The Healthy Fundraiser

About The Healthy Fundraiser

Finally! A HEALTHY option that feeds your fundraising account AND your participants!

The Healthy Fundraiser Description

You know how fundraisers are always for stuff you don't really need and don't really want, but you feel obligated to buy SOMETHING even when it's unhealthy? Well, it is not like that anymore. Introducing. . . .


Isn't it weird how most organizations are about kids and their fitness and wellness but promote unhealthy fundraisers just to reach their fundraising quotas?

It is terrible how these unhealthy fundraisers teach kids that it is okay to buy junk food, and hey, maybe even earn a t-shirt! Now we are not anti-cookie dough or popcorn, but do we are anti "have-children-promote-unhealthy-options-just-to-make-a-dollar".

This is why we set up THE HEALTHY FUNDRAISER.

The kids win because they learn a valuable lesson in helping others.
The organization wins because it is a profitable fundraiser.
The participants win because they get a healthy option for purchase.
The community wins because there are more healthy people around.
And that ripple effect is felt by many.

Your organization can lead the way.
You can show your participants that you truly care about them.
Yes, it can be that easy!

More about The Healthy Fundraiser

The Healthy Fundraiser is located at Edmonton, Alberta T6K1V1