Rivett Seeds Ltd.



🎄 Merry Christmas and all the best for a prosperous 2019!! 🎄


Trochu & Three Hills area growers....🌽 We invite you to join us for lunch on Tuesday December 4th 11:30 to 1:30 for a Corn information meeting with Pioneer area agronomist Nicci Rasmussen. Nicci has a huge wealth of information to share regarding varieties, production, optimization and much more! Please RSVP to 403-823-0977 if you are able to join us


The goal when puck hunting at the rink is usually to turn in for a candy...not when this one was found! My son had to bring it home because it was a special Pioneer puck! #trainthemyoung #futureofag #puckhunter


2017 Canola Performance Trials High yields and consistant performance in all growing zones from Pioneer varieties 45M35 and 45H33.
https://www.canolaperformancetrials.ca/Bo oklet%202017_FINAL…


Happy Thanksgiving from Rivett Seeds Ltd.!!


Amazing video!


When you are waiting on harvest, it's a good time to catch up on some corn agronomy....with the Rivetts Seeds hounds of course...


The Canola Council has an excellent guide for canola timing for swathing.


I have some 45CM39 in one of my sites. Excellent yield potential with a second to none disease package! And just might be an excellent option for those straight cutting because of the built-in resistance to pod shatter.


During our family trip to Smoky Lake to see my Aunt & Uncle this past weekend I was able to stop and see some awesome Pioneer corn fields. I was very impressed with the P7202 on high manure land east and the side by side field of P7202 & P7211 north of town.
While I was looking at the field east, the grower stopped and we had a great conversation about Pioneer canola and corn. He invited me to check out his corn demo site and said to stop by during harvest in October when they were silaging.
For more information regarding these varieties and the best suited varieties for your operation, give me a call at 403-823-0977!!


Rivett Seeds is pleased to sponsor the Team Roping event at the Big Valley Bust-Out rodeo! Best of luck to all competitors! #bustoutrodeo #supportingourcommunity #ruralroots


CORN!!! 🌽🌽🌽🌽
I walked some corn today with Pioneer agronomist Nicole Rasmussen. We had lots of discussion surrounding:
1. What maturities for corn is best suited for our area.... 2. How are the cows cleaning the corn crops up 3. Management programs and options 4. Ear development, nutritional values of different corn plants 5. What we will be seeing over the next month as the corn crops start tassling
Nicole has so much knowledge and I am so excited to be able to work with her, work with our customers and offer growers expert information and top corn genetics for their grazing & silage needs.
See More


Standing in the 45CM39 strip....it looks amazing!
#spotthe5yearold #familyfirst #babyfieldscout


Beautiful field trial 12 km south of the HW 590 & HW 56 intersection on the east side. Seeded May 17/18. 3 varieties...45CM39, 45CS40 and 45H33. This field had a bit of a slow start as there was quite a bit of barley straw. It jumped through and has flourished! All 3 varieties have show awesome early vigor and continues to look great & handle this heat well.
Varieties in this trial have been replicated 3 times running north - south. We will be taking these varieties to yield. Continue to watch for updates! I'm really excited about these varieties and confident that their performance will amazing!!


Beautiful day to put up field signs with my cowboy!!

More about Rivett Seeds Ltd.
