Rotary Alberta Youth Entrepreneurship Camp

About Rotary Alberta Youth Entrepreneurship Camp

The Rotary Alberta Youth Entrepreneurship Camp (AYEC) is a week-long entrepreneur-focused camp held at Eagles Nest Ranch in the Cypress Hills for kids aged 13-15.

2017 EDA Award of Excellence
2017 EDA Alex Metcalfe Award for Community EcDev

Rotary Alberta Youth Entrepreneurship Camp Description

The Alberta Youth Entrepreneurship Camp is one-week event that combines the education of business training with a summer camp atmosphere.

Campers are instructed in a workshop-oriented environment and also hear from guest speakers and industry professionals. They are taught the components of a business plan such as marketing, advertising, cash-flow and record keeping. They are put into business teams where they plan a business idea, meet with actual industry suppliers and bankers, build a product or a service and on the final day of camp, these youthful business people are open for business! Campers even get to keep the profit each of their businesses make!

It’s not only about numbers and business plans though. These youth get to participate in a variety of summer camp experiences and recreational activities such as zip-lining, mountain biking, and other fun activities!

If entrepreneurship is in your blood and you want to have a great time this summer, apply today and join us for camp in August!

More about Rotary Alberta Youth Entrepreneurship Camp
