The Lennonade Stand

About The Lennonade Stand

Handmade crafts inspired by my little daughter, Lennon.

The Lennonade Stand Description

Hello & Welcome!

Before my daughter Lennon was born, and before I even knew we were having a girl, I saw and bought her some adorable bows. . . just in case.

I enjoy crafting, cooking, anything that makes me feel creative - and I LOVE having Lennon around to share that with now too!

As Lennon's bow collection grew, I became inspired and enlisted the help of my own mama, Kandy (who will forever be my creative inspiration and the person I aspire to most be like), to help me develop a style and method for fashioning some of my own.

This creative outlet, time with my Mom and my baby, has been so satisfying and made my heart feel so full that now I want to share it with you! (Before Lennon ends up with more bows than she could ever wear in a lifetime. . . Ha! ).

I have a few styles available and daydreams of future projects to come! Thank you for taking the time to have a look around, and the opportunity for me to create for you!

More about The Lennonade Stand

The Lennonade Stand is located at 1, Lacombe, Alberta T0C OJ0