The Hoffman Centre For Integrative Medicine

Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
Friday: 08:00 - 16:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About The Hoffman Centre For Integrative Medicine

Our practices infuse a blend of traditional and complementary approaches together with cutting edge medical science and technology. We utilize a multi-level process of assessment to prevent and treat disease, and optimize health and wellness.

The Hoffman Centre For Integrative Medicine Description

At The Hoffman Centre for Integrative Medicine, we take the time to care for every level of your health. We specialize in providing private medical services for individuals who are interested in investing in their own health and wellbeing through integrative and functional medicine approaches. As you enter our private clinic, you will notice a calm relaxing atmosphere, friendly staff, and a level of compassion unique to Canadian health care.

Our practices infuse a blend of Eastern and Western, traditional and complementary approaches together with leading technology. Led by Dr. Bruce Hoffman, a medical doctor, we utilize a multi-level process of assessment to prevent and treat disease and imbalance.



Just as we inherit our eye color and blood type, we also inherit the residue from traumatic events that have taken place in our family. Join Mark Wolynn in his workshop, where you’ll learn how to break biologically inherited patterns through family constellations and healing practices based in neuroscience so you can live a healthier, happier, more fulfilled life.
More info below.


Did you know that one of the many coexisting conditions seen in patients with mast cell disease is diabetes?


The Calgary C. G. Jung Society is putting together a series of lectures and events in the coming weeks. I highly recommend that you consider attending! More information below.


Have you been wondering whether or not you should be taking apple cider vinegar? Here are some of its benefits.


Learn about the unique biomedical causative factors that underline the Autism Spectrum Disorder epidemic using my Seven Stages Model of Healing in my lecture. More information here:


Your house could be poisoning you. Here's what to look out for.


Did you know that a traumatic brain injury can also trigger mast cell activation?


Are you getting enough sleep?


This Power Shake will help supply you with essential proteins and fats.


The following recommendations will help you minimize your exposure to toxic molds. Get more recommendations in my blog:
If you or someone you love suffer from mold illness, please contact us to discuss how we can help you. Our staff will ask some questions and discuss your options with you. 📞(403) 206-2333


What is your current favorite ingredient to use?


This Pumpkin Spice Chia Pudding makes a great breakfast or snack and is super easy to make.


One of the little discussed symptoms of mast cell activation is intestinal malabsorption. It can have a deleterious effect on our health and, if left unchecked, can prevent us from making progress with our disease despite following the recommendations for diet and lifestyle changes.


The following will explore different types of Alzheimer's disease as well as characteristics practitioners can use to identify them.


Quick tips for cleaning up around the house.


Start preventing and reversing Alzheimer's with these lifestyle changes.


Definitely the power-house of the cell.


The Calgary C. G. Jung Society is putting together a series of lectures and events that will explore the hidden domain of the psyche in the realm of the personal and collective unconscious. Please click below for more information.


Learn how optimistic and negative belief systems affect healing and discover ways to initiate day to day changes to your health in my live recording, "Healing and the Mind Body Connection". Purchase here:


My name is M-C, I am a Holistic Nutritional Consultant (owner Gutsy Nutrition), and for almost a year now, I have had the pleasure and privilege of working with Dr Bruce Hoffman at The Hoffman Centre for Integrative Medicine.

I have always had a passion for natural health, holistic nutrition & integrative healing. I also always believed that to really heal, we must address our diet, lifestyle and beliefs, and that we must find the triggers and the real root causes of our health concerns.

Traditional medicine (which is also necessary, as needed) likes to give our health concerns a name, a diagnosis, and then to “give it a Band-Aid”, a prescription drug, to appease the symptoms. But without addressing the root causes, we just get sicker as time goes by. It has nothing to do with: “oh, you are just getting older, these things happen”.

Poor digestion, food sensitivities, inadequate nutrition, antioxidant deficiencies, a toxic environment, inherited genetic weaknesses, imbalanced lifestyle, hormonal imbalances, all contribute to unhealthy gut microbiome and to our toxic burden. Eventually, the bucket overflows, we feel the symptoms of toxicity and malnutrition and we get “dis-eased”.

After all, health starts at the cellular level. Toxicity interferes with health by preventing the normal bodily functions of assimilation, circulation and elimination.

In Functional and Integrative medicine, intensive and in-depth testing is necessary to investigate all the possible root causes, toxicity and imbalances that are at the base of our ill-health, our health concerns. You cannot treat what you cannot measure. Every body is biochemically unique. Functional lab tests, lengthy questionnaires, in-office exams, and extensive discussion about our case and family history are a must to discover where the root causes may lie, and how to institute the personalized treatment protocols accordingly.

