Smileworks Calgary Dentist

Monday: 08:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 16:00
Friday: 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Smileworks Calgary Dentist

Smileworks provides general dentistry personalized to your specific wishes.

Smileworks Calgary Dentist Description

Services available include a thorough diagnosis of your current dental condition, followed by recommendations to help you achieve your dental needs.
Smile makeovers and other esthetic problems.
Tooth whitening in office or at home.
Implants to replace missing teeth.
Repair or remove damaged teeth.
TMJ and headache treatment.
Orthodontia or tooth straightening.
Free parking.
Ceiling TV's.



The 5 W’s of Great Smiles
With the different breakthroughs in general dentistry cosmetics,more people can light a room with their great smile! Picture ready straight white smiles aren’t only for celebrities, reporters and models. With teeth straightening systems, in office whitening treatments and professional cleanings you can have a confident smile too!
... WHAT
A great smile can help you to feel your best. What you can accomplish when you have a bright smile, a mouth that feels great, and fresh minty breath is endless! Your radiant smile will take you anywhere you want to go.
Read More:‚ Ķ/5-ws-great-smiles/
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Chew on These…
Have you ever used a phrase and someone did not know what you are talking about. For example, I was describing a person who was about to lose their job and said he “is on thin ice”. What does losing a job in July have to do with thin ice? The phrases (Colloquialism) are part of everyday conversations and we use them to better describe or emphasize the point you are making. Did you ever wonder where those expressions came from? Here are the origins of six of th...e top tooth sayings:
1. By The Skin Of One’s Teeth-Found in the Book Of Job. Refers to the trials that he was put through and escaped “...with the skin of my teeth.” Which we use today to describe a -close call-. 2. Long In The Tooth- This term originates with a reference to horses. Teeth of horses continue to grow with age and some claim to estimate how old a horse is by examining its teeth. The longer the teeth the older the horse, and we use that analogy when describing someone or something that is older.
To Read More Visit: -mr-smiles/chew-on-these/
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Harvest a Healthy Smile
Fall brings harvest fairs, farmer’s markets and fruit and vegetable stands loaded with tasty and healthy treats. Here are some great snacks to eat that are doubly good because they’re also great for your smile! • Make a great crunchy veggie platter. The markets are bursting with farm fresh carrots, celery, tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers. Crunchy, firm foods that contain lots of water (and require lots of chewing) are good for oral health because they... stimulate the flow of saliva and can actually scrub tooth surfaces. Organic yogurt and fresh herbs create a heart healthy dip too! • Find some strawberries and some dark chocolate with a high cocoa content. Dark chocolate has been shown to be beneficial to teeth and makes a wonderful dip for a variety of berries.
Healthy delicious autumn treats to help you smile. Read more at:…/h arvest-healthy-smile/
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A Strong Foundation
Teeth age with us and we sometimes overlook that older teeth may need different maintenance, just like with the rest of our health. Older teeth do not wrinkle, but can dis-color, lose enamel and weaken. The good news is the more proactive care we take of our teeth the fewer issues. Our teeth not only support us so that we can chew, bite, talk, and breathe, but also help open a bag of chips (not recommended).
Keep Your Teeth ... A Strong Foundation
• Brush, floss and see your dentist regularly • Eat a variety of healthy foods and drink plenty of water • Deal with dental issues as soon as possible. They may get worse if not dealt with.
Read more at:… /a-strong-foundation/
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Don’t Labour at Tooth Brushing The last long weekend of summer is done, kids are heading back to school and it seems like there are a million things to get done. Here are the top 5 reasons to electify your dental hygiene routine: 1, It’s easier to brush for longer. Some electric toothbrushes have timers included that even tell you when to switch quandrants of your mouth. 2. Your teeth will be brushed more evenly. Manual toothbrushing will use different pressure in certain ar...eas depending on whether you’re right or left handed. 3. Your breath will be fresher! Brushing your tongue with toothpaste, combined with the very thorough job of an electric toothbrush zaps away bad breath!
Read more at:…/dont -labour-tooth-brush…/
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Brushing Your Teeth Can Help You Feel Your Best
3:00pm is a time for mid-day slump. The work day is nearly done, and your energy level is low. You can go for some iced coffee or energy drink to get you through the afternoon, but you’re trying to cut back on the caffeine.
Some people feel that they perk up when they smell peppermint and to really get a boost they brush their teeth. After brushing, that fresh cool sensation when you take a deep breath can be revitalizing.
... When you need an afternoon boost, instead of grabbing another cup of coffee, reach for your toothbrush. Brush and then go for a brisk walk.
For More Tips Visit:…/brus hing-your-teeth-can…/
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Don’t Eclipse Mouth Safety Either
With all this talk about eye protection with the solar eclipse, it should remind us that sometimes we neglect protecting our teeth.Unlike looking at the sun during a solar eclipse that can cause permanent damage, most dental accidents can be repaired. But why take the risk and go through the expense.
