Readings With Indigo

Monday: 10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 12:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 20:00

About Readings With Indigo

Intuitive Coach and Card Reader

$70 / Session (30 mins)
$120 / Session (60 mins)

In person, Skype, or phone

Readings With Indigo Description

Am I on the right path Mediumship readings with Indigo

We can get in our own heads with mental conflict, fears, and worries about the future. Sometimes we need that fresh new perspective to see clearly on what lies before us to take the next step with confidence. What do you want in this life? What do you want to create? What path should I take?

Indigo has been drawn to mediumship, psychic and personal development. In this time, he has demonstrated my passion for this work to help inspire and uplift others so that they too can create the life they were meant to have.
Through his experience learning Zen Counseling and gifts with psychic development, he has grown and strengthened his intuition and connection with spirit. This allows his clients to gain clarity and insight into their life with these gifts and him as a medium.

Indigo is dedicated to personal development and constant growth so that it may spill over and help others do the same. With goal setting, manifestation, and conquering fears, you quickly learn that you can move towards your dreams as well. His life experience aids him to help others by giving them guidance and tools to become their greatest versions of themselves. You are a spiritual being in a human body, born with your own intuition. Learning how your body is talking to you is extremely helpful in gaining access to your inner compass to help guide you through life. If you knew who walked beside you, you would know that you are powerful.

3 Readings to choose from

5 Card Spread: General Reading for a situation in your life

This reading gives you insight on any current situation you might have questions about in your life. Do you need clarity on career, relationships, finances, or a certain situation (ex. Should I buy that house, sell the company, stay with this person, should I move?). This reading allows us to get a picture on what your guides are trying to tell you by showing the challenges and advice on how to overcome the challenges. The lessons you will learn from the situation and the future or outcome is you follow the advice.

1. Current Situation – The Situation at hand
2. Challenges – What is holding you back? What are the challenges you are facing?
3. Advice Card – Advice your guides are wanting you to know. What is the next step.
4. Lesson Card – What you will learn from the situation or what spirit is trying to teach you.
5. Future / Outcome – The potential future if you are to follow the advice and move forward
7 Card Chakra Reading

This reading you will pull 1 card for each chakra to get some insight on how your Chakra’s are doing. I have taken the crystal angel healing workshop with The Home of OM psychic school giving me the tools necessary to align, balance and clear the chakras. You will also get clarity to keep them healthy and balanced.

1. Root Chakra – Physical Body, Survival, Safety, Security, Money and Finances. Do you feel safe or live from a space of fear?
2. Sacral Chakra – Emotional Body, Passion, Creativity, Sexuality. Are you passionate and happy about life? Are you expressing your creativity and letting your soul play?
3. Solar Plexus Chakra – Mental Body, Confidence, Power, Self-worth. Do you feel a sense of self-worth and confidence?
4. Heart Charka – Love and Relationships, are you balanced in giving and receiving love?
5. Throat Chakra – Sound, Truth, Communication, Speaking, Listening. Are you speaking your truth? Do you have a healthy balance of speaking and listening?
6. Third Eye Chakra – Psychic, Intuition, Imagination, Seeing the future. Do you fear the future or see a bright road ahead? Do you trust your intuition?
7. Crown Chakra – Connection to spirit, Spiritual Antenna, Doorway to other dimensions. Do you spend time in our life connecting with your god /source /universe /angels /divine. Do you have an equal balance making time for your spirituality?

All Chakras are important in living a healthy happy lifestyle. All chakras should be balanced and spinning equally. Having 1 larger than the other would be like driving a car with 3 wheels being the same size and 1 wheel bigger than the others.

12 Month Card Reading

What does the next 12 months look like for you?
(12 Cards, 1 for each month)


$60. 00 = 30 Minutes
$100. 00 = 60 Minutes

More about Readings With Indigo

Readings With Indigo is located at 112 Wood Oak Way SW, Calgary, Alberta T2W 3R9
Monday: 10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 12:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 20:00