
About Telli-Vision

Telli-Vision Media Box is taking down the cable companies one box at a time! Watch all the newest TV show and Movies for free and stop paying crazy prices!

Telli-Vision Description

Telli-Vision Media Box is the future! Watch any TV or Movie when you want instant streaming to your TV in 720 and 1080 hd! Dont be fool by companies selling Android box's that say that can play 1080. . . . Thats true the box can but XBMC which is the great software that gives you everything for free cant play 1080p on Android!

We designed Telli-Vision to use the most supported format of XMBC and that's Linux! Also we customized our own version of OpenElec the most supported XBMC to work specific with our hardware!

Please feel free to contact us with any questions!

More about Telli-Vision

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