The Newah

About The Newah

This group has been formed to protect, promote and preserve language, culture and heritage of “Newah” society in the greater Calgary.

The Newah Description

“The Newah” of Calgary:

A country is represented by its people. Their language, culture and heritage become the identity of that country which should be treated as the priceless property. They need to be preserved and protected so that they can be transferred to future generations. Nepal is home to many ethnic groups with their own languages and rich cultural heritages. It should be the obligation of the country and people of Nepal to protect and preserve these languages and cultural heritages.

Among different cultures found in Nepal, “Newah Culture” has been one of the most prominent cultures. The Newah is one of the most cultured ethnic groups and the earlier inhabitants in Nepal. Among the various ethnic sub-groups within “Newah Culture”, some shared common factors are the “Newari” language, different festivals commonly celebrated and some traditions commonly followed. Due to intermixing of populations and internationalization, many language and cultures of minority groups are gradually disappearing in the world. Newari language and culture are also going through this fate. In this context, the concerned people realize that efforts need to be made to our full capacity if we don’t want to let this happen in the long run. Therefore this group has been formed to protect, promote and preserve language, culture and heritage of “Newah” society and transfer them to the future generations in the greater Calgary.