Sri Lankan Buddhist Society - Calgary / Ehipassiko Meditation Centre

About Sri Lankan Buddhist Society - Calgary / Ehipassiko Meditation Centre

The Sri Lankan Buddhist Society of Calgary is a religious, charitable, non profit organization registered with the Government of Canada.

Sri Lankan Buddhist Society - Calgary / Ehipassiko Meditation Centre Description

Resident Monks:

Abbot: Venerable Matthumagala Chandananda Thero
( /)



Due to the extreme cold weather conditions, Sunday School will be cancelled on Sunday, Feb 10th. (Stay warm & safe everyone)Due to the extreme cold weather conditions, Sunday School will be cancelled on Sunday, Feb 10th. (Stay warm & safe everyone)


Thank you everyone !


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Urgent request to all Sri Lankans/ Albertans
Sam Samudra (35) from Edson, Alberta passed away two days back under tragic circumstances leaving his expecting wife and the 18 months old daughter behind. Please use the "GoFundme" link to donate to assist with the funeral arrangements. Alternatively, you can contact Anura, Suraj or Sumith on the numbers given on the picture as well. Let's rally behind them in this time of need üôè ly-suppor...t…
Contact : Anura Kulathillake
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Thanks Duvindu Dilshan son for creating this !!


Meditation Program will be held every Saturday at 5.30p.m. January Sil Program commences at 8.00am on Jan 20thMeditation Program will be held every Saturday at 5.30p.m. January Sil Program commences at 8.00am on Jan 20th


Sunday School was commenced today (Jan 13th) for the year 2019 with the guidance of Ven. Maththumagala Chandanada Thero. We will conduct the Sunday School once every two weeks at the Temple Premises. Please see the attached picture for the upcoming dates. Theruwan Saranai !
Please contact our Sunday School Co-ordinator Shyamalie Rajapaksha for further details.


Upcoming programs !!
Please see the below note for more details. -buddhist-society-calgary-ehipassiko-med itation-centre/ehipassiko-meditation-cen tre-slbsc-ongoing-programs/2417523978318 784/
... Should you require to subscribe to the SLBSC email listing, please send a message to this page or
Theruwan Saranai !
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Thanks for everyone's participation yesterday.
We wish you a happy and a prosperous new year with the blessings of noble triple gem !
ý∂Ωý∑êý∂∂ý∑îý∑Äý∑èý∑Äý∑ñ 2019 ý∑Äý∑Éý∂ª ý∑Éý∑ûý∂∑ý∑èý∂úý∑ä‚Äçý∂∫ý∂∫ ý∑Éý∂∏ý∑äý∂¥ý∂±ý∑äý∂±, ý∂±ý∑íý∂Øý∑îý∂öý∑ä ý∂±ý∑íý∂ªý∑ùý∂úý∑ì ý∑Äý∑èý∑Éý∂±ý∑èý∑Äý∂±ý∑äý∂≠ ý∂ëý∂öý∂öý∑äý∂∏ ý∑Äý∑öý∑Äý∑è ! ý∂≠ý∑ôý∂ªý∑îý∑Äý∂±ý∑ä ý∑Éý∂ªý∂´ý∂∫ý∑í !
... Sri Lankan Buddhist Society - Calgary ý∂öý∑êý∂Ωý∑äý∂úý∂ªý∑í ý∑Åý∑ä‚Äçý∂ªý∑ì ý∂Ωý∂Çý∂öý∑è ý∂∂ý∑ûý∂Øý∑äý∂∞ ý∑Éý∂∏ý∑íý∂≠ý∑íý∂∫
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New year blessings !


Greetings for the new year ! ý∑Éý∑îý∂∑ ý∂Öý∂Ωý∑îý∂≠ý∑ä ý∂Öý∑Äý∑îý∂ªý∑îý∂Øý∑äý∂Øý∂öý∑ä ý∑Äý∑öý∑Äý∑è !!
Preparations are completed for today’s Pirith Chanting at 6.30 pm.


The Ehipassiko Buddhist Centre of the Sri Lankan Buddhist Society Calgary (SLBSC) cordially invite you to the 2019 New Year Pooja & Pirith Chanting on January 01st, 2019 at Montgomery Community Association 5003 16th Avenue NW Calgary, T3B 0N1 Directions: From 06:30pm - 08:00pm
Please participate in this great meritorious deed to receive blessings of the Noble Triple Gem for peace, happiness and health for the New Year 2019.
You may contact Sakuntha Rathnayake at 403 226 2999 or Shyamalee Rajapakshe at 403 874 4610 if you intend to bring milk rice (kiribath) or snacks for this event.
Thank you With Mettā
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The Sunday school organized by the Ehipassiko Buddhist Temple will continue on Sunday December 16th from 3:00 pm to 5.00 pm at Tuxedo Park Community Association (Lower Hall), 202 29 Ave NE, Calgary, AB T2E 2C1.
Note : After Dec 16th, the Sunday School will be closed for the rest of 2018 for the holidays.
We will notify the dates for 2019.
... Shyamalie Rajapaksha, Sakunthala Ratnayake, Arosha Kodisinghe, Dinithi Weerasooriya,
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Reminder - Dhamma School - Sunday December 2, 2018 and visit by Bhikkuni Ayya Santacitta
As notified earlier, the Sunday School will be held on Sunday, December 2, 2018 from 3.00PM to 5.00PM at Tuxedo Park Community Association (Lower Hall) 202, 29 Avenue NE, Calbary AB T2E 2C1. Bhikkuni Ayya Santacitta from Aloka Vihara Forest Monestry, California will be joining for a special Dhamma Discussion as well.
Please check the below link to see further details about Bhikkuni San...tacitta. ity/
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Two Dhamma Sermon Sessions conducted by:
Ven Anuradhapura Ariyagnana Thero
Will be held at the
... Ehipassiko Buddhist Center at 15150 Park Lane, Calgary
Program Schedule
- Dec 01, 2018 Saturday from 4:00PM -6:00PM
- Dec 08, 2018 Saturday from 4:00PM -6:00PM
Please come and participate in these meritorious deeds.
The regular Meditation Program will be followed after this special Dhamma Session.
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More about Sri Lankan Buddhist Society - Calgary / Ehipassiko Meditation Centre

Sri Lankan Buddhist Society - Calgary / Ehipassiko Meditation Centre is located at 15150, Park Lane, Calgary, Alberta T3P 1A6
403 7647889