I have great admiration & respect for Dr Hoffman’s expertise, extensive knowledge, and his compassionate and conscientious approach to healing for his patients.

I also highly admire his continuous and persistent approach (very persistent) for further research in state-of-the-art treatments, or unheard of and exceptional supplements that could assist his patients further in their health goal. He leaves no stone unturned and he will search high and low for the optimal in your health care and his approach to healing you. Marie-Claude/GutsyNutrition


My husband had been sick for about 8 years. He had complaints of pain/numbness on right side of face. He was caught between the ENT & Dentist. Constant sinus infections. He had 3 Root Canals as well.

Right before we had found Dr. Hoffman, we had been to so many doctors and Emerg as his pain was 9/10 all the time. He was losing his memory, left side of face numb and losing sight on right eye. His GP told him it was Phantom pain and to never come back again. If he did, his nurse was told to not give him an appt!!!

Dr. Hoffmans nurse gave him an appt immediately.

Dr. Hoffman went through every sheet of the extensive sheets my husband filled out. THREE days later Dr. Hoffman found out what was wrong.

To this day, still thankful


I wanted to send a message to say a huge thank to Dr Hoffman for educating me and empowering me many years ago. I had the confidence to not vaccinate my children and consider a delayed schedule which I now know will be to move forward with caution. Thanks for inspiring your patients to take responsibility for their health.


I want to say thank you to the Hoffman Centre for taking great care of my friend Susie Patterson . You people ROCK ����������.


I started seeing Dr. Hoffman in the spring of 2015. It is now almost 2017. I have my life back. I am hopeful and optimistic for the future and I know my health and future is in MY hands thanks to choosing Dr. Hoffman to be my partner in my health.

I suffered through horrible digestive problems no matter what I ate, very low energy to the point I could barely get out of bed, poor sleep, low immunity, random nerve pain, stubborn weight gain, foggy brain, and more, all of which affected my ability to work and live a normal life. When I would get sick I was sick for a month and could not recover from a simple cold. I was SO VERY TIRED and sick.

Conventional doctors (who do have their place), did not help me. I wanted my hormones tested as well. With a fight, I finally got the testing but I was told there was nothing wrong with me and I should change my attitude.

I was dismissed was mocked for trying to resolve my issues with diet and lifestyle.

Unhappy with that, I researched more. I started seeing a naturopath then a homeopath who did help, but only very slowly and marginally with a wait-and-see approach by doing one test at a time, which I didn't have time for: I want to eventually be healthy enough to have a child, and I didn't know what hormonal issues I had. I needed know what was wrong with me yesterday.

I found Dr. Hoffman though the IFM.

Finally someone believed me, wanted to test me PROPERLY, understood nutrition, praised me for all the research I had done on my own, not mocked me by warning me against the dangerous advice of "Dr. Google". He doesn't push any beliefs, he TESTS first, and will never make any recommendations before testing to see what YOUR individual needs are.

Gut, functioning, inflammatory markers, nutritional, antioxidant deficiencies, improper functioning, blood markers, entire hormonal system, stress levels, environmental factors, heavy metals, brain patterning, which is addressed with bio/neuro feedback training of the parasympathetic nervous system.

He is like Dr. House - he WILL figure out your big health mysteries. He actually cares about his patients, taking files home to research and study.

He spends his own time and money to go to conferences around the world by international experts on the leading edge of medicine. He is beyond just a doctor. He's generalized, specialized and fully integrated in so many things, he's like going to several specialists without referrals or waiting months for answer, or hoping that these specialists would have a meeting about you and just talk to each other. There's no wasting time going to several doctors hoping for progress. Time is something we can not get back and he never wasted mine.

He got to the root of the CAUSES of what happened to me. Dr. Hoffman does't just give you a one time solution until the next time - he will give you the answer for all your life. I can speak with confidence about health issues. Now I actually know how to heal myself now and don't have to be reliant on Dr. Hoffman as I was in the beginning.

Your homework he gives you is the easy part - because the hard work is done more than 16 hours a day in the brilliant mind of Dr. Hoffman, who unravels your health mysteries and gives you a chance to live to the fullest again and get your energy back like when you were young.

None of my healing could be done without me realizing that IT'S ME who is in control of my health, IT'S ME who is the CEO of my body and future and I wisely chose an excellent doctor who understands that this is a partnership and an investment - and there is no greater investment than in your health. It's not fair that provincial health won't cover this, but there's no time to waste complaining about it. Because you can't get time back and they won't do anything about it in our lifetimes. This is clinic is pioneering in medicine. And because your money making potential is unlimited, it's always there and only limited by your choices about your life and health. I have hope our children will have this kind of medicine covered but for now it's up to us and it's Dr. Hoffman who is making my ability to have children possible by fixing the hormones to have them naturally, and my energy levels to run after them. Now I will not have to spend money on fertility treatments or procedures and still have a sick body. Now because of him I get the whole future opening up for me. That's priceless to me.

