Stevo Petkovic Immigration

About Stevo Petkovic Immigration

Immigration and Recruitment MB, SK, AB

Stevo Petkovic Immigration Description

An immigration and recruitment firm assisting clients with all aspects of immigration to Canada. Stevo Petkovic, the firm’s principal, is an Authorized Representative for conducting business with Citizenship and Immigration Canada on your behalf.
He is licensed Foreign Worker Recruiter in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.



Zeleo bih da se zahvalim gospodinu Stevi Pekovicu i njegovoj saradnici Vesni sto su mi omogucili da dodjem,radim i zivim u Kanadi.Dosao sam 5.Novembra 2012. a pre 2 meseca sam dobio permanent resident status i to sve zahvaljujuci Vesni i Stevi.Zelim jos jednom da se zahvalim na njegovoj pomoci i sve sto su obecali na prvom razgovoru je bilo tako. Zoran


Ottawa plans to welcome between 280,000 and 305,000 permanent residents by the end of 2016.
“Indeed, it is the highest number of projected immigrant admissions put forth by the Government of Canada in modern times,” he said.
see full article…/canada-plans-to -welcome-300-000-new…


Soon no more 2 year conditional spousal Permanent Residency –
Immigration Minister John McCallum is planning on introducing changes in the “next couple of months” that will grant permanent resident status to the sponsored spouses of Canadians, immediately, upon arriving in Canada. “When spouses come in now, they don’t immediately become permanent residents; there’s a two-year period where they are not yet permanent residents,” Mr. McCallum (Markham-Thornhill, Ont.) said in a...n interview with The Hill Times. “We said in our platform that we will end that so that they will become permanent residents on arrival.” Currently, sponsored spouses of Canadians receive conditional permanent residency upon arrival in Canada and have to wait for two years to obtain permanent-resident status. If the relationship breaks down, the sponsored spouse’s permanent residency can be revoked. Spouses holding conditional permanent resident status enjoy the same rights and benefits as any other permanent resident. see full story…/spouses-of-c anadians-to-g…/45453…
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Minister McCallum to repeal parts of C-24 February 25, 2016 – Ottawa, ON –Today, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Minister John McCallum introduced legislation to amend the Citizenship Act, providing greater flexibility for applicants trying to meet the requirements for citizenship and help immigrants obtain citizenship faster.
"“The Government is keeping its commitment to repeal certain provisions of the Citizenship Act, including those that led to different treatment f...or dual citizens. Canadian citizens are equal under the law. Whether they were born in Canada or were naturalized in Canada or hold a dual citizenship,”" said Minister McCallum.
Among the changes, the Bill: An Act to Amend the Citizenship Act, would repeal provisions that allow citizenship to be revoked from dual citizens who engage in certain acts against the national interest. All Canadians who commit crimes should face the consequences of their actions through the Canadian justice system.
The Bill also proposes to reduce the time permanent residents must be physically present in Canada before qualifying for citizenship by a full year. Recognizing that immigrants often build an attachment to Canada before becoming permanent residents, the proposed legislation would credit applicants for the time spent in Canada as temporary residents or protected persons.
The age range to meet French or English language requirements and pass a knowledge test to qualify for citizenship, would change to 18-54 from 14-64. The changes support our goal of removing barriers for immigrants to build successful lives in Canada. ( source Citizenship and Immigration Canada)
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AINP news
January 27, 2016
"Effective immediately, the temporary pause on application intake has ended and the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) is now accepting new applications under all AINP streams and categories. During the pause, the AINP was successful in reducing the application queue by almost half, with fewer than 5,000 applications remaining to be processed.
... Current applicants to the AINP with existing applications will remain in the queue awaiting assessment. Please visit the AINP processing and inventory page for regular updates on application processing and inventory status.
In order to manage the volume of applications going forward, we may stop accepting new applications in the future if the program is oversubscribed. We will monitor the program closely and look for opportunities to improve the program as necessary in the future. Any updates to the program will be posted on this website.
Applications postmarked before January 27, 2016 will be returned."…/immig rating/ainp-news.aspx
If you need help with your application please contact me at
