Space Engine Systems

About Space Engine Systems

Space Engine Systems Inc (SES) has been developing an air breathing engine called the DASS Engine for high altitude flying and for space applications.

Space Engine Systems Description

Space Engine Systems Inc. (SES) is a Canadian aerospace company led by Pradeep Dass and is located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The main focus of the company is the development of a light multi-fuel propulsion system (DASS Engine) to power a reusable single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO) and hypersonic cruise vehicle.

The DASS Engine will exceed Mach 5 and can fly at altitudes of around 30 KMs reaching anywhere on earth within 4. 5 to 5 hours. It will take off from a runway just like a plane and go to 30 km altitude and develop speeds of a minimum of Mach 5. It can also be used for Single Stage To Orbit (SSTO) for space applications to exit and re-enter by storing oxygen.

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More about Space Engine Systems

Space Engine Systems is located at #318 14032-23rd Ave, Edmonton, Alberta