He was and is still worth every dollar and minute I spent there, and will never ever see a conventional doctor without functional medicine certification from IFM. Thank you Dr. Hoffman!!!

A quick note about the staff - they are truly amazing! All of them. All the nurses, all the front house team, the clinic manager, and Brain Treatment Centre shout out to the very competent Corey and Liz!

With all my gratitude, (and that of my husband and future children)



I have to say, that this is a great clinic, because when I was really sick in the 8th grade, I went there to get IV's I felt really good, I also started some brain mapping there as well. I also like the environment there, and my dad is so much more healthy now.


I give Dr. Hoffman and his staff so much credit for positive change in my mental health, and my life in general. This team is willing to change anyone's life, as long as they want the change. Recommend to everyone and anyone!


I find these Facebook posts informative and rich with relevant details. Dr Hoffman’s 7 Stages to Health and Transformation approach is highly original and quite different from what is normally available under either alternative medicine or the traditional health care system. As a personal trainer, I often use what he posts to inform myself and my clients as to best practices. Excellent resource!


I am so delighted to have joined this page.The posts are interesting and informative as well as relevant and up to date.Thanks Dr Hoffman for always providing a fascinating and helpful read


Having struggled with a painful and 'mysterious' digestive disorder for over 17 years, Dr. Hoffman was able to do what no other health practitioner could. And there were plenty of them. In an attempt to figure out why I couldn't eat, my journey spanned two countries, 8 cities and more appointments than I care to count. No one could find anything wrong with me. I was given the ever-popular diagnosis of IBS and happily offered prescriptions and anti-anxiety medication, which I think was more about absolving their frustration of than anything else.

Because of Dr. Hoffman I now know what I am dealing with and have never been more hopeful about my heath and my future. He is undeniably committed to his patients and his compassion is incomparable. He is diligent, thorough and dedicated to his profession. I fear to think where I'd be without him. I have referred both my parents and many other friends and family members to the Hoffman Centre for Integrative Medicine. He is a gift to our community.


Have you seen "Bruce Almighty" movie? Well, this Bruce is a real Bruce Almighty!


Great advice and an easy to navigate website and facebook page


Dr. Hoffman has done more for me in one appointment than any other doctor has in 3 years; this includes the mayo clinic. I shared his newest mcas article and it exploded in our mcas group, I have a feeling he is now going to be very busy.

Thank you for giving me and thousands of other 'masties' hope.

I am so excited to start the journey to health with the Hoffman clinic!!


Dr. Hoffman has always been an incredible support. He is thorough and detailed and will go to every effort to ensure that not only are your concerns addressed but diagnosed and treated. I consider him to be a specialist and his holistic approach is truly the way medicine should be undertaken. He is incredibly knowledgeable and talented and expects the same of his team. I consider Dr. Hoffman to be a true healer.


Dr Hoffman saved my quality of life if not my life. He looks at your entire body to figure out how to heal you. June 10, 2017 I was bit by a tick and Lyme had taken my brain and body. I got to him Aug 23 and by mid September my brain was back and my pain greatly reduced. On a daily basis care is adjusted to each individual based on their needs and bodies response to the care. So much time and effort put into each patient. I can't say enough good about Dr Hoffman and his staff. He puts in so many hrs before appointments and after not caring about the time it takes as long as he helps his patients. I just keep improving daily and wouldn't trust any other doctor with my life again. In the end cost has little impact compared to quality of life. Well worth the money spent I just wish the medical system would wake up and be this all encompassing and compassionate to health as he is.


Dr Hoffman has completely turned my life around. I can now walk with no pain, I've lost 65 lbs, and I have my energy back! He treats our entire family, and we all feel amazing. I would never go back to how I was living before, being healthy is so much better!!


Best page on integrative medicine on the planet! Up to date, well researched, informative.


A year ago I was in very sad shape. In fact, I thought that I was dying. I had been in poor health for most of my life, and had tried various diet, supplement and exercise regimes. However, in my retirement, my health seemed to worsen. A year ago, I decided to consult with Dr. Bruce Hoffman of The Hoffman Centre for Integrative Medicine, and it turned out to be the best decision I ever made. I left the initial consult meeting with so much hope, as I felt that Dr. Hoffman really understood the issues and possible underlying causes. After extensive testing, which confirmed Dr. Hoffman’s suspicions, he prescribed a treatment plan. I have been following this treatment for a year, and am now starting to see an amazing improvement. I have much more energy, am able to sleep better, and people have complimented me on how good I look. I am so grateful to Dr. Hoffman for helping me realize my dream of good health. I look forward to a healthy retirement and a second chance at life. I will be forever grateful.


what do you know about endometriosis????? I've had it since I was 15. The pain gets worse and symptoms as I get older. I'll BE 47 in February. please help bring awareness to this dis- ease!


