Recovery Dharma University Of Calgary

About Recovery Dharma University Of Calgary

What does Recovery Dharma believe?

We believe that the traditional Buddhist teachings (“Dharma”) offer a powerful approach to healing from addiction and living a life of true freedom.

Recovery Dharma University Of Calgary Description


What is Recovery Dharma?

We are a peer-led movement using Buddhist practices and principles to overcome addiction through meditation, personal inquiry, and community. We provide support to local, autonomous meetings through shared literature, online resources, and connection to our international network of participants.

A non-profit organization, Recovery Dharma, administers the website and other properties on behalf of the community (sangha). A survey will be circulated in July 2019 so that the community can decide together what kind of organization they wish to build.

What does Recovery Dharma believe?

We believe that the traditional Buddhist teachings (“Dharma”) offer a powerful approach to healing from addiction and living a life of true freedom. By following a balanced path of understanding, ethical behavior, and mindfulness, all beings have the potential to find happiness and free themselves from the suffering of repetitive craving.

Recovery Dharma is centered on the idea that meditation, the Four Noble Truths, and the support of our sangha can foster our journey toward an end to the suffering of addiction.

Do I have to be a Buddhist to participate?

While our program is based on teachings and practices that go all the way back to the time of the Buddha 2600 years ago, we believe that anyone can benefit from this wisdom regardless of whether they consider themselves a Buddhist.

These teachings, as we practice them, are fully compatible with a secular perspective. The core practices of wisdom, ethics, and mindfulness are available to all beings, regardless of their other beliefs or affiliations. Our program doesn’t require the adoption of any religious principles, only that we do the work needed for these practices to transform our lives.

What is a Recovery Dharma meeting like?

Our weekly meetings are a chance to come together to support recovery through the practice of meditation, study of the Dharma, listening to each other, and building community.

A typical meeting starts with a few short explanatory readings, then a guided meditation. Meetings will then typically do a shared reading to foster discussion, or a speaker may talk about a topic of their choice. There is also an opportunity for members of the group to share. Each meeting is free to choose the format that works best for them.

Meetings are always free, though members are encouraged to support any costs incurred by the meetings through dāna (donations).

Each meeting operates independently, except in matters affecting other groups or Recovery Dharma as a whole. The group’s health and well-being is of utmost importance. Personal recovery depends on connection with a healthy, safe, confidential, and stable community. We encourage groups to practice ethical behavior in the conduct of meetings, refraining from violence, dishonesty, creating an environment of sexual discomfort or misconduct, or intoxication. How each group chooses to implement these guidelines is a matter for local discussion and decision-making.

More about Recovery Dharma University Of Calgary

Recovery Dharma University Of Calgary is located at University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta