Sylvan Lake Traditional Karate

About Sylvan Lake Traditional Karate

GoJu Ryu is Japanese for “hard-soft style, ” is one of the main traditional Okinawan styles of karate, featuring a combination of hard and soft techniques.

Sylvan Lake Traditional Karate Description

GoJu Ryu is Japanese for “hard-soft style, ” is one of the main traditional Okinawan styles of karate, featuring a combination of hard and soft techniques. Go, which means hard, refers to closed hand techniques or straight linear attacks; Ju, which means soft, refers to open hand techniques and circular movements. Goju Ryu incorporates both circular and linear movements into its curriculum, combining hard striking attacks such as kicks and close hand punches with softer open hand circular techniques for attacking, blocking, and controlling the opponent, including locks, grappling, take downs and throws. As such, this tradition style can be seen as a whole system of self-defense and martial art training.

More about Sylvan Lake Traditional Karate

Sylvan Lake Traditional Karate is located at 31 Cuendet, Sylvan Lake, Alberta T4S 2J8