Sls Fitness

About Sls Fitness

SLS Fitness offers unique, and personalized, science-based training that both challenges and empowers each and every client to reach their goals.

Sls Fitness Description

Sarah Stimson is a NAIT-PFT grad who is both a CSEP-Certified Personal Trainer as well as NASM- Corrective Exercise Specialist. On top of these credentials, she is also an AFLCA Group Exercise Instructor ( + Portable Equipment designation) and TRX Qualified.

Sarah’s passion for fitness roots in her involvement in sport from a young age. Playing at a competitive level throughout her childhood and up through high school challenged her to continually strive for a higher level of fitness. However, growing up in a rural farming community didn’t leave her a ton of conventional training options. In fact, Sarah never lifted heavier then an 8lb dumbbell until she began her post-secondary schooling. Instead, she carried 60lb buckets of grain to the bunks, forked up hay to the cattle, and found her cardio through running dusty gravel roads. As she developed an interest in training, so did she develop an innovative mindset. Worn out tractor tires became box jumps, ladders on grain bins became chin up bars, and the stack-yard full of bales became her agility training platform.

If you ask Sarah WHY she became a personal trainer, her response would be simple, ‚ÄúI love to move, and I want everyone to love to move. ‚ÄĚ Movement is such a huge part of living and being able to move in a functional and pain-free manner is our ticket to increased quality of life. As a trainer, Sarah‚Äôs desire is to help her clients find an enjoyable way to move that is functional to their lifestyle and results in increasing their ability to move well, and consequently increases their self-confidence and self-love. Everyone deserves to move and to move well!

If you currently experience pain moving; want to move better; are seeking a more active lifestyle; or curious what fitness can do for YOU, please don't hesitate to reach out and contact Sarah. She'd love to get in touch with you and get you started! !