For sports oral protection there are three common mouth protectors;
... 1.Ready-made and chew and go. These are the least expensive and do provide some protection, However, they can be big and bulky making it more difficult to breathe. The fit it may not be comfortable and you may not want to wear it.
Read more about mouth guards;…/dont -eclipse-mouth-safe…/
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Brush Camping
A lot of preparation goes into making a camping trip a great experience for the whole family. Something that’s overlooked is tooth brushing and flossing, especially without running water and a sink.
RV Camping – If you’re camping in an RV with running water tooth brushing should be fairly simple. Just remember that water from an onboard tank may be limited, so don’t leave it running. ... Tent Camping – In a tent, space can be scarce, be sure to have a toothbrush case to store it safely and you can purchase the travel size toothpaste or some dentists give them away.
To read more visit iles/brush-camping/
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Back to School Check-Up
Kids love the summer off from school. This usually entails different routines when going on vacation, summer camps, or lazing doing their favorite activities.
Let’s keep good dental health
... As a parent, helping your children develop good habits young can stay with them for a lifetime. One of those habits is a regular visit to the dentist and taking care of their teeth. • Set some time aside before your schedule gets really hectic with school, sport, and other extra circular activities resume. • A dental visit in August helps you get a head start on the rush of back to school activities.
Read More:…/bac k-to-school-check-up/
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Baby Boomer Teeth
If you were born between 1943 and 1964 you have Baby Boomer Teeth. *Baby Boomer generation refers to a Boom in birthrates following World War II.
... Baby Boomers are aging and their dental needs are changing . •Retirement may have you traveling more or at the cottage where there is less exposure to fluoride in the water supply, which could lead to decay. •Fillings from your twenties or thirties are likelier to have decay. 30 year-old-fillings may be loose and worn or tooth changes can cause decay around the filling. •Cavities in the tooth root are more common as gum tissue begins to recede in older adults, exposing the tooth root surface to decay.
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To Tell The Tooth...
There were inquiries of why the Canada Day post celebrating 150th had a “barber pole” for a dental clinic. It refers to the nostalgia of when some dental procedures were under the Guild of Barbers established in France in 1210. 150 years ago, when the illiteracy rate was much higher, the pole with red and/or blue stripes meant more than a shave and a haircut.
Did You Know That Toothpaste Didn't Always Taste Minty? ... Read More:‚ Ķ/to-tell-the-tooth/
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Why Is There Blood On My Toothbrush?
If your gums bleed during brushing it could be a sign of Gum Disease. What Causes Gum Disease? Plaque is the primary cause of gum disease, but other factors can contribute to periodontal disease.
... Why Treat Gum Disease? Recent research suggests that a healthy mouth is linked to a healthy heart. We’re not saying brushing your teeth will prevent a stroke, but research is beginning to suggest it is a factor. Read More:…/why- is-there-blood-on-m…/
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What Can I Do To Treat My TMD?
If you have TMD (temporomandibular disorder you might feel like you may never get over the fatigue, stress and/or pain. The good news is there are successful treatments for TMD ranging from relaxation techniques to custom made dental appliances.
Self-care for TMD:... 1. Cool or warm compresses (whichever feels better) to help ease sore jaw muscles. Carefully apply a cool compress to the affected area to ease the pain or a warm cloth to help gain movement in your jaw area. 2. Eat soft foods that minimize chewing or opening your mouth wide, a protein shake or nutrient rich meal replacement drinks; this is a temporary approach for acute pain.
To find out more ways that you and your dentist can help you to treat your TMD symptoms visit:…/what-can- i-do-to-treat-my-tmd/
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How Did I Get TMD?
Top three TMD contributing factors: 1. Injury to your jaw, joint, or muscles of your head and neck ‚Äì it could be from getting hit in the face by a ball or your face impacting something. Another cause of TMD is car collisions, where there is strain on your neck and/or jaw from the sudden stop. 2. Arthritis in the jaw joint. Arthritis can be caused by aging of the joints, genetic factors or deterioration of the joints after previous injury.... 3. Read more at:‚ Ķ/how-did-i-get-tmd/
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Do I Have TMD?
Do you ever have pain around your ear or lower jaw when you’re inflating a balloon, chewing toffee or drinking through a straw? These are symptoms that you could be suffering from TMD (temporomandibular disorder).
Top Six Symptoms of TMD
... 1.Pain or tenderness of your jaw or in one or both of the joints 2.Difficulty chewing or pain when you chew 3.A clicking or grinding sound when you chew or open your mouth 4.Locking of the joint, making it difficult to open or close your mouth 5.Aching pain in and around your ear or through your whole face 6.Headache or neck pain radiating from the jaw
Find out more at: iles/do-i-have-tmd/
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More about Smileworks Calgary Dentist

Smileworks Calgary Dentist is located at #101 506 71ST Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta T2V4V4
403 255 7833
Monday: 08:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 16:00
Friday: 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -