Shades Of Colour Community Yeg

About Shades Of Colour Community Yeg

Shades of Colour (SOC) is a APIRG group that exists to advocate for queer and trans Black folks, Indigenous folks, and people of colour. We meet bi weekly to eat food together, share resources and support each other

Shades Of Colour Community Yeg Description

Shades of Color is a volunteer run group run and facilitated by Rohan, Nicole and Victoria , we host meet-ups every two weeks at for QTBIPOCs
(queer and trans, Black, Indigenous and people of color) and we ask that is remains a closed space.

We are qtibpocs making spaces for other qtibpocs to who need this safe spaces to breathe. We hope that this will help to fill the gaps within community that affirm our experiences and identity and move towards strengthening healthy multi generational relationships that are needed.
We strive to provide ongoing support for individuals who are struggling with their experiences and identities, and facilitate open and honest discussions.

Stacey Cann.
Megan Gnanasihamany
Kristina Laban
Kristy Harcourt
Chloe Willes-Speakman
Emmanuel Dubbeldam
Stephanie Olsen
Jenna Turner
Brett Willes
Jarrett Samson
Erin Beever

Thanks folks, for your support and for being part of our movement!

Consider donating so we can make this space as accessible and sustainable as we can!


More about Shades Of Colour Community Yeg