Rock Solid Home Solutions

About Rock Solid Home Solutions

Rock Solid Home Solutions is dedicated to helping people find a house that they can feel confident in purchasing!



Hello everyone! So today I would like to talk about Pre Sale inspections! So as a home owner getting ready to sell your home, what is the first thing you have to consider? Is this the best time to sell my home? Basically will I make a profit or will I lose money? So while this is usually the first hurdle we see when getting ready to sell our home, it will continue to come up throughout the process! So l am going to tell you what I mean by this and how the ŌĆ£Pre Sale inspection...ŌĆØ is going to benefit you with the sale of your home! Firstly we all know the condition of our home is greatly going to contribute to the amount you may get. And a Realtor may make suggestions mostly cosmetic. That you should do to your home to help with the sale. However the more in-depth problems with the home may not be so blatant. This where a ŌĆ£Pre Sale inspectionŌĆØ is going to help greatly. I tell clients not to look at it as a list of problems, but a list that will get you closer to the number you have your home listed at! The next area the ŌĆ£Pre Sale InspectionŌĆØ can help is when a home is in multiple offers. As most RealtorŌĆÖs know this can be a double edge sword so to speak. As itŌĆÖs great we have serval people interested in the home, we are about to pick one buyer and turn several others away. So once we have picked that one buy we like or want, it can be very frustrating to have a home inspector come in and collapse the deal with a bad inspection. We have now lost not only that buyer but the others we didnŌĆÖt pick as well. To be honest this actually happens more then you would think. A ŌĆ£Pre Sale InspectionŌĆØ can greatly reduce our risk of this situation. Next a ŌĆ£Pre Sale InspectionŌĆØ can also help us to find issues that could potentially be harmful to our families and friends. A wrongly wired plug or loose railing or slow water leak causing mold are just some or the potential hazards we could be facing. Remember what mite seem like or look like a small problems to you could be bigger then you think. So these are just a couple ways a ŌĆ£Pre Sale InspectionŌĆØ are going to help you as a seller! DonŌĆÖt be caught off guard! Know your home! It maybe the difference you need to sell!
As evidence of what I have been saying here is a testimonial from a client that didnŌĆÖt get a ŌĆ£Pre Sale InspectionŌĆØ. This is a all to common situation!
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Hello everyone! Just wanted to talk today about something IŌĆÖm asked a lot as a inspector and a renovator. And that is ŌĆ£Do I need a permit?ŌĆØ. Although some contractors will tell you permits are not needed, which may be true for some jobs, we can confidently say all bigger projects (moving walls, adding electrical or plumbing, building a garage or deck) permits are most definitely going to be needed. So the proper assessment of the job by the contractor is key to the process. S...ometimes itŌĆÖs the home owner that can be the resistance to getting the permits needed. Here is a common issue I have come across in the past. A home owner wants a plug or plugs installed in there home. Unfortunately, there is a ton of other electrical work in the home that is not to code. This can leave the contractor in a big predicament! Although the home owner is only looking to have a couple plugs installed, the contractor should also fix the other stuff as well. This could make the contractor look like heŌĆÖs trying to make more money or extra work. As a home owner you have to realize only a good contractor is going to suggest to fix any of the other issues he finds while doing his estimate. I have provided a link below from the Alberta government which will help you figure out when and for what you need a permit when doing work on your home! Remember this is your home and a huge investment. We need to protect our families and investments, so permits are going to be a big stepping stone to that goal!ŌĆ ”/do%20i%20need%20a%ŌĆ”
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It has come to my attention at one of my pervious inspections that some inspectors don't inspect the back flow or back water valve. This is a very important piece of plumbing equipment in your home. Along with your sump pump this device is there to keep water out of your bsmt, namely sewer water which as we know no one wants in there bsmt. I have also seen these valves installed backwards. There may not be a back flow valve in a home older then 15yrs, this is common as it has... only become code within the last 15yrs to have one install to met code. If this pertains to you then I would recommend you have one installed ASAP. As we know in older area's sewer pipes are collapsed from being made from poor materials or from roots growing into them. This is going to cause sewer back up. The back flow valve may very well save your flooring, drywall, insulation and any valuables on the bsmt floor. This piece of equipment is a must to be inspected!
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Here are a couple things to keep in mind throughout the winter. Doing these simple tasks will help prolong the life of your home! /290205751504403


It's always great to get awesome feed back from clients!


Well Rock Solid Home Solutions is officially ready to start its marketing campaign!!! With a lot of help and support from my business manager! I'm now ready to go out and get my company some major business! I hope to keep helping people make the right choice in their first or next home purchase! The passion I have for this job makes it fun and fulfilling!


Well completed another couple Home Inspections this week! It sure is nice when clients pick super clean and well built homes! Makes me have to work harder to find problems! And makes an Inspector feel good when he can tell the client he or she has picked a Solid Home! I hope all the best to those clients that have removed conditions and taken the leap into their new homes! Congrats and all the best to all of you!!


Well it was a great day!! All three inspections are completed and I'm still alive!!

More about Rock Solid Home Solutions

Rock Solid Home Solutions is located at 10 Grandin Woods Estate, Saint Albert, Alberta T8N 2Y4