Stephanie Zacharias

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About Stephanie Zacharias

I began my quest online after my spouse was in a near fatal accident, at his construction job.
Life is short. Tomorrow is not promised.



Something happened. My eyes were opened to a side of life, I’d never seen before.
My bucket list will begin before 55, more time, more freedom, a life that surrounds me with the beauty of nature, positivity & appreciation. Everyday. #timefreedom #grateful #almostlostyou #cherisheverymoment #tomorrowisnotpromised #thetimeisnow #lifeisshort #bosslady #travel #construction


Make time, & your dreams will come true!
Last night I was out for wings, & was still able to partake in a very important business meeting.
Whoever said success could only be found in 4 walls, that I have to drive (forever) to everyday ...was incorrect.


Some people have kids, I have dogs.
They are my world, & being able to spend everyday with them, will soon become my reality. #dogmom #furbabies #myheart #myworld #wishtheycouldliveforever #freeb455 #adogslife #timefreedom #livefree #tomorrowisnotpromised


This is what Christmas is all about!
#grateful #lifeisgreat #merrychristmas #allthefeels #lovechristmas #family #whatitsallabout #thewhos #lofeisbeautiful #countingmyblessingstwice


Soul food ❤️
Crafted some homemade Christmas ornaments, for a family party tonight.....brought back some glorious childhood memories.
#crafty #fillmycup #lifeisforliving #merrychristmas #soulfood #christmascrafts #freeb455 #ilovechristmas #grateful #lifeisagift


Doing what I want to do. When I want to do it. Where I want. With whom I want. As much as I want.....that is my definition of success 💋


Hearing this chorus, brought back memories of what my life used to feel like.
Grateful that’s not the case anymore!
The task ahead of me, is never harder than the strength within me.... #grateful #lifeisbeautiful #magicalmoments #musicislife #changecanbebeautiful #onelife #freeb455 #livefree
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Here I sit, listening to solo sax.
Partaking in some wonderful gin, beautiful people & glorious food.
I am grateful!... Oceana Seafood Steakhouse & Bar #grateful #lifeisforliving #feelgood #merrychristmas
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I will never find a greater wisdom, than kindness. #tistheseason #kindnessiscontagious #lovelife #thehumanapproach #nobaddays #freeb455


Sometimes I discover things, in the most peculiar ways.
I found the one person that will change my life, by looking in the mirror.


May you have a wonderful day, in the event that it may feel not so wonderful.
Think of what makes you feel wonderful. Close your eyes, & let your vision guide your soul to a place of goodness.
... There is a little piece of sunshine, to be had in everyday.
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My Perfect Day.
To sit poolside, generating cash flow.
I've opened my eyes to a world of being excited, for my future.


A time to decompress, turn on the crackling fire channel, pour a drink, & get lost within the pages of a delightful book.
I am grateful for having a roof over my head, that I got to choose to call home, for heat, light & cuddles from my fur children.
... My heart is full ❤️ #5somewhere #sundayfunday #bookwork #expandingmymind #decompress #nostress #justbe #lifeisforliving #grateful #relax
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Memory Lane ❤️
Sometimes I cross over memories, from a date, time, landmark, or smell. They always bring a wave of emotions.
Yesterday was a wave. It marked the 2 year anniversary of a day that changed me, forever.
... I am grateful for everyday, every moment, every memory we still get to create.
Hold your loved ones a little tighter, relish a little longer in every moment you get to spend together. #lifeisbeautiful #memorylane #tomorrowisnotpromised #cherisheverymoment #lifeis4living #makealife #bepresent #grateful #freeb455 #lovelife
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More about Stephanie Zacharias