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Canada 'is making history' with airlift of Syrian refugees, says minister As several countries across Europe look to cut the number of Syrian refugees flowing across their borders, Canada is ramping up its response to the crisis, pushing ahead with plans to airlift more than 13,000 refugees into the country in the next six weeks.
It is an unprecedented operation for Canada, said John McCallum, the country’s immigration, refugees and citizenship minister. “Canada has many in the past decades accepted significant waves of refugees,” he told the Guardian in an interview at his constituency office. “But I think this is making history in Canada in the sense that we’ve never done it so fast.”
The ambitious undertaking – expected to cost the Canadian government about C$680m ($472m/£335) – has become one of the most prominent policies of the country’s new government. The Liberal party, led by Justin Trudeau, won a landslide victory in October with a manifesto of bold campaign promises, including bringing 25,000 government-assisted refugees to the country by the end of 2015. full story…/canada-syr ian-refugee-airlift-…
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Express entry, foreign worker reforms attract 'fewer' skilled workers: chamber report Immigration reforms made it difficult for businesses to attract high-skilled workers, chamber of commerce says Perrin Beatty, the president and CEO of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, says he is calling on the federal government to address key issues with Express Entry that are affecting the ability of businesses to hire high-skilled workers 'before conditions worsen.' (Adrian Wyld/CANADIAN... PRESS) Canada risks losing its competitive edge because of immigration reforms brought in under the previous Conservative government for political expediency, says a new report by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.
The report is critical of the Express Entry immigration system launched one year ago and reforms to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program made in June 2014 following a series of stories published by CBC's Go Public team alleging abuse of the program.
The chamber calls on the federal government to conduct an immediate review before things get worse.
Express Entry was launched in 2015 to attract what the Conservative government called "the best and brightest" highly-skilled workers from around the world in an effort to meet the country's labour needs. But employers looking for software engineers, family physicians or university academics got lumped in the same category as workers with less specialized skills.
"In an atmosphere of hyper-political reaction over temporary foreign workers, the government made policy choices that ultimately sacrificed the effectiveness of Express Entry," the report says of changes brought in by the business-friendly Conservatives.
In a phone interview with CBC News, Perrin Beatty, president and CEO of the chamber, said "It was a political response to a political problem, but with significant economic consequences for Canadian businesses."
Canada appears to have attracted "fewer" high skilled foreign workers since June 2014 when the Conservatives announced the last set of reforms to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program, raising serious concerns for the chamber, which represents some 200,000 businesses across the country. full story…/temporary-foreign-w orker-reforms-immigr…
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“Zna li neko kako da se stupi u kontakt, samo kazi sta treba I kome da se obratim, pisao sam mu poslao mu sve sto je trazio I nikad se nije javio” , znam da Kanada naseljava I treba joj moja struka, nemoguce da nema posla za mene…su najcesci komentari na koje cu ukratko pokusati da odgovorim . Krenimo redom. Za osobe koje se raspituju kako da me kontaktiraju predlazem da uloze malo truda I da kliknu na link mog website koji se nalazi 5 cm sa ...
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Zahvaljujuci uspesnoj saradnji sa g. Stevom Petkovicem, vec tri godine zivim i radim u Kanadi, a pre nekog vremena dobio sam i permanent resident status sto je za mene veliki uspeh, sve zahvaljujuci saradnji sa g. Stevom i njegovom saradnicom Vesnom. Ovom prilikom im se zahvaljujem za uspesnu saradnju i svu pruzenu pomoc. Goran


Ivan, Airdrie
G.Stevo Petkovic mi je uradio kompletnu papirologiju za radnu vizu za rad na farmi, koju sam bez problema dobio. Ali ono sto me je potpuno odusevilo je cinjenica da je moja supruga Aleksandra,dobila otvorenu radnu dozvolu za tri radna dana(da napomenem da smo drzavljani Rep.Srbije i da je nama potrebna turisticka viza za dolazak u Kanadu) Naravno, i ovo je uradio G. Stevo Petkovic. Nadamo se da cemo, uz njegovu pomoc, uskoro dobiti papire za trajno useljenje u ovu predivnu zemlju.
Pored ovog profesionalnog dela koji je odlicno uradio,mogu da kazem da mi je pomogao i ljudski i to u trenucima kada mi je bilo tesko, u pocetku u Kanadi, a takve stvari se ne zaboravljaju.


