The Meraki Element

About The Meraki Element

Refinishing furniture by revealing the personality in each piece, giving new life to items that would otherwise end up in landfills.

The Meraki Element Description

‘Meraki’: To do something with soul, creativity or love, leaving a piece of yourself in what you are doing.

Welcome to The Meraki Element - I'm so glad you decided to stop by! Grab a drink and make yourself at home - we are about to go on a decor adventure together! !

This site and these pieces are the result of my need to find an outlet to contribute to my community, make a positive impact in my little corner of the world, find an artistic outlet, help the environment, donate to a worthy cause & start my own business. You have no idea how super stoked I am that I was able to find one endeavor that could achieve all those things, because let's face it - that's a substantial list and I get kind of overwhelmed just reading it!

With each piece that I refinish I put care, detail and personality into it, amplifying the character of the piece and adding special touches to truly make it one of a kind. This is not about mass production. This is about creating a refinished piece that I am proud to put my name on as well as provide an option for you to have furniture in your home that is completely original. My goal is to eventually make this my full time gig.

So with all that said, I hope you enjoy what you see and possibly find a one of a kind Meraki Element that you would like for your home. I appreciate your time and I hope you have an awesome day! !

*PLEASE NOTE: With each purchase, I will be donating a portion of the profit to a cause that is near and dear to my heart: The Calgary SPCA.

More about The Meraki Element

The Meraki Element is located at Cranston, Calgary, Alberta