Tarpon Energy Services

About Tarpon Energy Services

Tarpon Energy Services is a leading supplier of electrical and instrumentation services, control systems and integrated modular solutions.

Tarpon Energy Services Description

Tarpon Community Guidelines for Facebook

Welcome to the official Facebook page for Tarpon Energy Services Ltd.

Tarpon supports a collaborative atmosphere by putting forward honest, open and timely communication. Please remember that while this page is an open forum, it is also a family friendly one. Please keep your comments and wall posts clean and void of profanity. Tarpon reserves the right to remove comments or discussion posts which violate the below community guidelines that are designed to help provide a quality environment for our fans.

By interacting with this page, you will have agreed to comply with Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities and the Facebook Copyright Policy. Postings by fans of Tarpon’s Facebook page do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Tarpon, nor does Tarpon confirm their accuracy.

The Tarpon Facebook page is managed by the Communications team on behalf of Tarpon and will:

Reply to comments when possible and where appropriate.
Read all comments posted to our pages and will moderate discussions only as required.

We reserve the right to delete:

Comments, links, images or videos that are obscene, profane or hateful in nature.
Posts that may be offensive to other community members.
Comments that threaten any individual, organization or company.
Comments that defame or harass an individual, organization or company.
Off-topic comments, links, images or videos.
Repetitive posts copied and pasted or duplicated by single or multiple fans.
Solicitations or advertisements.
Comments, links, images or videos that encourage illegal activity.
Any materials that infringe upon the rights of any third party.
False comments or claims about Tarpon Energy Services Ltd. and its subsidiaries, PTW Energy Services Ltd. or any of its competitors.
If a member of the Tarpon Facebook community is flagged for non-compliance they will be blocked from the page.
Copyright and Intellectual Property Policies

Please note the following copyright and intellectual property policies:

Infringement on any party’s copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, intellectual property, or other proprietary rights, or right of publicity or privacy is strictly prohibited and is your sole responsibility.
By submitting any content to our Facebook page, you warrant and represent that you are the copyright owner of the content or that the copyright owner of the content has granted you permission to use such content consistent with the manner and purpose of your use.
Using our Facebook page to distribute unauthorized copies of copyrighted material, including photos, artwork, text, recordings, designs, computer programs or derivative works of such programs is strictly prohibited and subject to removal.
By posting comments, posts, tagged photos, videos, ideas, or any other content on our Facebook page, you are granting Tarpon nonexclusive, worldwide rights to republish, redistribute, or otherwise use this content in perpetuity in any way we see fit. This includes, but is not limited to, marketing and advertising materials.

Disclaimer – Third-party Content:

Occasional links to third-party websites may be posted. Following these links will take you to materials or content that was not originated by Tarpon. Content that makes up these sites and articles is not the responsibility of Tarpon and does not necessarily represent the opinions, beliefs or endorsement of the company.

Tarpon does not warrant or make any representations or claims as to the validity, accuracy, currency, timeliness, completeness or otherwise of the third-party commentary or "likes" contained on this page, nor shall it be liable or responsible for any claim or damage, whether direct, indirect, special, consequential or otherwise, arising out of the interpretation, use or reliance upon, authorized or unauthorized, of such information.

Customer Service

Please note that Facebook is not intended as a place to receive customer service issues. If you have any questions or comments about Tarpon’s products and services, please contact us. We would be happy to help.

Tel: 403-234-8647 | calgary@tarponenergy.com
Monday - Friday, 8 a. m. - 5 p. m. MST

Media and Sponsorship Inquires:

All media inquiries are to be directed to Tarpon’s Communications team.
All sponsorship requests are to be directed to our Communications Manager.

Tarpon Staff Facebook Pages

Tarpon employees, consultants and contractors may own Facebook pages in their personal capacity under their own names or pseudonyms. Despite their professional affiliation with Tarpon, posted online content of employees in their personal capacity does not represent the official position of Tarpon. Such activities should be considered as those of private citizens.

For information about Tarpon, visit www. tarponenergy.com.

Visit us on our other social media sites LinkedIn and YouTube.

More about Tarpon Energy Services

Tarpon Energy Services is located at 7020 81 St SE, Calgary, Alberta T2C 5B8