Swing Doctor Golf

About Swing Doctor Golf

The World’s Most Innovative Game Improvement System!
www. swingdoctorgolf.com

Swing Doctor Golf Description

Swing Doctor Golf is the fusion of contemporary sport science with innovative golf instruction.

The background of SDG was in the association of golf specific movements and exercise performed on balance equipment, known as unstable exercise platforms. As described in the History section of this website, Dr. Michael Breen presented his ideas on balance improvement as it relates to golf to a forward-thinking golf professional named Garett Jenkinson, who saw the potential of this approach in helping golfers of all ages and skill levels. From that point, Swing Doctor Golf has evolved into a program that encompasses the fundamental physical components of golf.

Of the four physical components of golf (balance, strength, flexibility, posture), balance was the progenitor of the program for two reasons. First, balance has frequently been described as the key to the golf swing and yet most books and articles do not describe how to improve golf balance, or any other form of balance for that matter. Dr. Breen was very well versed in balance improvement due to his use of unstable exercise platforms in clinical applications. It was a reasonably straight-forward jump to the application of these devices to golf. Second, balance is a critical component of all sport and activity. There are a number of reasons for this. Probably of greatest importance is the fact that poor balance in sport leads to what is known as “unconscious error”. That is, any skill can be learned to a high level of proficiency and yet the application of the skill can be ineffective because the balance of the person changes from one application to the next. Think of a professional dart player. This is a very discreet skill where the target is very small and therefore the tolerance for error is very small. Let us presume that the player has refined the skill of throwing the dart to an exceptionally fine level and yet their balance changes from throw to throw. Quite obviously, the capacity to hit the target will be affected. The important point is, due to the misses from throw to throw, what will the dart player do in the attempt to improve their accuracy. They may change their grip, or their hand position, or their shoulder position, in the attempt to fix what they have observed however the problem never was the grip, hand, or shoulder. The problem was the changes in balance from one throw to the next although the dart player was not aware that this was the basis for the misses. This is unconscious error. You can probably see the direct connection to golf. All kinds of time and money are spent on grip, stance, swing path, etc. (and they are important) however poor balance will sabotage all the attempts to improve your game and you will probably never know that poor balance is the root of the problem.

Another significant contribution of balance related exercise is the implicit activation of the body’s stabilization functions including core stability. Much has been written and described about “core stability” over the last 10 to 15 years. Sadly, “core stability” has become both muddled and used as a marketing tool to advance exercise programs. Quite simply, core stability is a neuromuscular function that attempts to create stability in your body when you become unstable. To the greatest extent, it occurs unconsciously. We all have had an experience when we are walking along and happen to hit our foot on a crack in the sidewalk. Our body lurches forward as we lose our equilibrium. Core stabilizing muscles instantaneously contract in the attempt to create a more stable body, giving us the chance to regain our balance. Thus, the function of activating core stabilizing musculature occurs most effectively by putting your body out of balance. Therein lies the mechanism of what are known as “unstable exercise platforms”. Tools such as exercise (Swiss) balls, wobble boards, rocker boards, balance disks, etc. serve the primary purpose of putting you out of balance. The attempt to maintain your balance implicitly activates core stabilization (as well as stabilizing reflexes throughout your body). As such, Swing Doctor Golf uses these tools in golf specific exercises to improve balance and core stability as it relates to golf. Why is it important to apply golf specific exercises while using these tools? The answer lies again in complex neurology related to motor learning or motor patterning (often erroneously called “muscle memory”).

Motor Learning is a field of study that essentially attempts to understand how individuals learn physical skills and what can be done to improve the learning of these skills. The learning of any motor skill (running, swimming, throwing, etc. ) involves enormous amounts of reflex functions to be sequenced properly for the efficient application of the skill. If any of the reflex functions are learned out of sequence, the skill cannot be performed as effectively. If this is the case, and correction is not applied to the skill, then the motor pattern that is formed will become “cemented” into the body’s neurology and the skill will be performed improperly forever. Attempts to change the sequencing become more difficult the older the person gets or the more frequently the wrong pattern has been applied. This is why golf professionals have such a difficult time changing the swings of people who have been doing it improperly for twenty or thirty years. Making complex neurology as simple as possible, having golfers utilize unstable exercise platforms while they perform movements that are golf specific allows a “retooling” of the motor patterns that are essential to golf. This methodology allows golfers to overcome the problems associated with incorrect swing patterns and to create new patterns that are more effective. Moreover, the strength and flexibility components of the program are also learned in a golf specific manner. This is why general fitness programs are ineffective in improving golf performance. The patterning of general fitness often has very little to do with the nature of the golf swing and in some circumstances can be counter-productive. For “golf fitness” to become something that leads to “golf improvement”, the exercise must be “golf specific”.

Fundamentally, Swing Doctor Golf is much more than golf fitness. It is a system of exercises that improves each of the physical components that allow for improved golf including the re-patterning of golf specific movement.

More about Swing Doctor Golf

Swing Doctor Golf is located at 110 Point McKay Cres NW, Calgary, Alberta