My name is M-C, I am a Holistic Nutritional Consultant (owner Gutsy Nutrition), and for almost a year now, I have had the pleasure and privilege of working with Dr Bruce Hoffman at The Hoffman Centre for Integrative Medicine.

I have always had a passion for natural health, holistic nutrition & integrative healing. I also always believed that to really heal, we must address our diet, lifestyle and beliefs, and that we must find the triggers and the real root causes of our health concerns.

Traditional medicine (which is also necessary, as needed) likes to give our health concerns a name, a diagnosis, and then to “give it a Band-Aid”, a prescription drug, to appease the symptoms. But without addressing the root causes, we just get sicker as time goes by. It has nothing to do with: “oh, you are just getting older, these things happen”.

Poor digestion, food sensitivities, inadequate nutrition, antioxidant deficiencies, a toxic environment, inherited genetic weaknesses, imbalanced lifestyle, hormonal imbalances, all contribute to unhealthy gut microbiome and to our toxic burden. Eventually, the bucket overflows, we feel the symptoms of toxicity and malnutrition and we get “dis-eased”.

After all, health starts at the cellular level. Toxicity interferes with health by preventing the normal bodily functions of assimilation, circulation and elimination.

In Functional and Integrative medicine, intensive and in-depth testing is necessary to investigate all the possible root causes, toxicity and imbalances that are at the base of our ill-health, our health concerns. You cannot treat what you cannot measure. Every body is biochemically unique. Functional lab tests, lengthy questionnaires, in-office exams, and extensive discussion about our case and family history are a must to discover where the root causes may lie, and how to institute the personalized treatment protocols accordingly.

I have great admiration & respect for Dr Hoffman’s expertise, extensive knowledge, and his compassionate and conscientious approach to healing for his patients.

I also highly admire his continuous and persistent approach (very persistent) for further research in state-of-the-art treatments, or unheard of and exceptional supplements that could assist his patients further in their health goal. He leaves no stone unturned and he will search high and low for the optimal in your health care and his approach to healing you. Marie-Claude/GutsyNutrition


My husband had been sick for about 8 years. He had complaints of pain/numbness on right side of face. He was caught between the ENT & Dentist. Constant sinus infections. He had 3 Root Canals as well.

Right before we had found Dr. Hoffman, we had been to so many doctors and Emerg as his pain was 9/10 all the time. He was losing his memory, left side of face numb and losing sight on right eye. His GP told him it was Phantom pain and to never come back again. If he did, his nurse was told to not give him an appt!!!

Dr. Hoffmans nurse gave him an appt immediately.

Dr. Hoffman went through every sheet of the extensive sheets my husband filled out. THREE days later Dr. Hoffman found out what was wrong.

To this day, still thankful


I wanted to send a message to say a huge thank to Dr Hoffman for educating me and empowering me many years ago. I had the confidence to not vaccinate my children and consider a delayed schedule which I now know will be to move forward with caution. Thanks for inspiring your patients to take responsibility for their health.


I want to say thank you to the Hoffman Centre for taking great care of my friend Susie Patterson . You people ROCK ����������.


I started seeing Dr. Hoffman in the spring of 2015. It is now almost 2017. I have my life back. I am hopeful and optimistic for the future and I know my health and future is in MY hands thanks to choosing Dr. Hoffman to be my partner in my health.

I suffered through horrible digestive problems no matter what I ate, very low energy to the point I could barely get out of bed, poor sleep, low immunity, random nerve pain, stubborn weight gain, foggy brain, and more, all of which affected my ability to work and live a normal life. When I would get sick I was sick for a month and could not recover from a simple cold. I was SO VERY TIRED and sick.

Conventional doctors (who do have their place), did not help me. I wanted my hormones tested as well. With a fight, I finally got the testing but I was told there was nothing wrong with me and I should change my attitude.

I was dismissed was mocked for trying to resolve my issues with diet and lifestyle.

Unhappy with that, I researched more. I started seeing a naturopath then a homeopath who did help, but only very slowly and marginally with a wait-and-see approach by doing one test at a time, which I didn't have time for: I want to eventually be healthy enough to have a child, and I didn't know what hormonal issues I had. I needed know what was wrong with me yesterday.

I found Dr. Hoffman though the IFM.

