Soultree Coaching

About Soultree Coaching

I am a self-awareness and fulfillment coach.

I coach evolving and expanding leaders – people who live a life that is meaningful and fulfilling to them AND courageously acknowledge and honour their presence, their impact on and responsibility in the world around them. My clients are self-aware, they live fulfilled and meaningful lives true to who they are at their very core, and they inspire and elevate those around them.

Clients describe me as warm, authentic, intuitive, daring and bold. They also appreciate my sense of humour and wit. I create a safe and courageous space for clients to evolve and expand as leaders – an environment of trust that calls forth both vulnerability and courage.

I long for my clients to love and honour who they really are – not who they or others think they should be. As a “recovering” engineer who knows firsthand what it means to stop living a life you think you should, I love that moment when my clients choose to break the mold, and live true to who they are – not who they or others think they should be as an engineer, a parent, a relative, a manager, a leader, a _____ – when they kick their limiting beliefs to the curb and live a fulfilled life true for them. It is in these moments that I witness my clients expand and grow as leaders.

I hold a Master of Science in Engineering, am a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CTI), and an Associate Certified Coach (ICF). I have worked in private, public and not-for-profit sectors. I am a proud mama of three precious little peanuts whose smiles are contagious and remind me each day to cherish every precious moment. I am an adoring wife to an amazing man with whom I found out what it means to love truly, madly and deeply. I am also a “recovering " engineer, who after almost six years in the field came to realize that I was doing it because I could - I was very capable and skilled in the field but it was not my calling. I chose to break through limiting beliefs and step courageously into a career as a Leadership Coach. I live and love with my whole heart, and know that in honouring who I am at my core, the better able I am to honour everyone in my life – family, friends, colleagues, clients and all who I cross paths with.

Whatever the reason my clients begin coaching with me, there exists a common thread: they want something to change, something that is not serving them, and they need someone to support them through and hold them accountable on their journeys.

Coaching is such a wonderful opportunity to commit to carving out time just for you - a time for you to connect in with who you are at your core, what you value, what you aspire for in your life, and going after it. Contact me, and let’s get started!

Soultree Coaching Description

I am a self-awareness and fulfillment coach.

I coach evolving and expanding leaders – people who live a life that is meaningful and fulfilling to them AND courageously acknowledge and honour their presence, their impact on and responsibility in the world around them. My clients are self-aware, they live fulfilled and meaningful lives true to who they are at their very core, and they inspire and elevate those around them.

Clients describe me as warm, authentic, intuitive, daring and bold. They also appreciate my sense of humour and wit. I create a safe and courageous space for clients to evolve and expand as leaders – an environment of trust that calls forth both vulnerability and courage.

I long for my clients to love and honour who they really are – not who they or others think they should be. As a “recovering” engineer who knows firsthand what it means to stop living a life you think you should, I love that moment when my clients choose to break the mold, and live true to who they are – not who they or others think they should be as an engineer, a parent, a relative, a manager, a leader, a _____ – when they kick their limiting beliefs to the curb and live a fulfilled life true for them. It is in these moments that I witness my clients expand and grow as leaders.

I hold a Master of Science in Engineering, am a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CTI), and an Associate Certified Coach (ICF). I have worked in private, public and not-for-profit sectors. I am a proud mama of three precious little peanuts whose smiles are contagious and remind me each day to cherish every precious moment. I am an adoring wife to an amazing man with whom I found out what it means to love truly, madly and deeply. I am also a “recovering " engineer, who after almost six years in the field came to realize that I was doing it because I could - I was very capable and skilled in the field but it was not my calling. I chose to break through limiting beliefs and step courageously into a career as a Leadership Coach. I live and love with my whole heart, and know that in honouring who I am at my core, the better able I am to honour everyone in my life – family, friends, colleagues, clients and all who I cross paths with.

Whatever the reason my clients begin coaching with me, there exists a common thread: they want something to change, something that is not serving them, and they need someone to support them through and hold them accountable on their journeys.

Coaching is such a wonderful opportunity to commit to carving out time just for you - a time for you to connect in with who you are at your core, what you value, what you aspire for in your life, and going after it. Contact me, and let’s get started!

More about Soultree Coaching

Soultree Coaching is located at Calgary, Alberta