Whipped up this tasty treat this morning ūüėć
If you're looking for a healthy twist to the banana bread favorite, this one will do the trick! Sounds good, looks good, and tastes good- the full meal deal ‚ėļÔłŹ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ... Let me know what ya think! ūüĎ©ūüŹľ‚Äćūüć≥ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ #yegfitness #personatrainer #homemadetreats #healthytwist #freshfromthegarden #housesmellssogood #banana #carrot #zuchinni #loaf
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Got Low-Back Pain??
One of the most common complaints I hear from people is how much their back hurts. Low-back and neck pain was the number one cause of disability in Canada (and most other high-income countries) according to 2015 stats. Why do you think this is? (There's many potential reasons... but here's one that I agree with).
Since the industrialization era, the population has become more and more sedentary. With 75% of workers now sitting for extended periods of time,... our bodies are becoming accustomed to the #1 position you find yourself in: sitting.
The issue with prolonged sitting, is that over time it leads to your muscles and joints becoming more and more deconditioned. Resulting in fatigue and stress being placed on your spinal discs and your hip flexors becoming tighter and shorter.
So how do we combat this? Move more! Take frequent breaks while at work or when driving for extended periods of time.
Another method to aid in the treatment and/or preventative measure for low-back pain, is to actively work on lengthening your hip flexors. This is where the foam roller or lacrosse ball becomes your friend!
To optimally increase the range of motion in your hip flexors, spend 60+ seconds with the foam roller (or mobility ball) followed immediately by a 60 second passive stretch (elevated foot lunge).
Got questions? Comment or DM and I’d be happy to answer!
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TRX Chest Press + Ab Roll Out + Tricep Extension
Here’s a fun 3-in-1 complex to try out next time you have access to a TRX.
1) Begin by lowering yourself into a push up position, then press up.
... 2) With arms extended, lower yourself as you press your arms forward until your head is between your ears (or as close as you can get!).
3) Now perform a tricep extension by bending your elbows and bringing your hands towards your ears. Press up. Return to start position.
Adjust level of difficulty by either taking a step ahead (standing more upright = easier) or taking a step back (increasing the distance your body lowers = harder).
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How to enhance post exercise muscle recovery and reduce Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS):
You know that feeling after an intense workout where you feel like you’re lugging around 1 tonne cement blocks with every step you make? Where your legs and hips feel tight and immobile- like maybe you aged 20 years overnight? And getting up from your desk the next day?! Forget it, that feels like as much of a mission as climbing mount Everest!
Some of us love this delayed muscle sor...eness, others choose to steer clear of exercise to avoid the pain all together. In no way do I think we should be bragging about how sore we are, nor should you not exercise at all.
Instead, I propose we learn how to incorporate recovery strategies that will ultimately lead to reduced risk of injury, increased muscle recovery time, and delayed soreness.
One such strategy is to finish your workout with some self-myofascial release (SMR). All you need is a mobility tool of some sort- foam roller, lacrosse ball, mobility ball, or roller-massager. Spend 30 sec-2 minutes rolling out each muscle group you targeted during your training session. If you‚Äôre new to foam rolling, its normal to think, ‚ÄúHow the heck do people do this smiling?! 20 min of this? Not today bro.‚ÄĚ And that‚Äôs fine! But stick with it and it‚Äôll get better- it‚Äôll be the ‚Äėgood hurt‚Äô that you know will result in a better tomorrow.
So… how does inflicting more pain (subjective measure) result in less pain and increased performance?
It is understood that DOMS is largely caused by changes occuring in connective tissue properties. Foam rolling influences the damaged CT (but not muscle tissue), which is why perceived levels of pain are shown to decrease and yet muscle performance isn’t lost. Another thought is that SMR increases blood flow which in turn increases lactate removal, reduced edema, and increases the amount of oxygen being delivered to the muscle (Cheatham, Kolber, Cain & Lee, 2015).
Moral of the story: foam roll post workout. You’ll improve your recovery time AND decrease muscle soreness.
Happy rolling! ‚ėļÔłŹūüí™ūüŹĽ
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Played around with plank variations and came across these core challengers ūüėÉ
1) Double-Leg Stability Ball Knee Tucks
2) Single-Leg Tucks (as you can tell by my lack of video-quality reps, these suckers are challenging! But fun ūüėČ)
... Breathe Fitness
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TRX Assisted Bicycle V-Sit
Change up the v-sit hold by adding some instability and controlled dynamic stimulus.
Begin by sitting on a bosu ball and finding a balanced position. Lean back, keeping your back straight and engaging your core.
... Extend your arms overhead while holding onto the TRX handles- maintain tension on the straps to keep your chest upright and maintain a straight back.
Next, bring both feet off the ground- keep your balance!
Lastly, alternate lowering and extending each leg.
Slow and controlled is key ūüĒĎ
#personaltrainer #fitness #core #stability #strength #timeundertension #trxvideos #challengeyourself Breathe Fitness
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TRX Atomic Push Up
Looking to up your push up game? Give this a try!
... This move features a push up + pike knee drive. While it is upper body focused, your core strength will ultimately be your limiting factor in determining whether you can successfully complete the movement or not. So attempt only after you can maintain a strong plank position without arching your spine, and can confidently complete a large set of push ups from your toes.
Excellent move to try out and see how well your core stabilizers fire!
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Inverted Row + Hamstring Curl ‚ÄĘ Take your inverted row to the next level with an elevated platform and controlled hamstring curl! ‚ÄĘ Play around with the tempo of the movement. Increased time under tension (aka: slow and controlled) will guarantee that you'll be feeling your entire body working!... ‚ÄĘ Target muscles: Back & Hamstrings... and a ton of CORE!! ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ Inspired by @theobowie ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ
#yegfitness #personaltrainer #challengeyourself #newthings #getcreative #justmove #trx #bodyweight #invertedrow #hamstringcurl #posteriorchain
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Here's a 4 exercise circuit to try out! Best part? No equipment needed!
Choose between performing each exercise for reps (ex: 10 reps of each) or timed intervals (ex: 30 sec of each). Aim to complete 4 sets!
Have some fun and let me know how it goes!


TRX Y-T-W ‚ÄĘ Perform this shoulder exercise by first creating an engaged plank position: core is braced, gluten are squeezed, shoulders are rotated down and back, and chest is up.
‚ÄĘ Maintain a slight bend in your elbow as you drive your arms up to create a "Y" shape. Control lower. Now squeeze your shoulder blades together as you extend your arms to create a "T" shape. Control the return. Lastly, create a "W" by engaging your lats (think "bend the bar") as you drive your down and towards your rib cage, wrists stacked above elbows. Repeat.
[Second video in comments. I'm still tech challenged lol]
#trxtraining #shoulderworkout #controlledmovement #movewithpurpose #yegfitness #personaltrainer #pardonthemessyhair
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Was graced with a flat tire when I left work this afternoon ūüôĄ but it was the best of a worst case scenario: I was parked in a heated parking garage and had a couple hours before my next training session (and an inflated spare tire lol). ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ I always preach about the functionality of fitness, but for you non-believers, I thought this would be a prime opportunity to exhibit evidence. ‚ÄĘ... ‚ÄĘ Conveniently (or ironically ūü§Ē) this mornings workout was full of deadlifts. And look what we have here?! A task that is full of deadlifts! ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ And no means to brag (only kinda), but the 210lb lifts this morning made this session feel like a breeze. And if that's not a bit of incentive to get yourself to the gym, guess you'll have to wait for your turn to change a flat ūüėČ ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚Ä Ę‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ Big shout out to my Dad for teaching me how to change my own tires. A skill that sure came in handy ūü§ó {P.S. If you're gonna judge me for forgetting to put on my park brake... I know).
#functionalfitness #lifelessons #tirechange #exercisewithpurpose #personaltrainer #farmgirlstrong #grateful #yegfitness #crossfityeg
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{Post 2 of 2}
Make sure you turn your sound on ūüĒä for this video ft. Mama Stimson. The sped up version kills me ūüėā


[Post 1 of 2]
Took the parents on a 2 hour hike just to get these videos.
Just kidding, they're just excellent sports and partook in the fun!
... So now I present to you a feature of my fit and fun parents!! ūüŹčūüŹĽūüí™ūüŹĽ Make sure you turn your sound on for the second video ft. Mama Stimson. The sped up version kills me ūüėā
Aren't my parents the greatest? Love them! ‚̧ԳŹ
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You always fear what you don't understand. So let's talk. You're not in this alone ūüôā ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ #bellletstalk #endthestigma #mentalhealth


Beyond its effectiveness as a strengthening modality, the TRX also works great in supplementing your stretching routine!
Here's one to try out!
#yegfitness #personaltrainer #trx #mobility #lowback #shoulder #stretch #balancedtraining


I've been neglecting a lot of multi-planar movements lately, so decided to play around with a short step, some single leg stability, and a bit of explosive power! ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ When executing this exercise ensure your knee is always tracking over your toes- paying particular attention as you laterally jump and switch directions on the land at the top of the step. ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ And don't be too ambitious for a tall step, especially if you haven't developed the proper strength and stability around ...your joints taking the impact. So start out low and work your way up! ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ ūüĒĎ Key Points: Land with your foot pointed straight forward, knee not falling in or outside; concentrating on a soft and quiet landing both on and off the box! ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ It's a fun one! Give it a go!! ūüėä
#yegfitness #personaltrainer #lateralhops #minimalequipment #softlanding #power#agility #stability
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1/2 Turkish Get-Up ‚ÄĘ Intention: Core & Shoulder Strength and Stability.
‚ÄĘ Begin by laying on your back; bend one knee up so that your foot is planted on the ground.
... ‚ÄĘPressing either a kettlebell or dumbbell directly above your shoulder, direct your gaze to the KB/DB (keep it here as you sit up, this will help your shoulder stay stacked and arm straight).
‚ÄĘ Place your other arm at a 45 degree angle. You may use this arm to assist you in fully sitting up.
‚ÄĘ Control your descent as you lower flat onto your back.
‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ Ensure you maintain a stable shoulder throughout the movement by maintaining tension in your arm and pressing the weight up towards the sky.‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ
ūüé•: @coffee_barbells_and_brews
#yegpersonaltrainer #yegfitness #corestability #shoulderstrength #movewithintention
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So grateful for this amazing crew that came out and sweat this morning! ūüí™ūüŹĽ‚ėļÔłŹ Gem truly is full of some incredible gems ūüėČ
#gemfit #lovethiscrew #community #friends #family #bootcampworkout #sweatseshūüí¶

More about Sls Fitness