Finally someone believed me, wanted to test me PROPERLY, understood nutrition, praised me for all the research I had done on my own, not mocked me by warning me against the dangerous advice of "Dr. Google". He doesn't push any beliefs, he TESTS first, and will never make any recommendations before testing to see what YOUR individual needs are.

Gut, functioning, inflammatory markers, nutritional, antioxidant deficiencies, improper functioning, blood markers, entire hormonal system, stress levels, environmental factors, heavy metals, brain patterning, which is addressed with bio/neuro feedback training of the parasympathetic nervous system.

He is like Dr. House - he WILL figure out your big health mysteries. He actually cares about his patients, taking files home to research and study.

He spends his own time and money to go to conferences around the world by international experts on the leading edge of medicine. He is beyond just a doctor. He's generalized, specialized and fully integrated in so many things, he's like going to several specialists without referrals or waiting months for answer, or hoping that these specialists would have a meeting about you and just talk to each other. There's no wasting time going to several doctors hoping for progress. Time is something we can not get back and he never wasted mine.

He got to the root of the CAUSES of what happened to me. Dr. Hoffman does't just give you a one time solution until the next time - he will give you the answer for all your life. I can speak with confidence about health issues. Now I actually know how to heal myself now and don't have to be reliant on Dr. Hoffman as I was in the beginning.

Your homework he gives you is the easy part - because the hard work is done more than 16 hours a day in the brilliant mind of Dr. Hoffman, who unravels your health mysteries and gives you a chance to live to the fullest again and get your energy back like when you were young.

None of my healing could be done without me realizing that IT'S ME who is in control of my health, IT'S ME who is the CEO of my body and future and I wisely chose an excellent doctor who understands that this is a partnership and an investment - and there is no greater investment than in your health. It's not fair that provincial health won't cover this, but there's no time to waste complaining about it. Because you can't get time back and they won't do anything about it in our lifetimes. This is clinic is pioneering in medicine. And because your money making potential is unlimited, it's always there and only limited by your choices about your life and health. I have hope our children will have this kind of medicine covered but for now it's up to us and it's Dr. Hoffman who is making my ability to have children possible by fixing the hormones to have them naturally, and my energy levels to run after them. Now I will not have to spend money on fertility treatments or procedures and still have a sick body. Now because of him I get the whole future opening up for me. That's priceless to me.

He was and is still worth every dollar and minute I spent there, and will never ever see a conventional doctor without functional medicine certification from IFM. Thank you Dr. Hoffman!!!

A quick note about the staff - they are truly amazing! All of them. All the nurses, all the front house team, the clinic manager, and Brain Treatment Centre shout out to the very competent Corey and Liz!

With all my gratitude, (and that of my husband and future children)



I have to say, that this is a great clinic, because when I was really sick in the 8th grade, I went there to get IV's I felt really good, I also started some brain mapping there as well. I also like the environment there, and my dad is so much more healthy now.


I give Dr. Hoffman and his staff so much credit for positive change in my mental health, and my life in general. This team is willing to change anyone's life, as long as they want the change. Recommend to everyone and anyone!


I find these Facebook posts informative and rich with relevant details. Dr Hoffman’s 7 Stages to Health and Transformation approach is highly original and quite different from what is normally available under either alternative medicine or the traditional health care system. As a personal trainer, I often use what he posts to inform myself and my clients as to best practices. Excellent resource!


I am so delighted to have joined this page.The posts are interesting and informative as well as relevant and up to date.Thanks Dr Hoffman for always providing a fascinating and helpful read


Having struggled with a painful and 'mysterious' digestive disorder for over 17 years, Dr. Hoffman was able to do what no other health practitioner could. And there were plenty of them. In an attempt to figure out why I couldn't eat, my journey spanned two countries, 8 cities and more appointments than I care to count. No one could find anything wrong with me. I was given the ever-popular diagnosis of IBS and happily offered prescriptions and anti-anxiety medication, which I think was more about absolving their frustration of than anything else.

Because of Dr. Hoffman I now know what I am dealing with and have never been more hopeful about my heath and my future. He is undeniably committed to his patients and his compassion is incomparable. He is diligent, thorough and dedicated to his profession. I fear to think where I'd be without him. I have referred both my parents and many other friends and family members to the Hoffman Centre for Integrative Medicine. He is a gift to our community.


Have you seen "Bruce Almighty" movie? Well, this Bruce is a real Bruce Almighty!


Great advice and an easy to navigate website and facebook page


Dr. Hoffman has done more for me in one appointment than any other doctor has in 3 years; this includes the mayo clinic. I shared his newest mcas article and it exploded in our mcas group, I have a feeling he is now going to be very busy.

Thank you for giving me and thousands of other 'masties' hope.

