and ground work. I saw this sweet girl at the shelter last trip in, but she was listed “on hold” so I didn’t meet her. For reasons that I’m not aware, she became available again. Seeka is holding down the fort at Cochrane & Area Humane Society until she is officially adopted. #adoptable
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We purchased a piece from Rachael a couple years ago and absolutely love it. It's hung above our fireplace and has been the topic of discussion with our guests. It brings a lot of life and energy into our living room. Highly recommend!


We have one of Rachel's pieces hanging over our fire place. It's such a lovey pieces we continually get asked about it when we host friends . The art work is truly a beauty . Rachel is so talented that her works allows the viewer and me to see something different every time I sit had stare at the art work.


We have one of Rachael's pieces up in Murrieta's Bar & Grill (downtown Canmore). Daily, we get amazing complements from our guests. Beautiful work!


Unique vision, quality execution! All of Rachael's images are beautiful. The abstract style is intriguing so much that it is hard to take your eyes off any piece.

Imagery - 5/5

Products - 5/5

Artist - 10/5


They are amazing and beautiful work.


Rachael's artwork is beyond beautiful. Her work transcends photography and paint into something blissfully in between. She is willing to cater beyond her existing canvasses to custom dimensions, which was incredibly helpful when tailoring a gift for a specific space! Additionally, Rachael is very knowledgeable and passionate about the locations of her art, and can speak to and about them as such! Thanks Rachael!


Rachael you are incredibly talented!! I love your work xoxo


Rachael has an incredible eye along with lots of talent! Her work has stood out to me more than almost any other artist or photographer along my travels!!


Rachael creates the most unique pieces of art, which capture the natural beauty of some of my favourite places. I receive endless compliments on my "Upper Kananaskis" piece displayed in my home. Thank you Rachael!


Rachael I bought a photo for Mum for Mother’s Day. She has moved away so it was super nice to bring a piece of home to her home in Saskatchewan. Thank you Rachael��


Love the creativity. Very unique and inspiring artwork!


Awsum pictures


Amazing, thoughtful and perfected work. Her passion for photography and nature is clearly seen through her unique pieces. Her focus and eagle eye capture the most brilliant landscapes; currently telling a story about where we live. She brings to life beautiful lakes, rocky mountains, spectacular trials and much more! I highly recommend Rachael's art!


Adoro as fotos e o seu coração magnânimo! Felicidades, beijinhos e que os patudinhos tenham muita sorte! <3


Adorei, simplesmente adorei.

Adorei as fotos, adorei os animais, lindos de morrer e adorei o trabalho, a dedicação, o amor e o grande coração deste grande ser humano, a fotógrafa Rachael Rodgers

More about Rachael Rodgers Photo Works

Rachael Rodgers Photo Works is located at 1409B Mountain Ave, Canmore, Alberta T1W 1M3

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