Strategic Alliance For Alberta Students With Learning Challenges

About Strategic Alliance For Alberta Students With Learning Challenges

We are working to ensure all Alberta students with learning challenges receive targeted supports to meet their special needs within the education system.

Strategic Alliance For Alberta Students With Learning Challenges Description

** Don't forget to check out our Dropbox [https://goo. gl /d6nwYE] for Strategic Plan documents and other resources! **

This group was born out of a strong desire to change the Education system to help all students with learning challenges, not just those whose parents are able to advocate effectively for them.

It was created out of the frustration that children are identified but not given the supports and resources to address the strategies outlined in their assessments – causing parents to provide those supports privately.

The group hopes to change how the system works, eliminate roadblocks, change the perception of parents who are stigmatized for being assertive in support of their children, and provide some direction for parents to get help for their children to be successful in life – whatever that success looks like.

We hope to bring awareness to all Albertans that not providing students with learning challenges with the help they need to succeed, will add a long-term burden to the system in healthcare, justice and social services costs; however, given appropriate support, these students can be productive and contributing members of society.



“For students with language learning disabilities, Assistive Technologies (AT) are powerful and empowering tools. When matched appropriately to a student’s needs, AT enables access to grade-level content corresponding to a child’s oral language skills and cognitive abilities, thereby leveling the playing field with classroom peers.”


Let's go light some fires this year!!🔥📚🎆


In case you didn't know... your child has a LEGAL RIGHT to receive an education that gives them an opportunity to develop to their full potential: "The... ruling by the Supreme Court of Canada, in Moore v. British Columbia (Education), 2012 SCC 61 (CanLII), has affirmed the legal rights of students with learning disabilities to receive an education that gives them an opportunity to develop their full potential. The decision was unanimous. The decision has significant implications for all students in Canada with learning disabilities."


“The new options to interact with text while Word is reading text aloud mean the feature is more finely tuned towards users with dyslexia.”


Sunday Summertime Education Refresher: "Teaching students with autism spectrum disorders."


This article is in regards to the Australia Education system but is applicable here in Alberta too.
“Before the 1980s, older teachers remember it was unheard of that any child could go to year 3 without knowing the foundation literacy skills they have to have learnt, before building on. But since whole language/balanced literacy approaches were adopted in Australia, literacy standards have consistently fallen. These ideas are based on a falsehood that children learn to read naturally by being read to, as they learn to talk. Advocates won’t accept that while oral language is inherent; reading is a skill that needs to be systematically taught to be learnt.”


This goes hand in hand with the Standards For Special Education Alberta…/standard sforspecialeducation…


Invaluable! Advocacy tool kit for parents of children and youth with autism spectrum disorder


“I Was Made for School, But Some Teachers Didn’t Know It”


A must read!! "All of these documents articulate respect for human rights and the importance of education for all children. Most importantly, they help you understand your child’s educational rights and responsibilities.
Special note: The Education Act is the main piece of legislation that governs public education in Saskatchewan... The Ministry of Education removed the term disability following recommendations from The Special Education Review Final Report (January, 2000). The new sections of The Act now refer to pupils with intensive needs. Saskatchewan was the first province to make this change and transform special education to a needs-based approach."


Sunday Summertime Education Refresher: "Supporting positive behaviour in Alberta schools : an intensive individualized approach."


Inclusive Education in Alberta




The simple view of reading - part 4 of 4. "Compensating readers usually have strong language comprehension skills and abilities, but they have a weakness in one or more of the key or basic skills needed for reading, such as phonemic awareness. As a result they are unable to match their reading comprehension skills with their strong language comprehension skills."


The simple view of reading - part 3 of 4. “Mixed Reading Difficulties” (MRD) profile... This is where we find our weakest students, and some of the most challenging to remediate."


The simple view of reading - part 2 of 4. “Specific Comprehension Difficulties” or SCD. At its most extreme this has been labelled “Hyperlexia.”

More about Strategic Alliance For Alberta Students With Learning Challenges