I am so excited to start the journey to health with the Hoffman clinic!!


Dr. Hoffman has always been an incredible support. He is thorough and detailed and will go to every effort to ensure that not only are your concerns addressed but diagnosed and treated. I consider him to be a specialist and his holistic approach is truly the way medicine should be undertaken. He is incredibly knowledgeable and talented and expects the same of his team. I consider Dr. Hoffman to be a true healer.


Dr Hoffman saved my quality of life if not my life. He looks at your entire body to figure out how to heal you. June 10, 2017 I was bit by a tick and Lyme had taken my brain and body. I got to him Aug 23 and by mid September my brain was back and my pain greatly reduced. On a daily basis care is adjusted to each individual based on their needs and bodies response to the care. So much time and effort put into each patient. I can't say enough good about Dr Hoffman and his staff. He puts in so many hrs before appointments and after not caring about the time it takes as long as he helps his patients. I just keep improving daily and wouldn't trust any other doctor with my life again. In the end cost has little impact compared to quality of life. Well worth the money spent I just wish the medical system would wake up and be this all encompassing and compassionate to health as he is.


Dr Hoffman has completely turned my life around. I can now walk with no pain, I've lost 65 lbs, and I have my energy back! He treats our entire family, and we all feel amazing. I would never go back to how I was living before, being healthy is so much better!!


Best page on integrative medicine on the planet! Up to date, well researched, informative.


A year ago I was in very sad shape. In fact, I thought that I was dying. I had been in poor health for most of my life, and had tried various diet, supplement and exercise regimes. However, in my retirement, my health seemed to worsen. A year ago, I decided to consult with Dr. Bruce Hoffman of The Hoffman Centre for Integrative Medicine, and it turned out to be the best decision I ever made. I left the initial consult meeting with so much hope, as I felt that Dr. Hoffman really understood the issues and possible underlying causes. After extensive testing, which confirmed Dr. Hoffman’s suspicions, he prescribed a treatment plan. I have been following this treatment for a year, and am now starting to see an amazing improvement. I have much more energy, am able to sleep better, and people have complimented me on how good I look. I am so grateful to Dr. Hoffman for helping me realize my dream of good health. I look forward to a healthy retirement and a second chance at life. I will be forever grateful.


what do you know about endometriosis????? I've had it since I was 15. The pain gets worse and symptoms as I get older. I'll BE 47 in February. please help bring awareness to this dis- ease!


My name is M-C, I am a Holistic Nutritional Consultant (owner Gutsy Nutrition), and for almost a year now, I have had the pleasure and privilege of working with Dr Bruce Hoffman at The Hoffman Centre for Integrative Medicine.

I have always had a passion for natural health, holistic nutrition & integrative healing. I also always believed that to really heal, we must address our diet, lifestyle and beliefs, and that we must find the triggers and the real root causes of our health concerns.

Traditional medicine (which is also necessary, as needed) likes to give our health concerns a name, a diagnosis, and then to “give it a Band-Aid”, a prescription drug, to appease the symptoms. But without addressing the root causes, we just get sicker as time goes by. It has nothing to do with: “oh, you are just getting older, these things happen”.

Poor digestion, food sensitivities, inadequate nutrition, antioxidant deficiencies, a toxic environment, inherited genetic weaknesses, imbalanced lifestyle, hormonal imbalances, all contribute to unhealthy gut microbiome and to our toxic burden. Eventually, the bucket overflows, we feel the symptoms of toxicity and malnutrition and we get “dis-eased”.

After all, health starts at the cellular level. Toxicity interferes with health by preventing the normal bodily functions of assimilation, circulation and elimination.

In Functional and Integrative medicine, intensive and in-depth testing is necessary to investigate all the possible root causes, toxicity and imbalances that are at the base of our ill-health, our health concerns. You cannot treat what you cannot measure. Every body is biochemically unique. Functional lab tests, lengthy questionnaires, in-office exams, and extensive discussion about our case and family history are a must to discover where the root causes may lie, and how to institute the personalized treatment protocols accordingly.

I have great admiration & respect for Dr Hoffman’s expertise, extensive knowledge, and his compassionate and conscientious approach to healing for his patients.

I also highly admire his continuous and persistent approach (very persistent) for further research in state-of-the-art treatments, or unheard of and exceptional supplements that could assist his patients further in their health goal. He leaves no stone unturned and he will search high and low for the optimal in your health care and his approach to healing you. Marie-Claude/GutsyNutrition


My husband had been sick for about 8 years. He had complaints of pain/numbness on right side of face. He was caught between the ENT & Dentist. Constant sinus infections. He had 3 Root Canals as well.