Happy Canada Day Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander issued the following statement to mark Canada Day: “Today marks the 148th anniversary of Confederation, and what we today proudly hail as Canada Day. Canada Day gives Canadians from coast to coast to coast a chance to pay tribute to our flag, celebrate with family and friends all that is great about our country, and formally recognize the privilege that comes with being Canadian." “This year we h...ave even more reason to show off the Maple Leaf with pride as we celebrate the 50th anniversary of our flag, and as we welcome the world for the FIFA Women’s World Cup and the Pan Am and Parapan Games later this month.
“And today, at 52 ceremonies across Canada we will welcome approximately 2,300 new citizens.
“We truly have so much to be proud of and grateful for. Today we celebrate the hard work of generations of people who came from all corners of the world to build the Canada we know and love today.
“Today let us celebrate and honour our shared history, our symbols, our institutions, and the values that define us as Canadians. I encourage all Canadians to share on social media what makes them proud to be Canadian using the hashtag #StrongProudFree / #FortFierLibre.
“As Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, I wish all Canadians a safe and happy Canada Day. And to those who are becoming Canadian citizens at special ceremonies across the country today, welcome home!”
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Pour la version française, cliquez ici ICCRC Named New Regulator for Citizenship Consultants
June 18, 2015 - Burlington, ON - Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) announced that the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) has been named the new regulatory body for consultants providing citizenship advice across the country. ICCRC now protects consumers of citizenship services, as well as consumers of immigration services, through effective regulation ...of consultants providing citizenship and immigration advice and representation, and the promotion of the benefits of using only authorized representatives.
"I welcome CIC's designation of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council as the regulator of persons providing citizenship advice, and the confidence in the ICCRC as an effective regulatory body that this reflects," said Bob Brack, President and CEO. "We look forward to assuming our expanded role in consumer protection".
It is now an offence for anyone other than an authorized representative to provide advice or representation regarding an application for Canadian citizenship - or offer to do so - for a fee or other consideration, at any stage of a citizenship application or proceeding, including the period before an application is submitted.
Anyone offering paid advice or representation to applicants for Canadian citizenship must now be members in good standing with the ICCRC or members in good standing of a provincial or territorial law society or the Chambre des notaires du Québec.
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Last couple of draws no Job offer was required to get an Invitation to apply for EE However, you still must qualify for one of these programs: FSW, FST, CEC or have a Provincial Nomination. Remember: Among other requirements, you must have an English test done. To get your test, please visit or if you need more immigration help seek professional assistance.< br>... plus Toronto Rocks, see Economist Ranking / National Post…/toronto- ranked-best-place-to…
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Express Entry and Job Offer part II - Prvo izvlacenje
“Express Entry is already getting impressive results in its first month. The fact that everyone who was invited to apply for permanent residence in this round of invitations already has a valid job offer or provincial nomination shows that Express Entry is working to fill Canada’s existing labour market gaps.” Chris Alexander, Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister.


Express Entry and Job offer
Job offer nije obavezan, ali vecini kandidata ce trebati da bi imali sto vece sanse. Job offer mora da bude odobren od strane Service Canade (Job offer vredi 600 poena - pola od maximalnih 1200 poena).


Express Entry and Other Information
Generalno sve informacije imate na internetu, i neke korisne informacije na nasem sajtu
Za one koji traze pomoc cene usluge zavise od svakog individualnog slucaja. Vi mozete besplatno da popunite imigracioni upitnik sa sajta ako zelite da se registrujete u nasu datoteku. Registracija je dobrovoljna I ne stvara uzajamnu obevezu izmedju vas I mene. Mi cemo proceniti da li imate sanse da budete nas klijent i Ak...o dodje to uzajamnog sporazuma, obaveze nastaju tek nakon potpisivanja ugovora.
As a CIC Authorized Representative I use The CIC Portal for Authorized Paid Representatives and it is a secure environment which enables me to electronically conduct business, on behalf of the clients, with Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).
For more information and how to use our service please feel free to contact us via filling out the Assessment Questions form or Imigracioni upitnik sa
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Mnogo ljudi se javlja sa zeljom za iseljenje u Kanadu preko Express Entry - ja. Nazalost samo zelja vam nece puno pomoci. To je bodovni system i izmedju ostalog morate da imate skills + polozen engleski jezik + nostrifikovanu diplomu, a poslovna ponuda na osnovu LMIA omogucava ogromnu sansu za uspeh u aplikaciji. Skills Skills Skills

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More about Stevo Petkovic Immigration

Stevo Petkovic Immigration is located at 18020 96 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5T 3N2
1 (780) 907-5551