The 3D Path

About The 3D Path

The 3D Path for People and Organizations™ is a multidimensional approach to human enterprise located in Calgary, Alberta. Diane J. Strickland Consultant.

The 3D Path Description

My name is Diane Strickland. Here's the story of The 3D Path for People and Organizations, and where it might be relevant to your life and work.
A Unique Approach:

After decades working with people and organizations, I co-created a unique approach to managing the three unique dynamics of working with people and projects-the dynamics of feeling, meaning and thinking (3D). Together with my colleague, Joel Den Haan, I recognized those dynamics could be resources and /or roadblocks in human enterprise.

We did years of research, testing tools and process, writing resources and publishing an article, and now are working with clients on their projects and concerns. The 3D Path is the only organizational development and leadership approach that is holistic-intentionally identifying and working with the three dynamics that drive human enterprise.

As we began to work with The 3D Path, we created specific application modules suited to the issues and challenges people and organizations were bringing to us. Currently they include:

Planning and Visioning in 3D-bringing the resources of heart and soul to the thinking task
Conflict in 3D-when fact-finding doesn't really touch the real conflict, or mediation fails
Counseling and Coaching in 3D-finding and developing the new possibilities in life and work
People, Property and Purpose-turning liabilities into assets to build mission sustainability


When leaders work with the whole picture of their organization they are better equipped to move toward appropriate decisions, navigate transitions, and implement programmes. The professional approach to working with emotion and symbols allows them to avoid predictable surprises and generate positive results.

When individuals increase their self-understanding in the areas of feeling, meaning and thinking, they are less reactive and more proactive in their relationships and work. Creativity and productivity is released from the constraints of emotional patterns, symbolic obstacles and rational limitations.
Where to Start:

Phone (403. 990. 6050) or email me ( to start the conversation. Let me know a little of your context and current challenges. What kind of initial conversations are helpful? With whom? What questions do you have? What caught your interest about The 3D Path? What results do you or your organization need? Together we can create a plan and work proposal to suit your needs.

Organizations don't need to be afraid of emotion or lose the positive energy it can bring to their goals. Organizations don't need to feel clumsy working with their symbols-the carriers of meaning that matter to their group. The 3D Path offers an ordered and professional approach with which you can be at ease.

Employees can benefit from supportive coaching presence, finding a way forward to make adjustments in work life to serve the goals of having a productive and satisfying work experience. The 3D Path believes in human capacity to adapt, grow, and be productive in life.

Individuals seeking to change personal patterns, find or renew life purpose, or integrate their heart, soul and mind dynamics will be inspired by their own lives and the richness within. The 3D Path is based on your own resilience and your own resources to live an abundant life.

Looking forward to hearing from you, and thanks for reading.

Diane Strickland, Consultant and Co-creator
The 3D Path for People and Organizations

More about The 3D Path

The 3D Path is located at #20-12625 24th St. SW, Calgary, Alberta T2W 4B1