Right before we had found Dr. Hoffman, we had been to so many doctors and Emerg as his pain was 9/10 all the time. He was losing his memory, left side of face numb and losing sight on right eye. His GP told him it was Phantom pain and to never come back again. If he did, his nurse was told to not give him an appt!!!

Dr. Hoffmans nurse gave him an appt immediately.

Dr. Hoffman went through every sheet of the extensive sheets my husband filled out. THREE days later Dr. Hoffman found out what was wrong.

To this day, still thankful


I wanted to send a message to say a huge thank to Dr Hoffman for educating me and empowering me many years ago. I had the confidence to not vaccinate my children and consider a delayed schedule which I now know will be to move forward with caution. Thanks for inspiring your patients to take responsibility for their health.


I want to say thank you to the Hoffman Centre for taking great care of my friend Susie Patterson . You people ROCK ����������.


I started seeing Dr. Hoffman in the spring of 2015. It is now almost 2017. I have my life back. I am hopeful and optimistic for the future and I know my health and future is in MY hands thanks to choosing Dr. Hoffman to be my partner in my health.

I suffered through horrible digestive problems no matter what I ate, very low energy to the point I could barely get out of bed, poor sleep, low immunity, random nerve pain, stubborn weight gain, foggy brain, and more, all of which affected my ability to work and live a normal life. When I would get sick I was sick for a month and could not recover from a simple cold. I was SO VERY TIRED and sick.

Conventional doctors (who do have their place), did not help me. I wanted my hormones tested as well. With a fight, I finally got the testing but I was told there was nothing wrong with me and I should change my attitude.

I was dismissed was mocked for trying to resolve my issues with diet and lifestyle.

Unhappy with that, I researched more. I started seeing a naturopath then a homeopath who did help, but only very slowly and marginally with a wait-and-see approach by doing one test at a time, which I didn't have time for: I want to eventually be healthy enough to have a child, and I didn't know what hormonal issues I had. I needed know what was wrong with me yesterday.

I found Dr. Hoffman though the IFM.

Finally someone believed me, wanted to test me PROPERLY, understood nutrition, praised me for all the research I had done on my own, not mocked me by warning me against the dangerous advice of "Dr. Google". He doesn't push any beliefs, he TESTS first, and will never make any recommendations before testing to see what YOUR individual needs are.

Gut, functioning, inflammatory markers, nutritional, antioxidant deficiencies, improper functioning, blood markers, entire hormonal system, stress levels, environmental factors, heavy metals, brain patterning, which is addressed with bio/neuro feedback training of the parasympathetic nervous system.

He is like Dr. House - he WILL figure out your big health mysteries. He actually cares about his patients, taking files home to research and study.

He spends his own time and money to go to conferences around the world by international experts on the leading edge of medicine. He is beyond just a doctor. He's generalized, specialized and fully integrated in so many things, he's like going to several specialists without referrals or waiting months for answer, or hoping that these specialists would have a meeting about you and just talk to each other. There's no wasting time going to several doctors hoping for progress. Time is something we can not get back and he never wasted mine.

He got to the root of the CAUSES of what happened to me. Dr. Hoffman does't just give you a one time solution until the next time - he will give you the answer for all your life. I can speak with confidence about health issues. Now I actually know how to heal myself now and don't have to be reliant on Dr. Hoffman as I was in the beginning.

Your homework he gives you is the easy part - because the hard work is done more than 16 hours a day in the brilliant mind of Dr. Hoffman, who unravels your health mysteries and gives you a chance to live to the fullest again and get your energy back like when you were young.

None of my healing could be done without me realizing that IT'S ME who is in control of my health, IT'S ME who is the CEO of my body and future and I wisely chose an excellent doctor who understands that this is a partnership and an investment - and there is no greater investment than in your health. It's not fair that provincial health won't cover this, but there's no time to waste complaining about it. Because you can't get time back and they won't do anything about it in our lifetimes. This is clinic is pioneering in medicine. And because your money making potential is unlimited, it's always there and only limited by your choices about your life and health. I have hope our children will have this kind of medicine covered but for now it's up to us and it's Dr. Hoffman who is making my ability to have children possible by fixing the hormones to have them naturally, and my energy levels to run after them. Now I will not have to spend money on fertility treatments or procedures and still have a sick body. Now because of him I get the whole future opening up for me. That's priceless to me.

He was and is still worth every dollar and minute I spent there, and will never ever see a conventional doctor without functional medicine certification from IFM. Thank you Dr. Hoffman!!!

A quick note about the staff - they are truly amazing! All of them. All the nurses, all the front house team, the clinic manager, and Brain Treatment Centre shout out to the very competent Corey and Liz!

