The Colourful Needle

About The Colourful Needle

Made to order clothing & accessories created from fiber and metal

The Colourful Needle Description

"The Colourful Needle" has been a dream that has finally become a reality.

I love to create -- knitting, crocheting, weaving, painting, sewing -- all of these are in my repertoire. The tactile pleasure of yarn, cloth, thread, brush and metal always makes me smile. My skills have grown with years (and years! ) of practice and now, I want to share my talents.

When you contact me, here's what will happen:

(1) We'll have a chat (either by phone or email). I'll have a series of questions for you about what you're looking for, your price range and your due date, etc.

(2) I will then research 3 to 5 patterns, source the textiles /fibers needed and calculate a cost sheet. This will usually take 3-5 days.

(3) My research will be emailed to you to make your selection. If one of the research results makes you say "That's perfect! ! " -- you will complete the Order Confirmation form.

(4) You will email the Order Confirmation form back to me and make the required down-payment by e-transfer (transfer information will be included on the form). ALSO, the form will include a "Must be ordered by" date -- depending on the item, this may be 2 weeks before the due date or up to 6 weeks. This date is non-negotiable -- so please keep it in mind when making your selection.

I look forward to sharing my talents with you.

Darla Devnich

More about The Colourful Needle