With all my gratitude, (and that of my husband and future children)



I have to say, that this is a great clinic, because when I was really sick in the 8th grade, I went there to get IV's I felt really good, I also started some brain mapping there as well. I also like the environment there, and my dad is so much more healthy now.


I give Dr. Hoffman and his staff so much credit for positive change in my mental health, and my life in general. This team is willing to change anyone's life, as long as they want the change. Recommend to everyone and anyone!


I find these Facebook posts informative and rich with relevant details. Dr Hoffman’s 7 Stages to Health and Transformation approach is highly original and quite different from what is normally available under either alternative medicine or the traditional health care system. As a personal trainer, I often use what he posts to inform myself and my clients as to best practices. Excellent resource!


I am so delighted to have joined this page.The posts are interesting and informative as well as relevant and up to date.Thanks Dr Hoffman for always providing a fascinating and helpful read


Having struggled with a painful and 'mysterious' digestive disorder for over 17 years, Dr. Hoffman was able to do what no other health practitioner could. And there were plenty of them. In an attempt to figure out why I couldn't eat, my journey spanned two countries, 8 cities and more appointments than I care to count. No one could find anything wrong with me. I was given the ever-popular diagnosis of IBS and happily offered prescriptions and anti-anxiety medication, which I think was more about absolving their frustration of than anything else.

Because of Dr. Hoffman I now know what I am dealing with and have never been more hopeful about my heath and my future. He is undeniably committed to his patients and his compassion is incomparable. He is diligent, thorough and dedicated to his profession. I fear to think where I'd be without him. I have referred both my parents and many other friends and family members to the Hoffman Centre for Integrative Medicine. He is a gift to our community.


Have you seen "Bruce Almighty" movie? Well, this Bruce is a real Bruce Almighty!


Great advice and an easy to navigate website and facebook page


Dr. Hoffman has done more for me in one appointment than any other doctor has in 3 years; this includes the mayo clinic. I shared his newest mcas article and it exploded in our mcas group, I have a feeling he is now going to be very busy.

Thank you for giving me and thousands of other 'masties' hope.

I am so excited to start the journey to health with the Hoffman clinic!!


Dr. Hoffman has always been an incredible support. He is thorough and detailed and will go to every effort to ensure that not only are your concerns addressed but diagnosed and treated. I consider him to be a specialist and his holistic approach is truly the way medicine should be undertaken. He is incredibly knowledgeable and talented and expects the same of his team. I consider Dr. Hoffman to be a true healer.


Dr Hoffman saved my quality of life if not my life. He looks at your entire body to figure out how to heal you. June 10, 2017 I was bit by a tick and Lyme had taken my brain and body. I got to him Aug 23 and by mid September my brain was back and my pain greatly reduced. On a daily basis care is adjusted to each individual based on their needs and bodies response to the care. So much time and effort put into each patient. I can't say enough good about Dr Hoffman and his staff. He puts in so many hrs before appointments and after not caring about the time it takes as long as he helps his patients. I just keep improving daily and wouldn't trust any other doctor with my life again. In the end cost has little impact compared to quality of life. Well worth the money spent I just wish the medical system would wake up and be this all encompassing and compassionate to health as he is.


Dr Hoffman has completely turned my life around. I can now walk with no pain, I've lost 65 lbs, and I have my energy back! He treats our entire family, and we all feel amazing. I would never go back to how I was living before, being healthy is so much better!!


Best page on integrative medicine on the planet! Up to date, well researched, informative.


A year ago I was in very sad shape. In fact, I thought that I was dying. I had been in poor health for most of my life, and had tried various diet, supplement and exercise regimes. However, in my retirement, my health seemed to worsen. A year ago, I decided to consult with Dr. Bruce Hoffman of The Hoffman Centre for Integrative Medicine, and it turned out to be the best decision I ever made. I left the initial consult meeting with so much hope, as I felt that Dr. Hoffman really understood the issues and possible underlying causes. After extensive testing, which confirmed Dr. Hoffman’s suspicions, he prescribed a treatment plan. I have been following this treatment for a year, and am now starting to see an amazing improvement. I have much more energy, am able to sleep better, and people have complimented me on how good I look. I am so grateful to Dr. Hoffman for helping me realize my dream of good health. I look forward to a healthy retirement and a second chance at life. I will be forever grateful.


what do you know about endometriosis????? I've had it since I was 15. The pain gets worse and symptoms as I get older. I'll BE 47 in February. please help bring awareness to this dis- ease!

More about The Hoffman Centre For Integrative Medicine

The Hoffman Centre For Integrative Medicine is located at 1133-17 Avenue NW, Calgary, Alberta T2M 0P7
(403) 206-2333
Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
Friday: 08:00 - 16:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -